The Concrete and the Subtle

The most common mistake people make in managing their lives is that they get stuck on the material plane. Whether it is about money, or the qualities of their houses and cars or even about personal health, it is all in some way part of the illusion that what is important is what is concrete. A powerful illusion, indeed!
Whenever the locals in my region of Quebec give me greetings on New Year saying” I wish you good health.!Health is the most important thing , if I feel they can handle it I respond”If health is the most important variable , we are all scr—-d, since we are all condemned to bad health and death at the end of the process.” No, health as vital as it may be, is not the end goal. In fact, God often tests people with bad health. What really counts is our relationship with Him, not our relationship with our body.But health and longevity has become a new form of idolatry in obvious opposition to the inevitable experience of deteriorating health with age. This doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. It just means it shouldn’t become our religion!

One thought on “The Concrete and the Subtle”

  1. En effet ; cela ne devrait pas devenir notre religion car tout est éphémère dans cette vie .
    nous devons essayer de maintenir un mode de vie sain et surtout ne pas se leurrer dans des illusions .
    nous ne gérons pratiquement rien de notre vie .
    Ce qui compte vraiment, c’est notre relation avec Dieu et non notre relation avec notre corps que de toute évidence va se détériorer avec l’age et le temps .
    priorisons donc notre relation avec Dieu c’est la lumière de notre âme et cette relation elle est éternelle !

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