Obama ,Trump and the Intellect

(Response to a video praising Obama as “amazing” and Trump as a misogynist)

Forget Trump.He represents much of what is wrong with America but unfortunately he does represent America.Actually,Obama ,and I like the guy,is More of a problem! He represents political correctness to the nth degree and it is not healthy.It sounds good but it is all designed to please the audience.On this note, Trump is right.You have to break through political correctness to solve problems. I naively wrote a relatively short letter to Obama shortly after the start of the war in Syria,saying that he would be held to account ultimately,for not intervening just as Clinton regretted not intervening in Rwanda.Logistics of getting through aside,I know why he didn’t intervene.And its not because of the usual; conspiracy theories like not enough oil or to support Israel or whatever.He didn’t intervene because of another politically correct intellectual error-that you can figure out what to do by analyzing past similar interventions-specifically Afghanistan and Iraq.Wrong! Each situation is unique and comparisons don’t work.Our minds and their analysis don’t work-even if you are Harvard or Yale educated lol.Actually,especially if Harvard or Yale educated!. That’s why I use Istighara-the Islamic prayer for guidance.If you don’t believe me because this is too faith-based,check out “The Fog of War” and see what the secularist Robert McNamara had to say.He came to the same conclusion.Salaams,Ibrahim

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