Why Do They Always Get it Wrong?!

I never cease to be amazed at how the politicians and their propagandists in the mainstream media never seem to deal with the real problems but only look at the surface? Is this simply a problem of Empiricism or does it go even deeper. I’ll let you decide. And please don’t fall for the sop “It’s all about the money”! Another Empiricist spin- as money can be counted lol. No-the ignorance goes way deeper than greed. Even greed, itself, is another form of ignorance. As if money alone can bring you happiness?! So here are a few concrete examples! I know how much people like concreteness lol After all we were educated that way! Who needs Truth when you have numbers, right?Lol So here are a few examples 1) Everyone is yelling about abortion rights but no-one is talkin g about the real problem-promiscuity (Adultery and Fornication in Biblical terms).2) Everyone is concerned about student debt relief but no-one is talking about the outrageous fees of American Universities. Out of line with the fees in any of the “civilized” world! “Civilized” does not apply to America>you might rightly argue lol And 3) Just saw a report on Commercial Real Estate and the rate of vacancies. But no-one is mentioning that ALL these buildings (sealed windows and recirculated air) are sick buildings and accounting for innumerable health effects! ” It’s always been this way” you might argue -falling for another specious argument “if it’s always been this way, it must be normal” Don’t fall for it! Ignorance surrounds us on all sides! Be vigilant and do your homework .Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim

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