A Simple Scientific Error!

An Archimedes moment! Eureka! Got it. A simple scientific error is at the heart of it all! They are confusing the hypothesis with the conclusion! Remember the basic scientific model:Observation-Hypothesis-Experimentation -Conclusion.Well they stopped at stage 2 and considered that their Conclusion!
I pointed this out in my first book about Evidence-Based Medicine.The hypothesis was that if you followed the scientific literature in your medical practice,you would get better results than if you used your own judgment and clinical experience.Well,they still haven’t tested that one out.The conclusion was already assumed.Very unscientific of them lol.
But now,we have an even starker example -about vaccines.No,not the Covid vaccines .The jury is still out on that one.Rather the vaccine mandates for children.The hypothesis was that, since children suffered from infections often,the best thing you could do for their health was to vaccinate them against every possible infection you could! Plausible hypothesis…Well,after many,many years of denying and procrastination,the jury is in! Massive vaccination is BAD for childrens’ health.Turns out that multiple assaults on the immune system via vaccines is bad for childrens’ immune system(produces hyper-reactivity)and for the brain(neurotoxic!)But the hypothesis, in the meantime, had become a Conclusion.No room there for new evidence.Very simple problem.Very severe consequences.May God help us all!

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