The Pandemic in a Nutshell

(This is from my FB post in early July.Remains just as relevant one month later!)

July 8 at 11:11 AM

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The pandemic in a nutshell-Ok. This is the scoop as I understand it.They were doing this research(“gain of function”) so that the virus penetrates more easily into human cells(specific affinity for ACE receptors).That allows them to have more research subjects who are infected so they can test vaccines on them.American scientists realized how dangerous this could be so it was banned in the U.S in 2014 by Obama after numerous scientists(?200) wrote a letter to the State Department. They(Antony Fauci?) transferred the research to China where they don’t care about human beings but are more interested in money and reputation, and the Americans kept financing it through the N.I.H to the tune of $200 million. In 2018 a group of American diplomats and scientists visited the Wuhan lab for an inspection.They wrote a report to the State Dept. saying how dangerous it was and that the security was too lax at the lab.The State department ignored the report! And the rest is history.The entire world had to suffer the consequences and they(The Chinese and the Americans) are not acknowledging their mistakes and their negligence and hiding the evidence.No conspiracy theories,no bio-weapons.Just simple recklessness and negligence combined with “Science” that has lost its moral compass!That’s it in a nutshell.

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