Truth and Logic

(In response to someone calling me a Trump fan-notice that I am trying to steer clear of politics in this blog.This post is more about epistemology-i.e. the means of acquiring knowledge- than about politics.I hope the readers can see that).

Trump is not my friend.As I have tried to explain to people before I do not live in a black and white world where people are all bad or all good.I believe that is a childish,immature way of perceiving Reality even if it is a popular one.Trump has some very important points to make-like getting rid of political correctness and lobby groups both of which are destroying America .On the other hand he is a greedy,materialistic and closed-minded person.That is the nature of Reality-ambivalence and ambiguity.Jellaluddin Rumi was perhaps the first teacher to illuminate me on that point.He said that anyone who doesn’t see the contradictory and paradoxical nature of reality can not be truly enlightened.Unfortunately we have all been taught by our Aristotelian school system that coherency is the measure of Truth.Nothing could be further from Reality.

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