Category Archives: Thought of the day

Ideological Civil War!

As I watch the political situation evolve(that’s the “socio” of the bio-psycho-socio-spiritual model)it becomes more and more clear that we are in an ideological Civil War. It is between the authoritarian, so-called “progressive”, now regressive, woke  people and those who believe in traditional values and individual rights. Look and see! I know which side I am on lol. Do you?!

The Need for Routines

People who know me know that I hate bureaucracy. I hate routines and regulations and protocols and algorithms-all those things that are supposed to bring order and peace of mind and happiness to our lives! Ya, right?!

Yet, I have come to see that, in some limited way, they may be useful-even essential. The reason for this is that if we have no set order, our nafs sets the agenda. And that is a recipe for disaster!

So concretely,for our spiritual path, we need to establish a minimal routine. And do it every day-unless a Force Majeure occurs(Btw these are rare events-not every day and not even every week.Twice a year might be the norm lol.If you are having more than that,you need to look seriously at your lifestyle lol)

Your minimum protocol could look something like-30 mins.of Tahhajjud, 30 mins. of Movement including Chigong, walking and Wird al Amm and one hour of Dhikr-aloud or silent.Establish what is reasonable for you without falling into slacker mode(the klesa of laziness ) or overambitious mode(klesa of agitation, type A personalities)

Now go to it!

Salaams, Ibrahim