The Chain of Causation!

Ok. Here it is!

Everything comes from God.He is the Original Cause,the Real Cause of everything.It comes from His Will but also from His Wisdom and Beneficence.

All the causes that we identify and that science is preoccupied by are “intermediary causes” i.e. they are not the real causes.They are being used by the Creator to accomplish his purpose.So if He has ordered,from His Wisdom,a tsunami to occur in a certain area He will use the shifting tectonic plates as his means of accomplishing that.If He has ordered a certain psychological suffering for you,for whatever reason,he will use your predispositions,whether genetic or biological or environmental;whether anxiety,depression or psychosis, to implement that suffering.

All of the” musibah
(difficulties,sufferings) are purposeful! They are tests but they are not random,accidental tests.They are specifically designed to teach you something, to change something in your thinking or your behaviour or both.Seeking the meaning,therefore,of these tests, through contemplation, is one of the most rewarding and transforming of spiritual practices.

“And zo ve may to begin”.Alah be with you!

PS Please note that the Will of God is not like our will. Our will is based on desire and thinking. His Will is based on Real Knowledge and Wisdom. What a difference!

3 thoughts on “The Chain of Causation!”

  1. la Volonté de Dieu n’est pas comme notre volonté. Notre volonté est basée sur le désir et la pensée. Sa volonté est basée sur la vraie connaissance et la sagesse. Quelle différence!
    Nos demandes une vie meilleure .
    Vous frères et sœurs nous formons un chaînon de a son appel
    suivons sa magnificence , il entend tout , c’est tout et nous donnes son amour incommensurable , il exauce nos faveurs

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