Another Purpose to the Covid Pandemic!

As I watch the latest documentary on the pandemic called “Covid Revealed” done by Patrick Gentempo ,a superb producer and interviewer, a new Truth descends upon me- a new purpose for the Pandemic. I always remember the statement of the servant of Sheikh Hashimi the great Sufi r.a. of Damascus saying “fi kooli shay khairan”-(In everything is goodness)!

So what could the goodness be here?! The evil is obvious.! The deception and insensitivity and self-servingness of Antony Fauci. The sheepish echo-chamber foolishness of the public health spokesmen like Rochelle Walensky of the CDC, Sanjay Gupta of CNN, Michael Osterholm of Infectious diseases University of Minnesota  and Paul Offit of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to name only a few-people we see on the news on a daily basis. Then there are the corrupt pharma companies and their captive agencies like the CDC, the FDA and the NIH(the alphabet organizations lol).And finally the crown jewel of complicitous politicians- dependent on the support of the wealthy corporations for their election campaigns and who knows what else. A perfect storm! Or should we sell a well-armoured and well-protected bureaucratic cartel! And they claim the opposition feeds on conspiracy theories. Well, they don’t need conspiracy theories! They ARE a conspiracy reality already!

But what about the good guys-people like Peter McCullough cardiologist at Baylor University in Texas and promoter of early treatment of Covid, Robert Malone co-developer of the m-RNA vaccine model, Pierre Kory Pulmonologist and codeveloper of the FLCCC Math Protocol and colleague of the other fine Intensivist Dr. Paul Marik of East Virginia Sentara Norfolk General Hospital. And last but not least ,there is Robert F. Kennedy jr. of the famous Kennedy clan fighting for our health and our Civil rights. Aren’t these the good guys?! Why are they having so much trouble?!

Well, here is what came to me today. Yes, there IS good in everything! But we have to see the deeper levels to “get it”. All of the aforementioned people are being challenged at the deepest level of their belief systems! All the doctors mentioned believe in science and medicine. It is not unfair to say that is their deepest belief! In that  sense it becomes their religion! So their religion is a form of idolatry-the idolatry and idealization of science. That religion is called “scientism”-that somehow science will bring them to the deepest level of truth! False belief! But, very common nowadays. As to RFK jr, and the like their belief is in democracy and the Due Process of the Law( see my article on the American constitution!).That too is a false belief!

So what is happening here?! Any real truth-seeker has to come up against his foundational beliefs in order to advance. “La illaha illala”(There is no God(i.e. no higher reality) other than the Absolute Himself.) All of the “good guys” are up against a higher Truth! And they will sink or swim according to it.(In French they “ça passe ou ça casse”-they get it or they break1! .May Allah provide them, the good ones, with an opening! This may be their best chance yet!

Salaams, Ibrahim

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