Year in Review-2023

The Year in Review-2023

   Problems of the Year

To paraphrase a famous quote from Winston Churchill lol:”Never in the history of human endeavour have so many been lied to by so many others for the benefit of so few”. Really! In all my years of existence (that’s now 77!) I have never seen so much lying! Whether we call it “spinning” or “cherry-picking” or” minimizing” or “denying” or “covering up”, the mendacity is literally through the roof. My principal Sheikh-Sheikh Nazim Haqqani- told us about it in the 1980’s! He put it in spiritual terms. ”We are now under the hegemony of the shaytan” he said. I couldn’t believe his Turkenglish included the word “hegemony” lol But he had it spot on! And I recently saw an interview with Roseanne Barr who is now a born-again Jew!, saying the same thing. ”This is the work of the devil” she said about her firing on her highly rated TV show  in an interview with Joshua Phillips of Epoch TV.

So instead of “man of the year” or “woman of the year” or “athlete of the year” this article is going to be titled “Problem of the Year”. The problem, however, is probably a lot more than a year old! At least a century in my opinion and it is not likely to change much by next year. We shall see……

The Root Problem (the one that causes all the others!)

The root problem- the one that causes all the others is “Mind-productions”.  I was first introduced to this term by Sheikh Nazim himself. But it is something that has been known for a long, long time. The Hindus and Buddhists have been talking about it since the beginning of their traditions. They understood that the mind was a trap- full of illusions. It is a central concept in their theology. Less so for the Western traditions -like Christianity (possibly the ultimate offender, given its elaborate theology and and its all too numerous theologians.( In fact European intellectuals, from the Greeks to the Germans and the French are certainly at the heart of the problem. But their malady is now universal!)The Jews with their Talmudic scholarship are next in line-not chronologically but in terms of intensity. And then we have the Muslims and their Islamic Sciences-often full of mind-productions. In the Western religions, it seems to only be the mystics like the Kabbalists  in Judaism and the Sufis in Islam that recognize the problem

So where does this all come from? We could say with some justification that it is intrinsic to our nature and the  evolutionarily advanced Cerebral Cortex that we are endowed with. This cortical activity can be very useful in certain situations but very damaging in others. Much like science itself-very useful at times, very harmful at others.

Cost vs. benefit?! I will let the reader figure out that one themselves. Most people, especially so-called “intelligent ones”, have been duped on this one.! A  new cancer treatment is developed and everyone is excited. But they fail to realize that the vast majority of cancers are caused by science itself! -pesticides, heavy metals, VOCs in construction materials, additives in food, EMFs everywhere. Cost vs. benefit? In this case, highly negative. But most people’s “mind-productions” don’t go there! They think instead “science-wonderful”! Which brings us to the next form of “mind-productions”-the collective ones!

I have been talking about The Cult of The Intellect for at least seven years (see the article on my blog about it in Nov.2016!). But this year ,I have come to realize that it is not purely a matter of individual minds! In fact there are numerous “collective mind-productions”! This phenomenon goes by various names. My favourite for now is “echo-chambers”. And we have loads of them now! We have  ”the man-made climate change” echo-chamber. The “vaccines are safe and effective” echo-chamber now generally known as the “medical-scientific echo-chamber” and most recently with the Gaza-Israel war I have come across the “Muslim echo-chamber”. You know the one that says “free Palestine” ( we could discuss at length what they need to be free of?!) Or “From the River to the Sea”-a clearly genocidal echo-chamber!

One of the problems that comes up here is that people honestly believe their thoughts are their own. And generally that is NOT the case. Most of their individual thoughts are imprinted on their minds from the ethnic or national or professional communities of which they are a part. There are only a very few people who are actually doing the research and thinking for themselves! So that is a whole other dimension of the problem. One that makes it that much more difficult to solve!

And why are these mind-productions-individual and collective- so important!? Because they are almost always abstract, theoretical and biased. So they don’t correspond to Reality and lead in fact to false solutions. Take “climate change” theories for example. Clear-thinking or should I say clear-perceiving people can see that this is purely theoretical. At first, I too worried about the impending disaster. Then I started looking into it. One of the first things I discovered is that the climate has been changing all throughout Earth’s history! And even in the last two millenia there were two periods-The Medieval Warming Period and The Roman Warming period- where the climate was several degrees warmer than it is now. No catastrophe, no massive death tolls. In fact, it appears obvious to some scientists (the minority unfortunately for now!) that cooling is a much more dangerous process than warming!

Then I read some of the work of Henrik Svensmark and most recently watched a talk by the nobel Laureate in physics John Clauser. Svensmark thinks the problem comes from an increase in cosmic rays related to the strength of the energy of the sun (which always made sense to me as the most important factor!) How could it be otherwise?! And Clauser says it’s the clouds which are much more important for climate than the carbon layer. That too is most likely related to the sun. Why is this so important?! Because the governments are using this issue to scare all of us into submission and to spend trillions of dollars on “mitigation attempts” that are not working and never will. Why?! Because they have the diagnosis wrong! Who wants those electric cars anyway lol?! They are, in all likelihood more dangerous to our health than a well-maintained petroleum -based car. But that is a subject for another day!

The Three most Important Derivative Problems

  • The dysfunctionality of the American Political System:

At this point in time, what happens in America affects the whole world. Americans may be proud of that fact but for the rest of us it is frightening! The American system is also based on a number of theoretical premises. Theories like “Due Process of the Law”, ”The Adversarial Process” and “Checks and balances”.And let us not forget Lincoln’s Gettysburg address where he talked of “ Government of the people for the people by the people”. That one is particularly rich- as we watch the wealth gap increase, the machinations of monied lobbyists and Superpacs on elections and the increasing cost of living. Perhaps it should be called “government for the wealthy by the wealthy”! That would be more accurate for now!!  These ideas are built into the system as much as the American constitution is. And they are simply not working! Why should this concern us, anyway.


Let’s look at some recent problems.:

1-The Covid pandemic was generated by American “gain of function” research, financed by America and transferred to China after it was banned in the US.A. Then the entire pandemic was mismanaged because of Health Institutions like FDA and CDC that were basically   sold-out to the Pharmaceutical companies and their vaccine production business. Anyone experience a disruption in their lives because of the pandemic lol?! Of course you did! Effective early interventions like with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were then blocked so that vaccine manufacturers were free to profit from their vaccines. That alone probably cost millions of lives! And no-one has been held accountable. So much for “Due Process of the Law” and government for the people.?!

2-Then we have theanthropogenic climate change” dubious theory- trying to push all of us into alternative energies and electric cars-items for which we have no evidence of their harm or harmlessness. And  they refuse to seriously study it .Climate catastrophe or not, what about those electric cars?! Are they safe (EMFs everywhere) and are they really helping the environment?!

3-Then we have world-wide inflation as America rolls out the money distributing system via the Central Reserve. As well, we have two costly and devastating wars-in Ukraine and Gaza-both of which could have been prevented by a functional America-yes even with Trump as president?! And of course, the lurking danger of Iran and its weapons systems which the U.S. has refused to confront! So….all in all, we (the entire world ) is subject to American management or mismanagement-at least for now!

And what do they offer us as reassurance? “Due Process of the Law’! Really?! Have you noticed how the Justice system is being manipulated- left, right and center? Republican committees in the House of Representatives showing how Biden and his son Hunter plus other members of the family benefitted from quid pro quo deals with foreign adversaries. And what do the Democrats say?!”There is no evidence”! Whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent-THAT IS PURE MENDACITY. They accuse Trump of complicity with the Russians(called Russiagate).The case is more or less dismissed .It was based on a fraudulent study (the Steele dossier) to begin with! No one apologizes . No one is held accountable. Is that what they call “Due Process of the Law’?!

Then 4- there is the famous ”adversarial approach”-in Law and government. (All of these are “mind-productions” btw) Have you watched that in progress?!  The Democrats and Republicans argue for hours! No one’s opinion changes. The vote is almost tied. Even if they pass something in the House the Senate vetoes it. The adversarial process has become the “paralysis process”.If you want to watch that play out in a legal context,go back and watch the O.J. case.The defense lawyers were so clever they had the jury completely confused- a standard consequence of adversarial processes.

And 5-“ the Checks and balances in the constitution” that Americans are so proud of. Or is it cheques and bank balances lol? Recent example-President Biden wants to relieve young people of student debt. The conservatives disagree. They go to the Supreme Court which finds in their favour! So now the Biden Administration is looking for legal ways around the prohibition. And so it goes. “Analysis is paralysis”. And the entire world pays the price! God help us!

Then there is 5-Loss of Traditional Values with America leading the way forward. Or is that backward lol? Highest Divorce rate in History. LGBTQ-2S chaos and hysteria, pornography passing as sex education in primary schools, unwed people hooking-up”.Promiiscuity, S.T.D’s galore and now the autism, Cancer, autoimmune disorders and Alzheimerès disease.And America continues  leading the way!


The “Woke” Establishment

And what IS this “Woke”. Woke is the liberal, free-thinking progressive movement becoming more and more unhinged and autocratic. The liberals have become totalitarian. You can no longer question the mainstream narrative like the benign nature of vaccines or climate change or Transgender rights without being labeled ultra-right or MAGA, or conspiracy theorist. The world has gone mad-or so it seems. Dr. Mattias Desmet calls it “Mass Formation Psychosis” .In previous times it may have been labelled simply “Mass Hysteria” .And few people have acknowledged that this is what is going on!

Just as the Dysfunctional American Health Institutions can be broken down into “Three-Letter Monsters”-FDA, CDC, NIH,  HHS  so too when it comes to Woke, we find a whole other series of Three-Letter Monsters (FLCCC likes to call them “The Alphabet Soup” agencies lol) .In the case of Woke, we find CRT(critical race theory”-which means it’s all about racism ultimately!); LGBTQ( everyone knows that one!) And because of it’s importance it has at least 5 letters in the shortest version. I can’t keep up with all the new letters being added lol: WEF(World Economic Forum, the Davos group) and the ultimate bureaucrat Klaus Schwab- talking about “The Great Reset” where we will all be happy and own nothing?! Our beloved Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is one of his students, I believe, as is the French President Macron); ESG(Environmental and Social Governance)-or how to make companies and the entire economy conform to Woke ideas and the Green Agenda; DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) especially in the universities. We see where that led in the recent University debacles concerning the governance of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and MIT;WHO ( trying to gain control over all pandemic responses in the future to guarantee us that the response in the future will be as mis-managed as the Covid crisis-or worse since some of the countries that did best avoided most of the WHO protocols).And many others .Don’t let me forget the Four-Letter Word (no, it’s not what you think lol).Its the IPCC(The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) -that is working on a false theory that has been exposed clearly in the last few years ,has been wrong on nearly every prediction it has made about future changes and continues to mobilize all of the Great Powers around it’s false theories!

As you can see, we are up against a huge, well-organized enemy.! A recent book authored by Seamus Bruner published by Sentinel Press is called “Controligarchs”.On the cover, you have Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Mark Zuckerberg. H-m-m. Btw when I got to to order it, there seems to be only one copy left! I had the same experience with RFKs book on Fauci which was a best seller at the time. Couldn’t get a copy at the largest bookseller in Canada! It took over a month. Suspicious,eh?! The signs are everywhere. There IS a conspiracy going on but the Conspiracy Theorists ,the same ones who said Covid was a lab leak and the vaccines are dangerous are being denied their moment of Truth! That may be changing.

So how did all of this happen? How did the American and European liberals become Controligarchs- Authoritarian autocrats. Most people didn’t see this happening!

Well, there are a few elements at play here. One, of course, is hubris. Bill Gates was convinced he could solve the Health issues in Africa by vaccines Seems like that is not working out too well. It seems that is oral polio vaccines were causing more cases of polio than the actual disease itself! George Soros with all his investments in left-wing causes led to the election of Trump and the rise of right-wing movements denying his vision all over America. Mark Zuckerberg, Aspergers flashing all over his face , true to his disposition, out of touch with everything around him, wittingly or unwittingly, probably the latter, actually colluded with the government to get “disinformation” about Covid, most of which was real information, censored from Facebook. Jeff Bezos has left the CEO position at Amazon to transfer his energy to Blue Origin and space exploration. Any thinking person knows how useful that is for humanity lol And Klaus Schnab,with his dehaumanized, top-down  Prussian approach to leadership  may soon be voted “Most Disliked Man on the Planet”! Yes, even more so than Biden and Trump lol.

So what do all these men have in common? They are paternalistic. They think they know better than us what is good for us. They are in the common language “control freaks”. And they, like Bill Gates, are full of huibris! So when the pandemic started and you heard about Hydroxychloroquine and then Ivermectin, you couldn’t get it! Why? Because these people and their henchmen in the pharma industry and the Medical Institutions knew better than you. But they really didn’t! And isn’t that what democracy is all about – “Free Choice”?! Sorry, we have to rely on the experts . After all Bill Gates made billions with Microsoft! Shouldn’t he know better than you? Jeff Bezos also made billions with a way of delivering products on-line. Doesn’t that make him an expert in how you should live?! And then there is the ultimate Controligarch- not present in those pictures-Antony Fauci-responsible on several levels for the deaths of millions! But he gets to decide, not you!

And let’s not forget those hallowed halls of higher education-Harvard and Oxford and M.I.T.! Fees that can break the bank of any Middle-Class family! Indoctrinating the youth of America into “Wokeness” on a daily basis. So effective that our children will not listen to their  parents’) wisdom because they have been indoctrinated by the high priests of “Woke”. Harvard recently was rated at the bottom of all Universities in Free Speech! Rating-0!  Weren’t Universities set up to be hives of intellectual debate, new ideas and initiatives. No longer! Now they are training our youth into believing that they are either oppressors or oppressed. That is going to be a great help! And we see where that is going with the recent on-campus demonstrations.  ”The Times They are a Changing” no doubt Mr. Dylan, but not in the way you or us would have liked!

  1. C)    Islamism

Most people, especially Muslims, don’t understand what a serious problem this is. Outside of the spectacular actions of al-Qaida and Isis this movement rarely comes up on people’s radar! But, in reality, it is much vaster and more dangerous than those aforementioned marginal terrorist groups. We are beginning to hear about it more with the recent events in the Middle East. Hezbollah(a Shiite Islamist group ) and Hamas (a Sunni one) are in the news every day now. But the Western press calls them ”terrorists” and thus dismisses them as marginal. But they are not! Hamas is theologically connected with the Ikhwan Muslimeen which btw is also connected to Erdogan in Turkey who is an adherent and Qatar, which was hosting one of the leading Ikhwani scholars- Yusuf al Qardawi- and still has a strong affinity with that ideology. Then there are the Saudis with the Wahhabbi clergy in the background controlling much of the laws in the country. They too are, in another way, Islamists who have broken off  from the traditional Islamic scholars who always recommended following one the four Classical schools of jurisprudence(called Madhhabs).Iran ,the sponsor of both Hamas and Hizbollah  is also under an Islamist rulership with the  reform doctrine of Vilayat e Fiqh(The guardianship of the Scholars-may God protect us all!) Pakistan and Afghanistan have been strongly influenced by the Taliban and before that by the Jamat al Islamiya of Maududdi.(Please refer to the article on our blog entitled” Islamism-The Scourge of the Modern Muslim Community” for more explanation).Not too long ago there were two other catastrophes-one in Algeria(200,000people killed) and Egypt where the duly elected Ikhwani party was running the country into the ground(as ideologically-driven parties always do! ) under the leadership of Mohammed Morsi- so much so that the army had to take over!

So people-Muslims and non-Muslims_-need to be acutely aware of this problem-or it will destroy us all. It is now an “ideological pandemic” in the Muslim world.

Now I want to make an important point of clarification here! I am not talking about Islamic scholarship. Nor am I talking about anything in traditional Islam outside of the heresies of the Mutazilis(the Rationnalists ) or the Khwarij( the hard-core extremists).Scholarship has had its important role throughout Islamic history and through the history of all religions. The scholars study the original texts-the Quran and hadith in our case. They attempt to understand them properly, systematize them and then come out with rulings that are both prescriptive AND attitudinally consistent with the original spirit of the religion and its fundamental sources.

Islamism, on the other hand, is something very different. I have to give Joshua Phillips , a young journalist at Epoch Times, credit for making this issue crystal-clear. Ever since Sheikh Nazim taught us that Islamism was not Islam, I had always been wary. But the final nail in the coffin was understanding what it fundamentally and philosophically was. Amazing, really, that some-one like Joshua, with  a very meager knowledge of Islam and not very steeped in leftist ideology either, was able to come up with this insight! So much for “experts”?! Lol,. He realized that Syed Qutb, probably the most influential of all the Islamist thinkers, had actually studied Socialism and Communism while at University in the West. So Joshua’s contention is that Islamism is actually Marxist doctrine piggy-backed (pun intended lol) onto Islamic beliefs. When I first heard that, I got the usual shiver up my spine when I hear a Truth being enunciated! “Spot-on” I thought.

The similarity between the two (Islamism and Marxism) is actually striking on a deeper philosophical level if not so much on an outward one. They are both “materialist philosophies”. Now again most people have the wrong idea about materialism. They think it has everything to do with commercialism and making money and buying things. That is its surface level. On a deeper level, it means giving precedence to the outward! Chogyam Trungpa, the brilliant but corrupt Buddhist, wrote about this in the heydays of the New Age movement. His book ,one of the classics of New Age literature was called “Cutting through Spiritual Materialism”.

In Marxism we have the doctrine of “dialectical materialism”. In Islamism we have the doctrine of “spiritual materialism”. So, for Marx ,  the solution is to establish a Communist state called “the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” We know where that has brought us to! For Islamists, the state they are adcocatng for is called “The Islamic Caliphate”. We have seen a few examples of that in recent history -all tragic.Note that this is not the same as the previous Caliphates in the Islamic world like the Ottoman Empire-all of which arose organically from the circumstances of the time. That Caliphate ended with the Ottoman Empire after WW1! Now what is being proposed is an ideologically-driven process. And we know well where ideology leads to! Islam is NOT an ideology.It is a religious practice, a way of Life inspired by a Revelation.Very different from human-generated agendas!

Both doctrines(Marxism and Islamism) believe that by changing the outer structure and having an authoritarian state, you can make people behave better. The true Islamic philosophy is the opposite! As Sheikh Nazim taught us, the people get the state they deserve. In the Quran it tells the Muslims that you shouldn’t impose the religion on others.. Also in our Holy Book Allah tells his Prophet saws to deliver the message-not to be a ruler or an enforcer. But who follows the holy texts when you can follow your own ideas or a collective illusion.

Said succinctly, Islamism is the opposite of Islam . Islam says: Be pious and good to others and self-controlled and Allah will reward you in this world and the next. Islamism says: “Let us rule you as we see fit and then you will be happy and virtuous” The evidence, for those who believe in evidence lol, goes totally contrary to that premise. Our choice of good or evil is between us and our Lord. Any intervenor trying to change that is more likely to do more harm than good. And that is exactly what has been happening!



Secondary Problems:


  1. D) Nationalism: Now, previously I would have put Nationalism at the top of the list. After all, it is so obvious! Israeli nationalism vs, Palestinian Nationalism; Russian Nationalism vs. Ukrainian Nationalism. The consequences are so obvious and in our face. And the Virgin Mary in her apparitions warned us of the danger of nationalism. Which gives it even more spiritual credence! But Remember: We are NOT Empiricists! We don’t believe that what is on the surface is the whole story. Muslims, in particular, need to be aware of this! Remember surat Al Baqara. Allah tells us the believers are those who believe in the invisible. The problem is not simply Zionism. That is a Thahiri(outward) position. The problem is much deeper than that! The only scholar I know of who suggested this recently  was Sheikh Omar Ibn Hafidh who said “If the Muslims hadn’t fallen in love with dunniya (the world) Allah never would have taken any land from them” Kudos Sheikh Ibn Hafidh. I assuime Hamza Yusuf was saying something similar when he was denounced at RIS! The crowd was hoping he would recite the group mantras and he refused. Because he, too, looks beneath the surface.

So, although nationalism remains a problem across the world, Internationalism has become a bigger problem! The pandemic was caused and spread by internationalism. Our medical freedoms are being eroded by internationalism. The surge in cases of Cancer and Alzheimers and Autoimmune disorders is being produced by local “scientific” research and spread by international cooperation.

A simple example: The management of the Covid pandemic-through lockdowns and vaccines was a disaster. Thought out by American and European Health Agencies and spread throughout the world. This, despite the fact that it should be clear that physicians and in the case of Uttar Pradesh a few, very few health authorities, had much better results by early treatment with repurposed drugs. But who needs Reality when you can rely on International Consensus?! Answer: We all do!

At this point the International authorities are more involved in covering up the Truth than in using it for our betterment!! A sad state of affairs indeed.

  1. E) The Triad of Evil

America has done many things wrong! And so have the Europeans! But let it be clear. They may have problems with Truth and corruption of Truth but they are in no ways as evil as the Triad -Russia, China and Iran Anyone who says otherwise, like our dear Sheikh Imran Hussein who ,in his Eschatology, proposes Russia as our saviour or our Sunni Muslim leaders chumming up with Iran are leading us astray.. All of these duplicitous calculations can only serve the cause of evil in the long run. This is true as well, maybe even more so, with our Western Powers cozying up to China to make more money or to Iran hoping to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons. All of this will end up backfiring just like Chamberlain’s cozying up to Hitler before WW2! Befriending evil is in the long run a very bad strategy. But politicians of all stripes think they can outwit the spiritual laws of nature. They have never been so wrong!

Btw I hope it is clear by now what one of the central attitudinal problems in the modern world is “Clever Calculation and Manipulation”. You can’t game the system that God has put in place! We need leaders of sincerity and goodwill and vision-not leaders of self-interest, ideological stubbornness and statistical manipulation. Those leaders  are the very ones that have brought us to the state we are in now. If you need more evidence for this hypothesis watch American politics for a day or two and try to see what I am saying. It should be obvious!


Positive Signs:

At this point you should probably be asking: ”Is there any hope” ?! And the answer is: “not a lot, but there are some hopeful signs”:

1-The insanity at the most “esteemed” Institutions of Higher Learning”!  They are being outed! I have been decrying those institutions for a long time, ever since hearing Steven Gaskin describing the bad influence of higher education .But nevertheless these “Temples of the Cult of the Intellect” as I call them, have been riding high for a long time! Employers were rushing to hire their graduates, parents were willing to mortgage their homes to finance their childrens’ education, and the fees just seemed to be going up and up! But with the recent campus demonstrations in support of Hamas and genocidal wishes towards Jews, they are finally seeing their credibility challenged! It’s about time. Personally, I think they should be transformed into trade schools! -in Medicine, Law and Dentistry for example. As to the softer sciences like Social Sciences, Political Science and Literature ,a better venue for this kind of education should be explored .Because, for now, the Universities have become hotbeds of propaganda and brain-washing as opposed to bastions of free thought and creativity

2-Due to the excesses and mismanagement of the Covid epidemic, many groups have developed to promote Freedom in Medicine and objective scientific enquiry (if that is at all possible!) I myself follow CHD (Childrens Health Defense) under the leadership of RFKjr., Epoch Times which called the lab leak while it was still being referred to as a “conspiracy theory” and FLCCC under the capable leadership of Pierre Kory and Paul Marik. But each of these organizations has been denounced and cancelled by the mainstream media.Many have been deplatformed from various social media sites. All the main health organizations like CDC and FDA and NIH (remember the three-letter monsters!) denounce them! And yet, they are the ones speaking the most Truth! What a state!

When I hear Republican representative4s saying RFKjr., who they should be siding with, is a conspiracy theorist, I know we are in deep s—t! Everything he says is backed up by references and documents and studies! What are they talking about?! They, too, with a few exceptions like Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Rand Paul, are still living in their  biased, ideological bubbles. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik are clearly amongst the most competent ,brilliant and open-minded physicians . Both lost their jobs as intensivists in their hospitals for speaking about their clinical experiences.

And then to clinch it all, I went to Wikipedia to look into other Health Freedom organizations and this is what I came up with!

The health freedom movement is a libertarian coalition that opposes regulation of health practices[1] and advocates for increased access to “non-traditional” health care.[2]

The right-wing John Birch Society( often seen as the intellectual equivalent of the KKK!) has been a prominent advocate for health freedom since at least the 1970s, and the specific term “health freedom movement” has been used in the United States since the 1990s.

Wow! Are you kidding?! What a cover-up?! What mischief?! This is what we are up against if we begin to fight for Truth! We have a long way to go.


3-The Middle East: As to the Middle East I am hopeful that “we have touched bottom” as they like to call it. In A.A. The Abrahamic accords were a good start. Removing Netanyahu’s right-wing government, which appears inevitable, will also be helpful. But we still have the evil Axis partner Iran to deal with. And only their own people can solve that. The Western powers should do everything they can to promote the uprising of the people but do it in an honest, not a CIA covert way We shall see!           In the years to come if God so wills, we will update these issues and try to see if we are making progress or regress. Happy New Year! Sufi Ibrahim






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