The Contemporary Zeitgeist

People nowadays( the good ones lol) are so concerned about expressing themselves,about being heard, about having their opinions respected( all progressive,humanistic,democratic principles) that they have a lot of trouble hearing the Truth.It is all well and good to be respected and heard but this is NOT the way the deepest truths are transmitted!

Think of how the Prophets taught.Did our holy Prophet Mohammed go around saying;”What did you think about my latest revelation.I want to hear your opinion” lol.Did Jesus say to his apostles”Let’s have a vote.How many of you think we should confront the Pharisees?” Did Moses say”O.k. guys.The majority of you don’t want to enter Palestine.Let’s wait on this for awhile”.Ok.You get the gist of it.

The same is true with the saints and awliya and gurus.They don’t wait to do polls on their students as  to how to proceed.They rather call on their own inspirations or that of their teachers and everyone follows from there.Sometimes they get it wrong,in which case if they are sincere,they backtrack and look for a better way to proceed.If they asked for everyone’s opinion ,they would be paralyzed and the entire movement forward would come to a halt.

Even in the domain of science,the democratic.Empirical way doesn’t work.Science advances through geniuses like Archimedes and Galileo and Newton and Einstein not through a consensus of mediocrity.

One of my favourite science-oriented people these days is Chris Martenson of the financial stuff,for now.Look at the science) Especially look at the Epistemology.He looks around at all reports and emails sniffing around for the Truth.He has developed what I call “The Ear of Truth”-in science! Then he puts it all together and he is very often right.As opposed to the bureaucratic W.H.O and CDC who,despite their billions of dollars of resources, seem to get it wrong more often than not.I really like his epistemology.Check it out.

And why can we not use a similar epistemology in spiritual matters? We can, I believe!That is precisely what I am trying to do-look at the other religions,look at  psychology, sociology,the n.d.e experiences and put it all together in a coherent package.

But then there is the delivery.Then you come up against the “But what about my opinion? Does it not matter what I think” Actually not! l remember   my first  spiritual seminar with EST in California.The trainer at the front held up a pencil and dropped it on the floor.”That’s gravity” he said.It doesn’t matter what you think.The pencil drops anyway.A law of nature” And a lot of reality is exactly like that.It doesn’t matter what you think! Put that in your democratic peace pipe and smoke it lol.

And then there is the diplomacy of it all-the relationship aspect.Most people have trouble with the Truth.They react-from personal offense,from social-conditioning,from prior mindset.And they get upset and angry.So the message needs to be diluted and sugar-coated in order to pass.The danger there is that ,like a lot of sellers and marketers,you lose the essential truth of the product.In any case,that is what I am working on.Wiser people than me have “failed” at this project.( Think John the Baptist.Of course”failure” is a very relative term.His apparent “failure”-being beheaded- may well have been ultimately a great success!)So I am trying to remain humble and maintain my bodily integrity lol.Salaams.And pray for the success of Truth over falsehood.

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