The Supremely Foolish Court

The Supremely Foolish Court(yes,that’s the same court that stated that billionaires could spend as much money as they wanted on election campaigns because spending money is part of their constitutional right to Free Speech! I’m not joking!)meets today to consider gun control laws which are already insane in the U.S. but could potentially get even more insane.If you look carefully at the process you will understand why they are “Supremely Foolish”. They start with a set of principles designed at another period of time for another set of problems.Then they elaborate and extrapolate from those principles via their admittedly outstanding cognitive functions(the inheritors of Aristotle no doubt lol) .And from that you are supposed to arrive at Truth! The entire epistemology is wrong! But very few people,especially politicians,lawyers and journalists,can see it.We need men and women of wisdom and vision not Professor Nimbus,hypercerbral types if we ever want to have a just society.You can’t do that simply through brain power!

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