An Alternative Enquiry

(credit given to the Byzantine Emperor interviewing Abu Suyan   lol)

High Priest,Rabbi or Imam;” Is this man (Trump) known to have had good character before his presidency

Congressional representative: Not at all.He was elected despite his bad character-well-known to the public.

High Priest,Rabbi or Imam: Was this man known to be a man of his word who could be trusted?

C.R. Not at all. He made many promises to many people including his business associates and friends and wives that he never honored

HPRI.Was this man known to have felt bad and apologized when people were hurt by his behaviour?

C.R. Not at all.He seems to be oblivious to other peoples’ pain.

HPRI If this man proposed a business deal  to a relative of yours,would you feel obliged to warn them about his past behaviour.

C.R. I definitely would

Consensus of the panel of spiritual authorities -after consulting with each other for five minutes: Then this man is not suitable to be your leader and we would encourage you to remove him from office as quickly as possible and also as a preventive measure to seriously revise your entire electoral process.

Gavel down,Judgment rendered

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