Climate Change Update

Climate Change- “The Fear Porn” Persists”
As we watch , in horror, the wildfires in Yosemite National Park and British Columbia, the record heat in Great Britain and the heat waves in Spain and Portugal, it is easy to feel desperate and overwhelmed. That is exactly what the media and the government want! The media love it because it is spectacular and makes for good ratings and the government loves it because it allows them to have more control over the population. But what is the reality?! Is it as dire as they claim?! Are we all doomed to perdition as the powers to be would like us to believe?! And perhaps most important of all “Are all these perturbations man-made?!”
Good news! More and more people are beginning to question the official narrative. There have always been dissenting voices like Henrik Svensmark, the astrophysicist from Denmark who believes climate change has more to do with Cosmic Rays and Nir Shaviv , physicist from Israel, who points out that the geological record indicates that climate has been changing up and down since the beginning of the Earth’s existence! Often changes more extreme than those we are currently experiencing. Then there is David Collum all-purpose intellectual lol from Columbia who writes an annual report for the Peak Prosperity website. These people have been questioning the narrative for a long time!
But recently two important books have come out that turn the entire narrative upside down. The first is called “Unsettled” by Steven Koonin. Dr. Koonin was a professor of theoretical physics at Caltech-one of the leading engineering schools in the country and then went on to become Undersecretary of Science in the Obama administration. So we are not talking about lightweights and conspiracy theorists here. We are talking about credible scientists who are willing to step out of their professional bubbles and echo-chambers and say ”One moment ,here! The science is by no means settled”. In fact science is never settled. There is no such thing as consensus in science. It is always being debated and always moving forward! “Consensus” is a political concept not a scientific one!.
Dr. Koonin’s book is certainly valid and well thought-out. But it is too cautious and overly-detailed to be of use to most laymen.

So the book I would like to focus on is that by the geologist Gregory Wrightstone. called “Inconvenient Facts” IMHO equally authoritative to the other scientists previously mentioned but more succinct and to the point. All of his points are derived from credible scientific and institutional sources. I will organize them in bullet-point fashion to make it as user-friendly as possible
Carbon Dioxide is NOT the primary greenhouse gas. Water vapour is. It determines 60-90 % of the greenhouse effect!
• CO2 is absolutely necessary for plant growth. Its reduction is much more dangerous than its increase!
• Our current geological period has the lowest CO2 levels in the history of the Earth.
Michael Mann’s hockey-stick graph so promoted by Al Gore’s documentaries is bogus! ”We now know that the hockey-stick is fraudulent” Dr. Micheal Fox, Professor of Chemistry at Idaho State University. ”Michael Mann’s hockey stick has indeed been substantially discredited” Dr. Hamish Campbell ,New Zealand Institute of Geological and Nuclear Sciences.
• The Medieval Warming period (1000-1400 A.D). reached temperatures considerably higher than present days!
• The current warming trend began in the mid-!7th century at least 200 years before any contribution of man to the carbon imprint!
• Temperatures have been changing for 800,000 years! The periods of glaciation last for 70,000- 125,000 years. The interglacial warming periods last for 10-15,000 years. We are currently 11,000 years into an interglacial ;period. We could enter an ice Age at any point. And that would be far more catastrophic than any warming trend.(I have heard Dr. Svensmark say the same thing as well as other scientists who have been denounced for pointing these things out!)
• The last interglacial period(about 120,000 years ago ) was 8 degrees C warmer than currently. The polar bears survived and the Greenland ice cap was only reduced by 25%)
• For 6,100 of the last 10,000 years, it was warmer than today!
• For most of the Earth’s history it was 10 degrees C warmer than today!
The 97 % consensus of scientists mentioned by John Cook in his 2013 article entitled “Quantifying the consensus on anthropogenic global warming in the scientific literature” is bogus and fraudulent. He manipulated and misrepresented the data to further his climate activism. David Legates in a 2015 paper in Science Education reviewed the data and came to the conclusion that only 0.3% of the abstracts endorsed man-made global warming as they defined it.From 97% to 0.3% ?! If anyone still believes in scientific objectivity they need to seriously re-examine their convictions lol,.
• The Earth over the last 25 years has been growing greener! 25-50% of the Earth’s surface has been showing significant greening while only 4% has been browning This according to NASA satellite data!
• Hurricane frequency has been declining for 250 years!
• There are more polar bears now than we have had for 50 years! And they are thriving-even in areas where the ice is diminishing!
• Antartica has 90% of the worlds land-based ice mass. Most of the continent is cooling and its ice-mass is increasing!(bet you never heard that one lol)
• And so much more…..Have a look at the book ”Inconvenient Facts” for more information and supporting data
• So what is happening? How could this be?! We are being manipulated on so many levels. Just like the ever-oft repeated mantra “Vaccines are safe and effective” about the Covid vaccine. The other mantra we hear is “Climate change is due to man-made effects from burning fossil fuels’. I don’t beiieve that any more! I consider it fear-mongering and the policies it is engendering by governments are largely counter-productive and harmful.
• Personally, I do believe we are experiencing climate change. But it is mostly a natural occurrence due to the change in the energy of the sun! And ultimately due to our Lord.It is human hubris, yes pride, to believe we can be so powerful! What to do?!Get right with your Lord.He will take care of it if you do.! There is absolutely no way our governments are going to solve this problem! Especially when they are working with the wrong diagnosis?!


3 thoughts on “Climate Change Update”

  1. MashaAllah, WOW! Love this article. And now what they’re saying about reducing toxic fertilizers… They’re causing the same global food crisis that they’re trying to warn people of! The amount of dishonesty in the political sphere is through the roof.

  2. Bravo Shaykh Ibrahim!
    Well said. I’ll have a look at the book you mentioned, insha’Allah.
    Also, don’t overlook the toxic effects of geoengineering spraying of our skies, as well as the 5G soup we are all swimming in. You might also enjoy “The Invisible Rainbow” by Arthur Firstenburg.

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