
(In response to a Facebook posting about the horrors of Wahhabism, of which I am even more critical than the author). called “fond memories of a Wahhabbi childhood” .
Joel Ibrahim Kreps:  Fond memories(actually continual observations) from the children of modernism.The children go to school and before long they are stressed out by assignments,projects and tests some of which their parents,seeing their childrens’ distress, unethically do for them.Their mother and father are regularly battling it out for who is in control(remember it always has to be equal).The adolescents are starting to have sex in their early teens.By the time they are in their twenties their hearts are broken and hardened and their view of relationships is cynical and embittered.At work, due to the wonderful ideas of MBAs and other proponents of “scientific management” the adults are stressed out in cubicles which give them no privacy and jobs that require them to do the work of two or three people etc.,etc. We are truly caught between a rock and a hard place.But usually only the rock is mentioned and the hard place is taken for granted.

2 thoughts on “Modernism”

  1. Yes.I missed a lot of things.Thanks for the reminder.Modernism is a deep-seated disease of which most people are unconscious.

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