Science Gone Awry!

Salaams to everyone and tighten your seat belts.We are in for a turbulent ride! And the Covid is just a mild intro to what is coming!

One of the major reasons we are in for this ride,is that science,our contemporary consensus belief system, has gone awry! As opposed to the original formulation-Observation-Hypothesis-Experimentation-Conclusion– “scientism” has replaced it with consensus foregone conclusions determined by experts with hypertrophied minds and atrophic, anemic hearts that can no longer feel!

Instead of the spirit of inquiry and open-mindedness that is intrinsic to real science we now have fixed positions and an international    echo-chamber! Observational skills are at a minimum and ideological catechisms are at a maximum.All around us we hear such fixed,black and white statements like “vaccines are safe” and “climate change is due to human activity” or the most recent one,-hugely harmful in its effects on human health “there are no good early treatments for Covid infection”..What a travesty of Truth and what a catastrophe of consequences.But the “scientific” consensus propaganda machine keeps marching on- leading us blindly to the cliff!

Ever noticed that we are on the cliff?!Lol  A pandemic that should never have occurred.An epidemic of autism and ADHD and asthma in  children.An epidemic of cancer and Alzheimer’s and Autoimmune disorders including neurological ones in the adults.And fires and droughts and floods everywhere! Looks like the cliff to me!

So what do we hear in response? “We need more science” Really?! When most of these catastrophes have been caused by science?! Even if you believe the anthropogenic origin of climate change that, too, is due to science, n’est-ce p;as?

Let me give you something more specific to think about here-in the domain of climate change in particular..As I was watching the fires burning in California and British Columbia,I decided to look up the events around 9/11 in NYC. All the U.S. and international planes were grounded and the air cleared quite rapidly.That translated into clearing out the contrails of the planes i.e. their carbon imprint! According to the current theories that blame these same carbon particles for global warming,that should have caused cooling rather than warming.We’ve got rid of the carbon so the temperature should start to cool,no? But,in fact,the opposite happened! The weather got warmer.Intriguing,no? At least for someone who is still thinking rather than chanting the scientific mantras.

Then I looked at another bit of information-what happens with forest fires? Do they heat up the climate as we would expect? No,the opposite.The weather cools down! So the fires produce carbon in the air and the weather cools down.I thus understand that the carbon is a filter for the sun’s heat.Intriguing,no?

Why am I mentioning all this? Because we may( notice-this is a hypothesis not an assertion) be doing the exact opposite thing to what we should be doing! By reducing carbon emissions,we may be increasing the temperature of the Earth.! Pretty significant,no?!

N.B. This is a hypothesis-not a firm conclusion.But the more important issue, as far as I am concerned,is that the so-called “scientists” refuse to study these hypotheses-especially if they go against the current scientific catechisms(like global warming is man-made). So just as it took them at least 25 years to do  proper studies on vaccine mandates(They are harmful btw but they are still not admitting it!) this global warming problem,and it IS a problem,may take even longer to understand! Unfortunately,we may not be around to see the results of that process! God help us!

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