Why we are so scr—d!

The trigger for this piece was a video interviewing an expert on electricity,Dave Stetzer,explaining how both wind and solar energy are generating toxic,”dirty” electricity!Wow! The emperor has no clothes.In fact he’s a stripper!Spiritual and moral reasons aside for the meantime,the following is what I see happening on the ground.

We have some very creative and clever inventors generating all kinds of interesting products and processes to make our lives better.For example there were discoverers of chemical pesticides and herbicides designed to solve one of the fundamental problems in agriculture-pests that destroy the crops.There were other inventors who discovered alternate forms of energy to help us with the problem of greenhouse effects from burning hydrocarbons and there are the inventors of new construction materials like particle board and laminate floors to help us with the limited supplies of lumber available in our forests. All of these inventions, at first glance, look interesting and promising.And they all have potential positive  economic and even political effects.

But they all have potential harmful effects as well.So they need to be assessed and evaluated.Given the considerable economic effects of these products,the evaluation process tends to get rushed and pushed aside by the politicians involved in the process who are most often asleep at the wheel.But,even worse the evaluations,when done, are put into the hands of obsessive,plodding,pedantic scientists with lots of data but little insight and judgment and perspective.Instead of choosing really smart people who can use not only the data but also their instincts and insight and even common sense to be able to predict the consequences,we hire statisticians and robotic scientists to do the work.Is it any wonder that it took decades to prove the health effects of cigarettes and DDT insecticides?!By the time DDT was banned(at least in Western countries ,there were hundreds of new pesticides developed some of them probably just as noxious as DDT if not more so.And now that cigarettes are universally denounced,even by their users, no one is seriously evaluating the pulmonary effects of long-term cannabis use as the “legalize pot” campaign is in full swing.

Think about it for a moment.Does it really take a genius to figure out that a substance that kills insects made of much the same biological substrate as us,is going to be harmful to humans.Does it take a rocket-scientist to figure out that if you put known carcinogens like formaldehyde into our construction materials ,it is not going to be good for human health.Unfortunately the minds of the decision-makers are so polluted by complexity and self-interest that they are blind to the reality.

So ,bottom line,we have clever,fast-paced inventors supported by avaricious businessmen and their political allies against plodding scientists often with minimal resources and even less insight competing with each other! Who do you think is going to win?! And who are the losers lol? All of us! This is the end-game,I believe!Thank God I know there is another world.Because this one is scr—d!

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