The Wisdom of the Turkish tailor’s Wife

My Turkish tailor’s wife was telling me about her 43-year old cousin who had just died of breast cancer.I was telling her about all the carcinogens in our food,our water and our air and the fact that cancer has become an epidemic.She understood immediately! She elaborated by telling me about her 93-year old mother who was fine except for some arthritis in her knee.”She was from an earlier time when things were more natural”.Exactly.How come she gets it but the scientists and government officials,certainly a lot more educated, don’t!?And please don’t respond with the “economic paranoid” theory that it’s all about money.That is only part of the answer.I prefer one of my earliest teachers Steven Gaskin’s answer”A University degree is more of a bar to enlightenment(and clear vision I would add) than a bad character”.Here I would agree with the Buddhists.”The deepest sin is not greed but ignorance” And there is plenty of that to go around.

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