Science? Oy,vey!

                                                   Science,Oy vey!
Eldridge of the originators of the Black Panther party, wrote a long time ago:”You’re either part of the problem or part of the solution!”.We now have to stop parroting our so-called leaders who keep telling us how wonderful science is and ask ourselves:”Is science part of the problem or part of the solution?”What chutzpah to raise this question?! But think about it.Look at every modern problem that surrounds us-an epidemic of cancer,Alzheimer’s disease and Autism.Global warming,polluted waters and air and food-even the current pandemic of a GMO corona virus(yes,man-made undoubtedly!) and behind it all ,in every case!,you will find a scientific,technological origin! We are literally playing with fire(yes,that too is science-driven O Californians and Australians) and surprised that we are burnt.And NONE of our political leaders,even the most conservative ones,are telling us this story! Does this mean we should abandon science?! No,not at all.But it has to be MUCH better managed and its side-effects much better controlled.As long as economics and lobby groups are in charge we are doomed! We need a better leadership model,for sure.And the other question:”Is there an alternative to this destruction?”Yes,there is.We need to return as much as possible to nature,to natural means-God-given means and ways.Otherwise we are on the eve of destruction.And science,itself,will be impotent to change that! Just look around if you don’t believe me lol

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