The Inspirations keep coming!

Last nite I had a dream in which the road was blocked(my road of course!) So I asked Allah what I needed to unblock it. And I saw another dream in which I was a young boy walking in front of the schoolyard where I attended Elementary school.(Barclay School it was called).I was crying( the pain of childhood I suppose) and I woke up.

After  appropriate contemplation I realized the message. It was an ancient one given perhaps clearest by Syeddina Isa (Jesus: Matthew 18:3)) when he said:”(English Standard Version) and  “Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven ” ,.

And yes,I can remember a time when I could see no evil or faults in the people of my extended family or my parents’ friends or my own friends. Really. I believe I loved them all! I didn’t understand my parents negative comments at all.

Then I grew up lol! I participated in politics on many levels, I studied psychology and I had numerous negative lived experiences. And it all went away! How can I possibly see the world now as I did then?! Don’t we need our judgments and our discernment to survive? Isn’t that how we get on in this world? All of these questions were floating around in my mind.

Then the inspiration came! Back to computers lol. The child-like, non-judgmental attitude needs to be our “default position”(where we live).Then when the proverbial “s–t hits the fan” we need to put on our parental caps, our alternative browser mode and use the tools we have acquired to deal with it. But as soon as the acute phase of the problem is resolved, we have to return to “default mode”. If we don’t and we remain in the negativity, we will inevitably end up in disappointment, depression and despair!

It’s not going to be easy. As one my Gestalt mentors, Erving Polster used to say; “it’s simple but it’s not easy”. May God help us to make this transition. It may be the only reliable way to generate real peace. love and light-the real stuff-not the fake pretenses you see on Entertainment Tonite or the daily talk shows on TV  lol! Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim

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