The Reflexology of the Face

I have been thinking about this for a long-time,wondering if it was possible to systematize and teach in any way,the reading of the face.Reflexologists have developed a map of the foot where each organ in the body is represented by an area of the foot.They claim to be able to diagnose physical ailments in this manner.So I wondered if we can do the same with the Face and spiritual ailments.Here is what I have discovered so far.

  1. The eyes: Most of us know the expression”The eyes are the mirror of the soul” or “the window to the soul” This is largely true -with some caveats.An important one is to distinguish between light (nur) and fire (nar) in the eyes.As opposed to light, which is almost always a good sign,fire can  indicate excessive emotion or, even more often, in spiritual matters fanaticism.At that point it becomes dangerous.At other times,like in schizophrenia, but by no means limited to psychosis, the eyes can have a far-away look.You can notice this,for example,in people who have used a lot of psychedelic drugs like LSD.These people are no longer in this world but the world they are in is shadowy and dark rather than luminous.You can also find this in esotericists and magicians.I remember the time I entered a bookstore specializing in Alistair Crowley,the famous magician.I had to leave quickly.The vibe was too dark and even scary..Many of the psychics and clairvoyants and Tarot card-readers have the same other-worldly darkness about them.
  2. The face-1:One of the interesting phenomenon I have encountered,that puzzled me at first ,was people who have light in their eyes but not in their face.Many of the people I have labelled spiritual illuminati have this constellation.It is common in the community of non-dualists or Advaita Vedantists. This tells me they are ungrounded-in contact with the light but not the manifestation of the light on the Earthly plane.This un-groundedness can and will play havoc with their Earthly relations.Just ask their partners lol.
  3. The Face-2 At the opposite extreme, you have the spiritual materialists like the Wahhabbi.They have no light either in their eyes nor in their facer.Stay away from them! I remember an event in Jordan when I was invited to dinner by one of them.They,of course,were very critical of Sufism and my Sheikh there.We began by discussing their ideas but the exercise was useless.At one point,I just had to get up and leave as there was clearly no point in discussing. .I said to them frankly ” How can I accept your reasoning when I see no nur(spiritual light) on your faces?” I had the same reaction to a similar group of Shia people trying to convince me that they had the right interpretation of Islam.Islam without nur?! That makes no sense to me.
  4. The face -3. I have also noticed in many converts,on the point of conversion,a light illuminate their entire face ,even if they apparently seemed to be converting only to get married.This could only serve to confirm my faith that this religion,Islam, is pure and true.My apologies to the liberals who may see this as sectarian but this is what I see, not what I think!
  5. The mouth:Another really important area.One can see a lot of character traits in the mouth.One ignores them at one’s own peril.I began this article as I watched the tennis finals in Paris.Although I don’t want to personalize this analysis,I think it does help to be specific, at times.If you examine the mouth of the number one tennis player in the world,Novak Djokovic,you will see that there is something seriously wrong on the level of character.I am not sure how to label it but it is somewhere in the range of ‘dishonest’,’hypocritical’ and ‘smug’. Maybe one of the readers of this article  will find a more apt term for it.You are more than welcome to share this.Then there is Donald Trump.Shut off the volume on your TV or laptop and observe his mouth-not the words,the expression.It will be very hard to vote for him after you see that. If you think all politicians are the same look at Hilary whose expression is much more subtle and Obama who has none of this.For those who know me,you may be surprised at the positive slant on Obama lol. I have always maintained,throughout my criticism, he has good character!.

So this is a beginning.I hope to pursue this line of investigation to deepen and refine it in the future as time permits inshallah.We all have an obligation to develop our discernment.It is in that perspective that I present this material.


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