Judgment vs. Discernment

As Westerners,most of us were raised with the Christian slogan “Judge not,that ye be not judged” Matthew7:1 as a basic teaching of Jesus.This concept has echoed throughout history so that even nowadays we hear people saying “Don’t be so judgmental” as if this was an obvious truth.

In Islam, as well we are taught by the scholars to have a good opinion of people( Husn Al Thann) although most of the textual evidence actually refers to having a good opinion of our Lord rather than of humanity.Also we are told to make 70 excuses for our brother or sister if we see them doing wrong although this is not really an authentic hadith.On the other hand, at the same time, we are encouraged in the Quran to practice “amr bil maroof and nehi al munkar”(enjoin the good and prevent evil).How can we possibly do that if we don’t acknowledge and state to others the good and evil of their actions.So,this is a much more problematic question than meets the eye at first glance!

If we go back to the Biblical references to start with we have in Genesis of the Old Testament Adam and Eve being forbidden to eat the fruit of a particular tree.This fruit is from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.The punishment for this act was being exiled from the heavens and sent down to earth!

If we reflect on this story ,which is very deep indeed ,what can we understand?This is what I would propose as an explanation.1) That having ideas about good and evil is inconsistent with being in the heavens.Makes sense ,no?There is only positivity,light and love in the heavens.No need for judgment,no need for discernment.

Now,what about the Earth-plane? It appears that discerning good and evil is fundamental to existence on this plane! Is that not your experience?!Common sense,no? How can we possibly manage our lives in this world without being able to discriminate between the two? Ever known people who are too unaware or too naive to make those judgments lol?Ever noticed all the trouble they get into ?!

So how do we resolve this apparent contradiction- between being forbidden to judge and needing to judge in order to survive?!Let me propose a potential solution.It has to do with the difference between discernment (‘furqan’ in Arabic- also one of the names of the Quran ‘Al Furqan” so it can’t be bad) .Discernment is necessary.Judgment may be optional .

And what is the difference between the two.”Aye,there’s the rub” (That’s Shakespeare.Let’s bring in some secular wisdom as well lol).This is how I see it.With discernment,you can see clearly the difference between good and evil.But at the same time you don’t denounce the evil.You take note of it and you manage it,you try to inoculate yourself against it,you detoxify it, you mitigate it-call  it what you will..But you don’t denounce it because it,too,is from God.One of the recitations we did with the BaAlawi people of Yemen  said “Al Khair wa shaar fi mashiat Illah” Both good and evil are from the will of Allah.Sorry for the moralists amongst you but that is the reality.Evil has it’s purposes!We need to confront it without denying it.

So every time you come in touch with evil,remind yourself that it too is purposeful.It might be designed as a test,it might be there to teach you something,it might purify you and raise your rank.But it needs to be there for this life’s  purpose to be realized.And when you get to the other side you will know why!

Now ,one of the main practical aspects here is how to manage this evil- or this ignorance or this untruth(‘batil’ in Arabic). The first step is not to deny it!That just makes matters worse.The second step is to develop discernment and use use your wisdom .This is no easy matter.It requires a life-time and more.Our parents should be our first teachers but,in all honesty,most of them,caught up in their social conditioning ,daily worries and unresolved conflicts and desires,are woefully inadequate on this score!

So we have to seek out teachers of various sorts.Sometimes ,if we are lucky,we may meet them in our daily lives and during our professional training but most of the time,we need to seek them out.And that is a whole other subject and many go awry on that path.It’s somewhat like a Catch-22! You need discernment  to find a wise teacher so if you don’t have it to start with,how can you possibly get there?! The answer is the Mercy of Allah who will grant you this great ‘niamat'(gift) of a wise mentor if you are sincere and worthy.May you all be granted this Mercy. Without it, life can easily become a shipwreck! Salaams,Ibrahim

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