The Four Enemies-Traditional and Modern

Traditionally in Islam and Sufism we are taught that there are four enemies-1) hawa(desire);2)dunniya(worldliness);3)nafs(ego) and 4)shaytan(the devil).In the modern world, we have four new enemies even before we confront the traditional ones .They are 1) egalitarianism(which includes pseudo-democracy and Feminism;2) materialism,which includes scientific and philosophical materialism(empiricism);3) psychologism(the belief that all human action is determined by psychological variables rather than spiritual ones) and 4)Rationalism(the belief that we can control our lives solely through the use of our intellect).These ubiquitous enemies,subtler than the traditional ones, actually create a thick veil of obscurity that make it more difficult than ever to discern the Truth!

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