“Group-think” and the Experts

It is interesting to me how the entire “progressive”community unites around a slogan without really investigating it carefully.Group mind. I thought they were supposed to be educated in critical thinking?! Mon oeil! So now the slogan is”a wall doesn’t work” And who said that? The experts! I see! Are those the same experts who say that pesticides in our food and formaldehyde everywhere in our construction materials and aluminum in our cookware and emf’s from our cellular phones and wifi is safe?! Those experts?! So the ones responsible for the epidemics of cancer and Alzheimer’s and autism in our societies. Those are the ones we are supposed to trust?! A cursory examination of the evidence tells me a wall worked in China for a lo-o-ng time, it kept Berlin East and West separate for 50 years and in terms of reducing terrorism regardless of our position on the Zionists( not particularly fond of them myself!) it has worked remarkably well in Israel. I see this “group-think” phenomenon as even more problematic than Trump himself’

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