America,the Beautiful!

Why are people scandalized and outraged by the cruel treatment of immigrants and refugees at the border?! America is already treating it’s own citizens cruelly! It does that when its own poor citizens are refused medical care because they don’t have insurance.Homeless people are already being mistreated just because they are homeless.Prisoners are routinely subject to mistreatment and abuse in the name of security.And what about the homes of people being seized by the bankers and evictions by the landlords etc.,etc.How about the mistreatment of slum-dwellers by the police?So in fact,mistreatment is endemic and normalized in America.The only people who are regularly well-treated and respected are the wealthy,successful ones- no matter how they maneuvred their way to wealth and success-no matter how many people they trampled on on their way to the bank! No wonder Trump is president! And no wonder he hobnobs with Putin and MSB and Kim Jong-un.They are rich and successful,no?!

PS In America,it’s not about compassion.Did you ever hear that word in a Trump speech,lol?! Very rarely heard even amongst Democrat politicians! It’s all about winning and losing! We can hear it over and over again in the Trump talks.Refugees are losers,no?.How do you expect them to be treated?!.

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