Category Archives: Psychology

Black Friday

Black Friday.A perfect name.It is truly darkness! The darkness of the ego,the darkness of materialism,the darkness of greed.And this is what we are supposed to build our life on?! No wonder America and ,by extension, the entire world is so screwed up!P,S. There are many people out there who actually believe that getting a good deal is one of the highest achievements in life.I even had a Sufi friend with that vision.Needless to say,we are no longer friends lol.

About Marriage

When You Marry for Four Reasons, Don’t Forget Your Reason

When You Marry for Four Reasons, Don’t Forget Your Reason

By Karim Serageldin

As a practicing psychologist, I was once consulted by a brother in Turkey in need of immediate relationship advice. In summary, the brother’s “emergency” was that he had met a nice religious girl from a good family but was not attracted to her at all. He was under pressure from both his and her family to make a decision after three short meetings with the sister. I asked him what he liked about her; he said she was religious and came from a good family. “Okay, what else?”

I could feel his anxiety through the computer screen. To marry or not to marry?

“Should I just go for it?”

I was shocked. Marriage is a lifelong commitment that requires compatibility, attraction and personality flow, none of which he felt. But he failed to recognize this, because he was stuck on the hadith (narration of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, peace be upon him) narrated by Abu Huraira in Bukhari: “A woman is married for four things: her wealth, her family status, her beauty and her religion. So you should marry the religious woman (otherwise) you will be unsuccessful.” (Book #62, Hadith #27)

In my opinion, this hadith is often misunderstood, because we forget the other reasons in the process. In the case of the young man I talked to, he thought we should only marry for religion and ignore the other three. Are you likely to sustain and succeed in a marriage where there is no compatibility beyond sharing a similar theology and ritual practices? Furthermore, what someone else calls “religious” may not mean the same thing to you.

In my experience working with couples for many years, I know for a fact that this is irrational. When we fail to apply reason in matters of religion, we get pain, destruction and failure, especially in marriage. We cannot live a true path of spirituality if our attempt to follow Islam lacks sincerity, wisdom, and deep reflection on our context and ourselves. Some Muslims live the path of serving Islam, as if it is a person nodding its head in approval every time we apply a hadith or Qur’anic verse. Islam is a path to God. God is the one to whom this path leads. Did this brother think about God in his process? That one day he will meet Him and be asked about “just doing it” without regard for the deeper requirements for success in human relationships? He considered getting married in order not to hurt the sister’s feelings—what about when he divorces her because he realizes it was a huge mistake?

A few points to reflect on:

  • Never ever marry someone you don’t feel right about out of fear or pressure. This is likely to lead to failure. In the end, you and your partner will suffer, not your family, your culture, or even your religion.
  • Marry someone who possesses all four reasons mentioned in the hadith not just religion. This is more likely to succeed and sustain a life long partnership.
  • If religion is important to you, avoid marrying someone who does not have religion, even if the other three reasons are alluring. This is just as unlikely to succeed.
  • Use this hadith as a guide, not an axiom with closed borders. We also marry for love and chemistry, in addition to these four reasons.
  • Islam teaches us to admire diversity. If we always married people from the same socioeconomic status, race, or ethnic group, for example, this would hinder a more colorful, multicultural ummah (community).
  • Sometimes people act religious because it is more “marketable” for marriage. Be cautious and go beyond surface checkpoints of theology and practice. Get to know the person and their family more deeply.
  • Take your time. If you do not feel you are given enough time to get to know someone do not get married to avoid cultural stigmas. Families that rush their kids into marriage are the ones to have sincere skepticism towards.



Feelings-In Whose Control?

Consider this hadith:

Although the Prophet (peace be upon him) treated his wives with perfect equity in what he could control, he apologized to Allah the almighty that he could not be equitable in what he could not control; meaning, the feelings in his heart. Lady ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) reported that the Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) used to treat his wives equally, and say:

“Oh Allah, this is how I divide what I can control. O Allah, do not blame me for what you control and I cannot control.” Abu Dawoud said: “Prophet Muhammad meant what is in his heart.” And it was said that it is love and cordiality as interpreted by at-Tirmidhi. What is meant, is that Allah the almighty controls our feelings and hearts and made the love of lady ‘A’isha (may Allah be pleased with her) greater in the heart of the Prophet (peace be upon him) than the love of any other woman. Indeed, he could not control that.

Very interesting! This is one of the only instances I know of where the Prophet is qualifying the order of Allah.It is in response to the revelation of the ayat telling men that they have to treat their wives equally.The Prophet saws is making a hugely important point for all mankind,Muslims and non-Muslims alike- one that is often misunderstood.We do not and can not control our feelings! God is the muqallib al qulub(the Controller of Hearts).All we can do is manage our actions that emerge from these feelings.Once we understand this and act accordingly much confusion,guilt and inappropriate actions are eliminated.Alhumdulillah .We thank Allah and His Prophet for this clarification.Salaams,Ibrahim

The Problem of Mind

After long reflection and observation,I have concluded that the biggest problem in the modern world is that we are victimized by our own minds.This problem does nor correlate well with the traditional maps of vice and virtue such as the Seven Deadly Sins in Christianity.In fact most of the modern analyses are convinced that most of it is about greed.However if we stick to the Christian model for now,because it is the simplest ,we could say this obsession with rationality is about pride.But I prefer to think of it as ignorance-the cardinal “sin” in Buddhism.Oddly enough this very problem is what the modern world believes to be the solution! Thus Universities and Research and Commissions of Enquiry-most of it leading to more dead ends.Let’s conclude with the words of Jesus”Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven”.Not the Phd.s and post-docs.The simple in spirit.Our Prophet Muhammad saws did not have to repeat that as most of the people around him(the Sahhabba r.a.) were already like that.If you don’t believe me go back to the sources and read the exchanges that occurred at the time..! Nothing like the debates in our universities and governing bodies.

Waking Up!

I,too,was raised in the liberal,democratic tradition.Let me share with you two events that helped me wake up.This is from long ago-1975 precisely,for Chantal that means before you were born lol.The first event was in San Francisco.It was the beginning of an interesting but flawed movement called Est seminars(Erhard Seminar Trainings) and they had some legitimate insights.The trainer (that’s what they called the leader) stood up at the board(yes there were no computers and projectors at that time!) and wrote down the “Hierarchy of Spiritual Development).The lowest level,just above animality, was Reason.The trainer underlined the point.”Rationality is the lowest level of spiritual attainment” he reiterated.It was all uphill from there.My entire liberal education was put into question and Alhumdulillah for that.Studying the Hindu and Buddhist concepts of “mind”(as illusion) confirmed my understanding.

The second event occurred at “The Abode of the Message” in the Berkshires at The Abode of the Message “with Pir Vilayat Khan.We did practices called “The Songs and Dances of Universal Peace”.In one of the practices ,the men and the women were separated into two concentric circles.Alternatively we would do some kind of circular movements and chanting”.When I heard ,one after the other,the two collective sounds,I was moved to tears.I felt the sublimity of the Creation.Vive la Difference!The feminist bubble, in which I too was raised, was beginning to burst,Alhumdulillah.Everything after that was a confirmation of what I had realized in that moment.Sublime!

Thought and Reality

Plus ca change plus c’est pareil (the more it changes,the more it’s the same).A Professor Emeritus is visiting from France.He is presenting “A Theory of Cancer”.Aha.That’s going to do it! Another Theory!At least since Descartes the French intellectuals have been producing theories.What’s more is the iconic theory of Descartes”Je pense donc je suis” is the opposite of the Truth! In fact ,it is only when you stop thinking that you discover who you really are.The world is falling apart but not for lack of theories?! It would be much more effective to teach people to see,hear and feel rather than to spin out theories like spiders spin webs.We are like the insects caught in these thought webs.Let’s become humans(insan in Arabic) once again.

The Istikhara Prayer

(This is an answer to a request from an old friend for guidance. I have now added an important addendum at the end of the article. Be sure you read it before acting on this guidance! )

This is where Istighara is so important! We can’t figure this out with our mind that knows so little in reality .I am not referring to the usual perfunctory(habitual but superficial) Istikhara.Rather to the deep,soul-searching convinced Istighara. I remember having a discussion about this with a Sheik in Jordan. He was of the belief,and I gather that this is the usual alim position,that no matter what happened after the Istighara prayer, it was the will of Allah so all was fine.! All due respect to Shekh ——,I strongly disagree.That is like taking a hammer and saying no matter how I swing it the nail will go in properly.Wrong! Istighara is a skill we have to develop.

So here’s the teaching.I’m sure you know or can find the dua.That’s the thing the ulema teach first and the part that is least important.What is important is the attitude”Oh,Allah.I am weak.You are All-Powerful.I am relatively ignorant.You are all-Knowing.Guide me in this matter.” It is also very important, if you ask this question to Allah, that you remain open to the answer.If you have already decided what you are doing,don’t do Istighara! Because then if Allah shows you the opposite and you go ahead with your intention,you are in disobedience- “massiya”,big time! So first,humility and open-mindedness.

Then the answer may come in 4 ways(the last one I only discovered in the last few years):

1) Dream symbolism(sometimes people need help with dream interpretation.Be careful who you consult on that level because consultants are often full of prior convictions-no good).

2) Feelings in the heart.Sheikh Nuh seemed to use this one a lot.You ask a yes or no question.If you wake up feeling anxious and constricted,it’s a no.If you wake up feeling expanded and peaceful it’s a yes.Some interpreters feel it’s the same for colours in the dream-green and white are yes ;black and red are no.The heart can give many ,more subtle answers as well.You then need to listen to its soft voice.

3) Facts on the ground.These are the ayats(signs) of Allah.When I was at the beginning of my search and trying to get to India ,I ended up in Sweden visiting some old friends.I was lost because India was under flood alert everywhere.I was watching TV with my friends and a documentary came up about Jerusalem.I knew immediately that was my next step.That’s how I became Muslim.Don’t let the scholars diss TV to you lol.

4) And most recent-third parties sayings or dreams especially if the sayings are out of character for the person.That is a sure sign they are from Allah. In one of my more recent situations a cousin of mine called pleading with me to mediate a quarrel with his sister.I wanted to do it to help the family out and I did Istighara.My brother in NYC had a dream in which I was in an ugly  fight with one of the family members and he felt worried about me.I pulled out of the offer and over time it was proven that I had made the right decision.I’ll spare you the details for now.

So do this carefully and follow the Guidance.It will save you a lot of grief.


Addendum: There are actually three types of Istikhara dreams! The first is a dream indicating our desires or wishes. These are the Freudian dreams and should only be used to understand your weaknesses. The second kind of dream is the fear dreams. This represents the projection of your fear-driven psyche.T hey are the dreams our Prophet saws told us to ignore. The third type and the one we can rely on are the Guidance dreams. Those are the truly useful ones. Now, admittedly, the distinction between these three is not always obvious.It takes a certain amount of intuitive discernment to make the distinctions.If you can’t figure it out, you can consult but be advised that the usual Muslim sources of guidance(Imams and scholars) are usually unreliable in this area as they do not understand the components of psychology involved. Psychologists and psychoanalysts are equally unreliable as they usually believe everything in a dream is a projection of our egos! Wrong!  So proceed cautiously!  Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim

Terrorist attacks in Paris

The real cause of all outer events is an inner reality.I felt that reality on my last two journeys to France and told people of the toxic environment in Paris.That is why problems cannot be solved at the level on which they occur.We need to go deeper.But that usually means putting into question our hidden assumptions and convictions and that is something most people are unwilling to do.So God intervenes and makes the messages louder.Still people

refuse to understand.”Surely man is contrary”The Quran