Herd Mentality and Education

If the real goal of our educational system was not the stated one- of teaching critical thinking- but rather, as proposed by researchers like John Taylor Gatto ( may his soul rest in peace), to generate ” herd mentality” in the population, they have succeeded beyond their wildest dreams! In the field of medicine only the geniuses and sincere Truth-seekers like Andrew Wakefield and Paul Thomas and Pierre Kory and Paul Marik and Peter McCullough and a few others have been able to pierce the multiple layers of propaganda to see what is really going on. Kudos to the Rockefellers and Carnegies that financed this “revolution” in education. They will ultimately have to answer for their mischievous ways. For the rest of us, it is incumbent upon us that we systematically and thoroughly detox our minds and hearts from this academic poison! God be with us!

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