Personal “Mise Au Point”- State of the Personal Union

A teaching moment:Personal “Mise au Point”(hard to translate but let’s say point of personal clarification).Sheikh Abdul Haqq during a dhikr/shiva meeting says to one of his students.”This is Dr. Ibrahim He produces books”.Somehow that didn’t sit well with me and later that night I messaged him the following”Asalamu aleykum Abdul Haqq. Since you are the servant of Haqq(Truth),Minor correction.You said to the brother” This is Dr. Ibrahim. He produces books” Not quite right . More accurate would have been”This is Dr. Ibrahim. He looks for truth wherever he can find it. Then he expresses his discoveries in books”( or other communications like the blog and Youtube videos) No hard feelings. I just like to be accurate. Producing books is not my goal. Spreading genuine knowledge is! “Salaams, Ibrahim
This was very helpful to me.I could feel the ‘ring of Truth’ in it.Abdul Haqq was gracious and humble,as usual,in acknowledging  the Reality..Alhumdulillah.

One thought on “Personal “Mise Au Point”- State of the Personal Union”

  1. Alhumdulillah
    oui vous êtes avide de vérités , juste être précis et diffusez une véritable connaissance ceci est le son de la vérité
    que Allah le très grand vous bénisse pour tout cela !

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