The Argument against Covid Vaccination

Let me begin by saying that I am not an anti-vaxxer -something true btw of most people questioning the current vaccine program! I do not believe in black and white thinking.When I went on Umra to Saudi Arabia and found out about previous meningitis outbreaks I took the meningitis vaccine without hesitation..When I went to Egypt in the 90’s I tried to get my hands on the hepatitis A vaccine(Hep.B is more problematic) but it was just coming out and required two doses.So I missed it and got hepatitis! Not a pleasant experience,to say the least.So I appreciate the value of well-targeted vaccines.My objection to the Covid vaccine,for people not at risk-like healthcare workers and teachers AND parents of young children in daycare and public schools is based on the Precautionary Principle! There is so much we don’t know about these vaccines and so much that is kept hidden by the authorities in place that it appears to me foolhardy to take the risk- if the benefits are minimal.I have stated on numerous occasions that if I were still working in a hospital,I would certainly do so.

Let us backtrack a bit ,well before the Covid pandemic, on the whole vaccine question, to see why I mistrust the public health authorities.Literally for decades,I have been waiting for the only study that would really be definitive about the question of vaccine mandates for children.The study that obviously needed to be done was comparing vaccinated children to the unvaccinated ones-the children of the anti-vaxxers.All previous studies were done on single vaccines for short-term effects.Even the one long-term study about MMR and autism was done about one vaccine and one form of pathology.That is completely inadequate.What was needed was a study of the whole program of vaccine mandates.The authorities in place never saw fit to do those studies as it challenged their entire theology around vaccines.And now we have at least three(see my other article entitled “The Vaccine Issue” on this blog for the details.

The studies are consistent in their findings-4.2 times the rate of Autistic Spectrum Disorder ; 5.2 times the rate of Learning Disorder; 4.2 times the rate of ADHD( supposed to be highly genetic!);5.9 times the rate of pneumonia(despite the fact that the pneumonia conjugate vaccine is part of the protocol!)5.2 times the rate of asthma and 3.9 times the rate of allergies! Conclusive,no? For me it is conclusive enough to state that allowing one’s children to have the full vaccine mandate constitutes parental malpractice.

Now have the health authorities paid any attention to this issue and these studies?Of course not.Because their religion which I call ‘Scientism” has a catechismic belief which says:”Vaccines are Safe” period.Don’t bring us any evidence to the contrary( like all the payments of the U.S. government for vaccine-injured children and adults) because we believe vaccines are safe-by definition.

So we were getting off to a bad start even before the Covid Pandemic! Then we witnessed one after another of bad calls and misinformation by these public health and government officials.Some of these are still going on.Let us look at a few;

1)The Origin of the Virus.For a year and a half now first the Chinese government and then the W.H.O have been covering up the fact that this is a man-made virus -a product of “gain of function” research begun in the U.S. and shifted to China when it was banned in America.The research in Wuhan was subsidized by the U.S. National Health Institutes(read Fauci) via a covert strategy of redirecting the money to the Eco Health Alliance of Peter Daszak fame.On top of it all the U.S. state department knew the Wuhan lab was dangerously insecure according to its own reports(see the Washington Post 2018) but did nothing about it.So ironically this was  truly a collaborative U.S./China effort that almost destroyed the planet! If it had been a more virulent virus like Ebola it might have done so!

2)Border Closures:The U.S. closed the border to people from China but negligently forgot to close the border to European travel and thence the terrible outbreak in NYC.Oops-thousands of deaths.Btw Canada did no better! Just before the pandemic was declared I travelled to Tunisia to see my Sufi teacher.The Tunisians were more on top of it than Canada! When we entered,they gave us a short questionnaire and took our temperatures.Two weeks later on returning to Canada there was still no concern at the airport! What,me worry lol?! As a McGill intellectual once said in a rare moment of clarity lol”Canada does one thing exceptionally well! Branding!”Our branding is starting to take a beating with the revelations about the Residential Schools for indigenous children but that is another matter!

3) Masks.At first there was no requirements.No peer-reviewed studies.It appears there still are none really.But the bureaucracy of Public Health shifted.I think they were right in that shift.After all the Asian countries have been using that strategy for decades lol.It was obvious.But the flip-flop was not designed to promote confidence in our health authorities!

4) The denial of very effective early treatment strategies for Covid. This may be the unkindest cut of all! Hundreds of thousands of people may well have died,because the Public Health authorities refused to acknowledge the success of hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, Zinc and Vit.D in treating early Covid and in prophylaxis.”Trump said it so it must be wrong” goes the logic! Boiled down to the nitty-gritty HCQ lowers the mortality rate by 80%(Dr. Didoer Raoult of Marselles has been saying this from the beginning);Ivermectin lowers the mortality rate by 90%( see the reports of Dr. Kory and the FLCCC group) and it looks like Ivermectin and Luvox eliminate mortality! That’s right 100% reduction! But the health authorities in their rush to promote the vaccines and the expensive drug Remdesevir refused to acknowledge it.”No double-blind, randomized peer-reviewed articles in prestigious journals”(their catechismic beliefs) they say! Many,many people died unnecessarily!

5) No animal studies were done to preclude ADE ( a  deadly consequence in previous Covid vaccines).They excluded pregnant women from the studies and then in a panic over young  pregnant women showing up in the ICUs across the country began recommending it.And now the issue of children in daycares and public schools, IMHO the major asymptomatic spreaders of the disease when they return home to their families, is now up in the air as they are only beginning to test them.

The list goes on and on.With all of those missteps and all the misinformation being spread by these authorities how can we possibly trust them?! They are in bed with the pharma companies and the vaccine companies including the FDA and CDC and as opposed to many other couples in the U.S.,their relationship seems to be tight and solid lol!

All that being said,does that make the Covid vaccine bad? Not necessarily.In fact it may turn out to be a good thing after all-as opposed to the childhood vaccine mandates where the evidence is now conclusively negative.But it sure makes you wonder.So personally,I will err on the side of caution for now! Salaams,Ibrahim

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