Millenials,Oy Vey!

One of the major problems of the millenials is what I call “The Enthusiasm Deficit”! Whether it is because they were given too much or disappointed too often or taught too many times to be rational and systematic,the fact remains,they have a hard time getting excited- about anything.Now if Jesus is right,and I believe he is,that we have to become like children to enter the kingdom of heaven,they have a BIG problem.My daughter was telling me how enthusiastic her 3-month old baby was when he saw a big bottle of milk lol.The milennials have to recover that kind of excitement if they wish to succeed in life.May Allah grant them His Mercy in this matter.

One thought on “Millenials,Oy Vey!”

  1. Salaams..when you are accustomed to having all your needs met pretty quickly and easily disappointment is devastating. I see it in the daycare kids all the time…they are stunned, shocked then furious if anything is unavailable or withheld.
    Subsequently the way to avoid the pain of disappointment and despair is to only take what is easily and readily available…
    (Resilience and sustained effort are often the result of moral courage. )

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