THE Ginger Treatment

I do not know where this treatment comes from,possibly simply my own experimentation, but suffice it to say that because of it I cannot remember the last time I missed a day of work or of play for that matter because of a viral illness-all due to this treatment and the Mercy of our Lord of course.So here it is…

Take two cups of water and a bit more for what evaporates from it.Put it in a pot on a high setting on your stove top.Take some whole ginger branches bought from the local grocery store and start grating it over the heating water with the same grater you use for cheese or potatoes.By the time the water is at the boiling point the surface will be covered with the saw-dust like ginger. At the point of boiling ,it is ready.It will b urn a bit at the back of the throat.If it burns on the  tongue you have made it too strong.Most people ,however,make it too weak.

Then strain out the ginger residue and pour the liquid  into two hot water mugs and begin drinking.You can add honey and or lemon for taste but it is not necessary for the effect. If you are anything like me,by the time you have finished a half of the first cup you are already feeling better.

The best time to do this is as you are just beginning to feel the flu coming on.If you start it 24 hours later,you will recover more quickly but you will still be sick fore awhile.Good health to you all.

And you are welcome to share your experience with us via a comment on this blog.Salaams,Ibrahim

PS I am not sure of the safety of this for pregnant mothers so I would avoid it in that circumstance unless your obstetrician says it’s ok.

7 thoughts on “THE Ginger Treatment”

  1. Alhumdullilah…i also put black tea and honey in it cos the caffeine gives me a boost and the honey coats my throat.

    1. Your prescribed ginger remedy helped me sweat out the toxins in my body, when I have cold/flu. It was also helpful for setting upset stomach!
      Than you!

  2. Assalamu ‘alaikum,

    Is it possible to eat too much ginger. I add a lot of ginger to my vegetable soup when I am making it. People who I shared the soup say ‘there is too much ginger that may hurt you’. I admit it is too hot but I can handle it.

    wa salam,

    1. One of my first patients almost died from too much water! So theoretically,the answer is yes but I have never had any side effects from my ginger tea although I make it very strong.

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