Category Archives: Modern Living

The Problem of Shirk

The Problem of Shirk (Idolatry))

Especially relevant in the light of the current chaos at university campuses

Each of the major religions has an idea of what is the greatest sin. For Christianity it is pride. For Buddhism ( I particularly like this one!) it is ignorance. And for Islam it is “shirk”!

Now what is shirk? The official translation is “making partners with Allah”. But somehow that translation doesn’t quite work. After all ,who goes into business with God?! Maybe a few priests and rabbis and Imams lol but that is another matter. So what ‘shirk” really means is setting up other priorities in one’s life-other than God. After all, doesn’t the Bible itself tell us : ”You must love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and all thy mind and all thy soul”( Matthew 22:37-39) Well, most people don’t do that! -people from all the different faiths. So there is a problem!

And why is that?! Usually because they have other loves, other priorities-sometimes conscious ones and sometimes unconscious. So let us look at two categories of “shirk”.

Obvious Shirk

There are a few obvious forms of shirk-ones that are easy to detect and easy to denounce:

1-The first is love of money and material goods. This is the most commonly denounced one. I like to call it “economic paranoia”-where everything bad comes down to greed. As was said in the famous quote by president Bush, the elder: ”It’s the economy stupid”. So we get the all too common refrain ; ”Why did America go into Iraq-For the oil”. “Why have the doctors in Western countries been acting like fools during the Covid. It’s the money” Supposedly that answers everything. However ,I like to remind people, especially Christians, that greed is one of the 7 cardinal sins!  There are six others to be alert to.

Then again, for some people, it IS all about the money. And that is indeed a big problem.Now this “greed shirk” has a number of extensions which sound kosher-like “financial planning” for individuals and “GDP enhancement” for governments. They sound virtuous But scratch the surface and that too often comes down to greed!

2_ Then there is Power and Social Status. You can ask yourselves why there are so many people running for electoral office. Do they not see what a terrible job that is? And they often use the excuise that it is for “public service” which may be true-but only for a minority as far as I can see. For example, in the Covid vaccine debacle, there has only been one politician in America, Senator Ron Johnson, standing up for the Truth. All the others, many who must be aware of what is going on, are silent.They don’t want to jeopardize their position!

3_ Nationalism. It is rampant everywhere-American nationalism(“we are the greatest country ever”!)  Really?; Zionism( “only the Jewish people count”) ;.Arab nationalism(we see where that has led to in the Middle East) and locally French-Canadian nationalism( as long as you speak French, you’re good! As if lol). People with the least bit of insight and objectivity have seen through this one.

But then there are the more subtle forms of idolatry-one’s that whole swaths of people, if not the entire world, have embraced. They seem commendable, but once you scratch the surface, you see the corruption.

Hidden Forms of Shirk

1-The Cult of the Intellect Of all the forms of idolatry ,this is probably the most potent and the most insidious one..This “cult’ is based on idealizing and idolizing the human mind. The Buddhists and Hindus have been onto this problem for a very long time and developed forms of meditation to get beyond it. But the three major Western religions have bought into it” whole hog”(pun intended!).Ever since the time of the Greek philosophers, especially Aristotle but many others, spread their unholy messages and were translated into Latin and Greek and Arabic, the scholars of the Western traditions have been imbibing this contamination -often without realizing it. Even great Talmudic scholars and Islamic ones like Al Ghazzali, have drunk the kool-aid. Al Ghazzali, despite his critique of philosophers for not believing in Revelation, then goes onto say that Logic is a valid science. They have even integrated it ( as” mantiq”) into the Isalamic sciences! Where did they get that from?! Where can you find that in the Quran and sunnat? Do they not get the wisdom in the fact that our Prophet saws was unlettered. No! They are all people of the Western Enlightenment” which is actually “Endarkment”

So we can see this cult in our Universies, in our so-called “Objective Science” , in our government institutions. And many,many people have integrated it into their personal lives-often at great expense to themselves and the people around them!

2-Relationship: No, this is definitely NOT relationship with God, but usually refers to intimate partners. P.S. I am in the midst of attending a summit on Zoom called “Healing Relationships” led by Terry Real,who I greatly respect as a psychologist- but definitely not as a spiritual teacher.

The extreme example of this cult of relationship may well be the Hollywood Romance but there are many, many more subtle variants.

So we get politicians resigning to spend more time with their families. They are probably lying as they have learnt to do in Democratic politics but that aside. It is now considered acceptable to give up your vocation, your life mission if you wish, in favour of your family and relationships. Men have been cowed into submission (ever noticed lol) and women empowere4d into tyranny-all in the name of relationships!

3 – Family. Now this is particularly noticeable in Eastern cultures -like the  Islamic ones I am currently in touch with.. How many times have I heard ”bir walidayn”(filial piety) and “Rahim Wassila”(maintaining ties to extended family))in Muslim discourse .Ironically the Quran says “ihsan walidayn” (being good to your parents ) rather than “bir walidayn” .Why? Because families can be ignorant and abusive. Because I have seen many Muslim parents marrying their daughters to nasty partners -often through the first shirk of materialism! ”He has a good career and money in the bank, so he must be a good partner” Really?! I have seen Muslims so absorbed with their family interactions that they forget to pray! Is that part of our religion?! I have seen people waste hours and hours socializing with their families with no noticeable benefit. Is that part of our religion. Certainly not! It is a hidden form of shirk!

Think about it, Sufi Ibrahim




Universities1 During my last decade as a practicing psychiatrist, I used to go regularly to the Harvard CME courses in Boston. I usually stayed in Cambridge- home to Harvard and MIT. I would go shopping and have a meal in Harvard Square and occasionally take a walk on the campus

I was immediately struck by the ” darkness of the vibe”( yes, I know that sounds too New-Agey for some but it’s a reality, nevertheless!) Darker than Broadway, darker than Congress and probably even darker than Wall St, If you can believe it!(At least there is the Reality of money there lol) For me, that said it all. These are places of delusion- even of evil! To be avoided whenever possible! If you can’t, because you want to be a doctor or lawyer then be aware and detox yourself, as I did, every time you get home!

God protect us!

Universities-2– more than almost any other social institutions- like Congress and the Supremely Foolish Courts and Public Health Institutions- are Palaces of Delusions! Highly competitive entrance requirements, $90 000 fees, stressed out final exams, tenured professors whose overall social contributions are most likely negative, brain-washing with CRT and Woke philosophy

And the totally unaware population that still believes in them?! It’s amazing that they haven’t fallen apart a long time ago. But as the old saying goes: “there’s none as blind as those who will not see” l


Universities-3 I am encouraged to see the chaos on U.S. campuses! There are much deeper issues than the Middle East at play actually. Even deeper than left-wing /right wing politics.The Universities are the Temples of the Cult of the Intellect as I have described on my blog. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT FORM OF IDOLATRY IN THE WORLD TODAY-THE WORSHIP OF THE iNTELLECT. Until we get over that, none of our problems will be solved because this cult puts abstraction before Reality. So how can we solve problems when we are not in Reality?!


Middle East Synthesis

The Middle East-Synthesis

As emotions are running high and opinions are rigidifying, I felt the duty to communicate what I am seeing about the current crisis in the Middle East.I hope this can contribute to peoples understanding and even to an eventual peace although at this point in time,I am not very optimistic about humanity lol

  1. Free Palestine!

1-Free Palestine from the worst governance on the planet! Even Putin’s Russia and Imperial Japan (WW2) had more concern and compassion for their own people! Not good company for sure!

2-Free Palestine from the mindset of hatred, bigotry and narrow-mindedness that has developed over the years  .None of this can lead to a good result. And none of this is from the sunnat of our Prophet saws

3-Free Palestine from the Woke attitude of victimization and return it to the Islamic attitude of accountability. Remember Sheikh Ali Jemal of Fes r.a. “Everything to you is from you”!

4_ Free Palestine from the blindness of NOT seeing the hand of God (metaphorical of course) in everything. Thinking that the only powers at play are America and Israel is a form of shirk. If Muslims need a reference from the sunnat, re-read the dua of our holy Prophet saws after the events at Taif-that he sal called the worst day of his life. In it you will find accountability and humility and NOT vengeance

PS Does this mean I am taking the Israeli side. Not at all. I can and will formulate the critique of its behaviours just as well as any Muslims-better I think lol. But if you re-read the Quran, you will see that we are only accountable for our own actions-not the actions of the other side . If the Palestinians could be free of any or all of these contaminants, my belief is that peace would occur  almost immediately! Think about it


Free Israel!

1-Free Israel from religious and spiritual nationalism( the reason I left Judaism in the first place)

2- Free Israel from the lack of empathy ( a characteristic of BOTH Semitic tribes!) for the suffering of the Palestinians

3- Free Israel from the arrogance of “The Chosen People” narrative

4-Free Israel from the fear of another holocaust-which leads to over-reaction!


PS If they did all of that or any of that, we would have Peace within short order. But it is no simple matter to achieve that, for sure.



Myths that need to be dispelled

1-That the Zionist movement is about a group of white Europeans who have occupied Arab lands in a colonialist fashion!

Actually this conflict has been going on for at least 4000 years-ever since the two partners of Abraham-Sara and Hajar separated( we will not speculate here why that may have occurred nor what the marital status of Hajar was,as this is not germane to this discussion1).Sara remained in Hebron with Isaac  while Hajar moved with her son Ismail to Mecca .The Children of Sara became the Children of Israel and the children of Hajar became the children of Ismail. And the two lineages have been fighting with each other ever since.

So David fighting with Goliath of the Philistines ( 1000 B.C.) was one instance of this conlict. And when the Israelites under Musa a.s. were ordered in the Old Testament to kill the Cananites( the ancestors of the Palestinians) on entering the promised land, this was also a manifestation of the conflict.

In 70 A.D. the Romans ordered the Jews to leave Palestine.. But after the Muslim conquest under Umar Ibn Al Khattab they came back and have been there ever since. By the mid 19th century more than half the inhabitants of Jerusalem were Jews and 300 years  before that they had established the holy city of Safed which was a centre of Jewish mysticism and Kabbala.

So, calling the return of Jews to Palestine a colonialist occupation is either  short-sighted vision or simply intellectual dishonesty!

2- Israel as an apartheid state is not really an accurate representation of Reality. This does not mean that Israel has not done and continues to do a lot of wrong and oppressive things. Like chasing Arabs out of their villages before the 1948 war.(It did not help that the Arab leadership encouraged many to leave, believing that they could return after the Arab armies had gained victory).But that doesn’t justify the behaviour. Nor is the REAL occupation by settlers in the West Bank(saying it is the ancient Jewish land of Judea and Samaria). and seizing property in East  Jerusalem correct behaviour. All of that has just added fuel to the fire.

One of the arguments against considering Israel an Aparthed state if that the Arabs that remained in Israel are doing better, economically that is, then any of the Arab states around them or those in the West Bank and Gaza. Israel has also given some autonomy to the Arab populations of Gaza and the West bank but the latter’s obsession with fighting Israel has not allowed them to benefit from this autonomy.

On the notion of apartheid ( and I credit the Imam at our local mosque for this information) when Umar Ibn Al Kattab allowed the Jews back to Jerusalem there was a condition that they could not be permanent residents nor own property! I get the reasoning. The Jewish tribes had made a lot of problems for the Muslims in Madina. But I think this was a mistake-something that commonly happens when we base our decisions on history- which never repeats itself exactly! This ruling seems to have continued in the Ottoman Empire-up to the Balfour Declaration in 1918.That explains why the founder of Zionism, Theodore Herzl, went to visit the Ottoman Emperor to buy land in Palestine. Otherwise thay could have bought it on the open commercial market. The Sultan refused citing loyaly to another Muslim community. What the consequences would have been,if he had accepted,is a whole other matter.The point here is that if the Arabs are now second rate citizens in their homeland the Jews were also such in pre-Balfour Palestine!

5- The notion in large parts of the Muslim world that the Jews have no place in this land in the first place.

This question was partially answered by point number 1 but let us continue the discussion. It appears that Theodore Herzl ,the founder of Zionism, had a childhood vision of Moses taking him up to see his Lord and saying “this man may affect a lot of people by his words”.Herzl did not reveal this information until he was close to death!- because he did not want to be seen as a religious fanatic.But for the Muslims in the audience, we have been taught that if a Prophet appears in a dream it is really him as Satan cannot take on the form of Prophethood. So there is the fulfillment of some kind of Destiny in the Jews coming back to Palestine. The Christians are convinced of this, as well, which is why there is a lot of support for Israel amongst Evangelical Chjristians!

Then there are the “signs” (referred to as “ayat” in the Quran).The 1948 victory against established armies of Arab states ,the 1967 war, the Yom Kippur war(1973) and all the skirmishes before and after. The Palestinians and the Arabs have lost every one! Is that not enough of signs?! Do the Muslims not believe that nothing happens in this world without the permission of Allah?! Read the life of the Prophet saws. He won almost every battle and the one the Muslims lost(Uhud) was because of the disobedience of the soldiers involved.

To change the orientation slightly, even the Germans and the Japanese ( No slacker peoples there lol) accepted defeat. But not the Palestinians. They negotiate as if they were victors! Wa la howla wala quwatta.

3- The argument that the bad behaviour of groups like Hamas is a reaction due to the intolerable conditions of their lives. And there is truth to this argument,no doubt ! What is rarely said is that the Israelis are also in reaction! Let me explain further.Over the years there have been many propositions from various sources for land-sharing and peace. Let me enumerate a few!

:1937 U.N. proposal of land-distribution( in favour of the Palestinians

:1947 A second land distribution proposal ( more or less 50-509).Response: Arab armies organize a war

1951 King Abdullah of Jordan and Golda Meir are on the verge of a historic agreement.Response:He is assassinated by Palestinians And btw,the Arab street still believes he was a traitor.But whayt I have seen is the opposite.The kings of Jordan are sincerely concerned with their people.But who needs the welfare of the people when you can have never-ending wars to defend your pride?!.

;1967 U.N. Resolution 242 (land for peace after the 67 war)

;1980 Camp David with president Carter (Palestinians didn’t attend)

:2000 Camp David with president Clinton…Arafat left

2003 The Geneva Initiative negotiated between Yossi Bellin, previous Minister of Justice in Israel and Yasser Abed Rabo, former Palestinian Authority Minister.A very interesting report that went into all kinds of details to cross the t’s and dot the I’s!

And these are only some of the many attempts to arrive at peace. The Jews accepted most of themat least as a basis to negotiate .The Arabs refused every one!

So Israel, as well, is in reaction-reaction to an “all or none” intransigence of the Arabs.So when they claim that they don’t have a partner in negotiation, it is not purely propaganda.







The Psychology of the Peoples Involved

Modern people don’t like us talking about Collective Psychology.T hey call it “Racial or National Profiling” and it is considered “politically incorrect”. On top of that, Muslims and religious people in general have no taste or understanding of psychology. So if you find yourself being in either of these categories lol you are going to have to bear with me.But if you listen carefully, I believe you will learn something important that will improve your understanding of the events that are unfolding!

When I first came to Islam, in East Jerusalem, in 1978, I was given a Quran translated into English to read. I recognized immediately the authenticity of the book! However, at the same time, I met the Palestinian people around me. Our sheikh, himself a Syrian/Palestinian had warned us of the people around us and prohibited us from going to the famous Al Aqsa mosque for the first six months after our shahada. He said, otherwise, that we could easily lose our faith if we did so.

Given those realities I had in mind the question: ”Why did Allah give this sacred book to these people?!” I made dua about it and one day sitting on the road of the Mount of Olives, the answer came! “Because these are the people who would most tightly hold to this book and these teachings” Hamza Yusuf likes to quote the historian ,Herodotus,I believe, that the Arabs were the people most loyal to their oaths. That is the perfect quality for the mission of preserving the religion.

However, this same quality of tenacity and intransigence, when it comes to working out a deal with another people and another way of thinking, becomes a definite liability! And we can see that playing out over the last 100 years. .( Just above we have a short list of all the peace arrangements that have been refused Case in point!)

On the other hand the Jews represent another enigma. Jackie Mason, perhaps the greatest Jewish comedian of all times puts it this way: ”I don’t understand these Israelis.They are not at all like the Jews I knew in NewYork City and Brooklyn.They are like Puerta Ricans”(known as some of the toughest gangsters in New York lol).So how did that happen?! The reasonable explanation would be that they are reacting to a rough environment. But Robert Pirsig, one of my favourite authors, in his book “Laila” has another, more intriguing answer. He claims, and I believe it wholeheartedly ,that our environmental penetrates into our psyche.So he explains how the Americans that came to America with Christian values of piety and compassion became so violent.He believes they imbibed the violence of the indigenous tribes around them. Intriguing.But once again politically incorrect.In that vein ,the Jews who came to Israel became Arabized.They were no longer the passive, shtetel Jews but refound their way back to the warriors of the Times of King David and King Saul.

And so what we have in the Middle East, in essence, is tribal warfare disguised in the terminology of human rights and national affirmation. ”How does that help?” you may ask. Well, if we understand what is really going on, we are in a better position to fix it.If we live in the world of denial and comfortable ideals we end up being impotent, which is exactly what has been happening for the last 100 years!

Conclusion: The Task at Hand

What is going on in the Middle East is horrible. What happened on October 7th was horrid. So is the Israeli response. But if we remain at the surface, as most of the activists are doing, we will go nowhere.

So ,bottom line,what is the task at hand. I believe Allah has presented a challenge to these two peoples: the Jews and the Arabs. The challenge is “How to share this land between the two of them, in a way that works for everyone”. Although our Prophet saws was up to this kind of challenge amongst the Arab tribes like the Aws and the Hazraj, no-one has ever done this in Palestine between the Jews and the Arabs. And they do not have a common leader like the Arab tribes in Madina did.The U.N. and America are both failing miserably at this task. As are the Arabs and the Jews, both trying in one way or another to maximize their advantage and their holdings without properly considering the other. As they showed up in my Istikhara prayers, they are both scavengers and it is leading to self-destruction on both sides!

There ARE examples of this being done successfully elsewhere. I believe , without prejudice lol, that Canada is one of them.The French and English, despite having fought wars in Europe for 100’s of years have managed to accommodate each other in Canada, not without certain frictions for sure, in a way that has given both communities a decent lifestyle. Now the naysayers might point out that it didn’t work out that well for the indigenous people?! But that is another matter. As I thought about it, both Islam and Judaism themselves gained prominence at the expense of the pagans and idol-worshippers in their the parallel is even better than I originally thought!

In all fairness, I don’t think the Arabs and the Jews can do it on their own. But, the Abrahamic accords were a promising start. That is some of the leaders in the Arab world( the UAE, Bahrain and soon to come Saudi Arabia? and Morocco?)  are beginning to see that it would be in their interest to make peace with Israel and work together for prosperity in the region. Wouldn’t that be great?!

Obviouly, there are certain parties not pleased with that prospect-most specifically Iran with its proxies and other Islamist groups like Hamas ,Hizbollah and the Ikhwan Muslimeen(Muslim brotherhood) wherever they may be.For more explanation about this obstacle, the reader can go to my article on our blog entitled:”Islamism:The Scourge of the Muslim ummat”.In brief we can understand as Joshua Phillips of Epoch Times pointed out so perceptively,that Islamism is a form of left-wing,Marxist thinking(Remember the Dictatorship of the proletariat lol? Well in Islamism it becomes the Dictatorship of the Ulema as the Iranian principle of “Vilayat a Faqi’ points out so succinctly. And we know well how these theocracies without a proper Prophet or rightly guided one turns out?! And no, neither Ismail Hanniye nor Ayatollah Khameini fill the bill lol

So that is where we find ourselves. On the precipice! All out war or a final Peace Deal.  May God help us!






The M.O. for Men

The M.O. for Men in Relationships

A couple of months ago I published an article about “Fascinating Womanhood: The Work of Helen Andelin”. I believe there are some very interesting points in Ms. Andelin’s work that allow women to detox from some of the Feminist distortions that make relationships almost impossible for women and men. If you want to find out more, you can go to my blog at and find the article. Well worth reading I believe.

However, towards the end of this article I realized that there was something very crucial that was missing! How are men supposed to behave?! Surely a woman can not succeed all on her own without the help of her partner. Paradoxically is that not part of the feminist myth- of the “superwoman”?! Or is that the one myth about women that the feminists denounce lol? In either case the question remains:” What is the man to do?

Honestly I didn’t know where to start! As Red/Green used to say on his TV series:”I’m a man ,but I can change, if I have to, I guess” Lol. Another put-down of the male gender! But that is to be expected. Then a client of mine sent me an article by a Dr.Audrey in an online magazine called “Illumination”. And I realized that this would be a good place to start. So this article is a résumé of that article, edited and augmented with my own observations and insights. But the basic structure, around four themes, I have kept in place . And so here it is!

1_The woman needs to feel loved and appreciated (the author says “loved and adored” but I think that is going too far!) Adoration is for the Lord in my books-no one else. Making a partner into a god is a bad place to start lol Other appropriate words could be “wanted” and “desired” and “ cherished” “Wrap her in your love-use your body, voice, words and soul to let her feel your love” says the author. “But don’t go too far,I would add.” You don’t want to sound maudlin or insincere or overly idealizing. That could have the opposite effect and destroy your credibility .So how do you go about doing it?

:Tell her about your love-when you feel it! Don’t make it into a meaningless habit however. Like in Britain where they often say ”Love” which is simply an expression of politeness or in Arab society where everyone is “Habibi” lol

:Say “you look beautiful or pretty or great in that dress or doing the gardening or when you dance to that music”.

:Bring thoughtful gifts like chocolates, a card ,a special pastry that she likes ,flowers, etc.

: Do some of the work at home ,in the yard, fixing things, putting up shelving-show your actionable love.

; Keep in touch regularly-by text, by messaging ,by phone. Remind her that you’re thinking about her.

; Kiss her, hug her-on a regular basis

; Take care of her car and do the home repairs. If you’re into cooking, do so.

: Plan a date (Gottman says once a week) where you “wine and dine” her. If you’re Muslim make that “sparkling water instead lol)

: Tell her that you chose her before all the others and that you’re happy with your choice.


2-Express your Leadership

This is especially true in the era of  ”equality”  and the emasculated male!  The man is still the head of the household-no matter what the feminists would like to think. And women  DO appreciate Leadership in men!

“She wants you to lead the way on things that matter to her. She needs to feel your direction, your pacing, and your certainty. She wants to be confident that you hold the map to your own life-as well as to your life together.”

So take the lead in making plans, in setting goals dealing with finances, making love or settling issues.

Plan the dinner, plan the date, plan an outing, plan a vacation i.e. take initiative-that’s your male role.

N.B. None of this is be done harshly or in an authoritarian way. Be a skillful leade-not a tyrant! And consult whenever needed.

Take the dominant role sexually but follow it up with cuddling and “pillow talk” of how much she means to you.

Organize your goal purchase- a car, a house, a new computer and then present her with choices.

“Grab her. Hold her tight, Kiss her and Lead with love”. (This will not work if there was a lot of childhood trauma as she will experience this as assault! In that case you’ll have to go much more gently!)


3-She needs to feel supported and encouraged and respected.

The author says: ”Some days I just want my partner to just open his eyes and notice that I’m doing all these things. I want him to tell me I’m a great mom, a great entrepreneur and a great wife -without me telling him to say that” That is , like us all, the woman needs to be acknowledged for everything she is doing.

An aside…One of my spiritual teachers used to put his students in short retreats for spiritual attainment. He was someone who highly valued knowledge. But he noticed that the people who got the most benefit from the retreats were the mothers who had spent their time taking care of their children, not the scholarly types!… Got him thinking lol..


So…. Express appreciation regularly. The author suggests setting up an appreciation board but that seems a bit “kitshy” to me. To each his/her own lol You can do appre3ciation without gimmicks!

Encourage her to follow her dreams (Gottman says this is essential for both partners.He claims that most of the irresolvable problems in couples  came from one partner being prevented from pursuing their dreams))I have had women in therapy whose partners refuse to have children.I generally coun- sel men not to do that! If a woman’s dream is to have a family, the man has no right to block her.And I have yet to meet a man who regretted that decision.In fact the men who are most resistant are the ones who fall madly in love with the children when they are born! lol.

:Ask her about her day(debriefing every day after work).

:Hire outside help to make her life easier.

:Schedule a surprise break for her-spa,vacation

4- She must feel safe

Wandering eyes and scattered attention create doubt.When a woman fears,she shuts down. Then she withdraws.

You need to be extra-careful if there is trauma in her history(and there is lots of that out there!)Then there is always the fear  that anything can go wrong.And then she feels “out of control” So the man has to be the bulwark ,the pillar .And not react to her emotionality!

  1. The author, being a modernist woman conditioned by feminism to not fully acknowledge gender differences, is unwilling to acknowledge the problematic emotionality of women-often hyperemotionality.Once we factor that into the equation we realize that the man has to be the bulwark ,the rudder in the stormy waters.He needs to not get swept up in the in evitable emotional storms and remain solid and unfazed.That is what ,more than anything else,will make the woman feel safe.If he reacts emotionally himself or is intimidated by the woman’s emotionality,he loses his masculine credibility and then the entire family suffers the consequences.

The author says:

“Hold her tight for a long hug.Tell her you’ll always hold her.Tell her you’ll always be there for her”All of that ,of course,is contingent on the man being in control of himself.Otherwise it will ring hollow!

The author then says (without really acknowledging female frailty):”Show her you can absorb her moods ,her swings, her occasional drama(or more than occasional lol)her doubts, her questions. Stand firm and strong and let her see you can handle and accept every part of her,the good and the not-so-good and everything in between.”

:Understand her.Observe her.Understand when she needs you to come closer and when she wants you to back off.It’s a dance.Learn the right steps and the right timing!

 So, in résumé:

  • Love and Cherish her
  • Assume your leadership role
  • Give support and Encouragement and
  • Provide an atmosphere of safety and trust


Then again as I mentioned about the female role in Helen Andelin, don’t become overdemanding on yourself. You’ll never be perfect all the time.A t times you will mess up-overdo it and underdo it. But, each time, come back to basic principles and accept yourself and your partner as fallible human beings. And “He just said-‘Good Luck”! (courtesy Bob Dylan who had his share of tumultuous relationships lol)



Year in Review-2023

The Year in Review-2023

   Problems of the Year

To paraphrase a famous quote from Winston Churchill lol:”Never in the history of human endeavour have so many been lied to by so many others for the benefit of so few”. Really! In all my years of existence (that’s now 77!) I have never seen so much lying! Whether we call it “spinning” or “cherry-picking” or” minimizing” or “denying” or “covering up”, the mendacity is literally through the roof. My principal Sheikh-Sheikh Nazim Haqqani- told us about it in the 1980’s! He put it in spiritual terms. ”We are now under the hegemony of the shaytan” he said. I couldn’t believe his Turkenglish included the word “hegemony” lol But he had it spot on! And I recently saw an interview with Roseanne Barr who is now a born-again Jew!, saying the same thing. ”This is the work of the devil” she said about her firing on her highly rated TV show  in an interview with Joshua Phillips of Epoch TV.

So instead of “man of the year” or “woman of the year” or “athlete of the year” this article is going to be titled “Problem of the Year”. The problem, however, is probably a lot more than a year old! At least a century in my opinion and it is not likely to change much by next year. We shall see……

The Root Problem (the one that causes all the others!)

The root problem- the one that causes all the others is “Mind-productions”.  I was first introduced to this term by Sheikh Nazim himself. But it is something that has been known for a long, long time. The Hindus and Buddhists have been talking about it since the beginning of their traditions. They understood that the mind was a trap- full of illusions. It is a central concept in their theology. Less so for the Western traditions -like Christianity (possibly the ultimate offender, given its elaborate theology and and its all too numerous theologians.( In fact European intellectuals, from the Greeks to the Germans and the French are certainly at the heart of the problem. But their malady is now universal!)The Jews with their Talmudic scholarship are next in line-not chronologically but in terms of intensity. And then we have the Muslims and their Islamic Sciences-often full of mind-productions. In the Western religions, it seems to only be the mystics like the Kabbalists  in Judaism and the Sufis in Islam that recognize the problem

So where does this all come from? We could say with some justification that it is intrinsic to our nature and the  evolutionarily advanced Cerebral Cortex that we are endowed with. This cortical activity can be very useful in certain situations but very damaging in others. Much like science itself-very useful at times, very harmful at others.

Cost vs. benefit?! I will let the reader figure out that one themselves. Most people, especially so-called “intelligent ones”, have been duped on this one.! A  new cancer treatment is developed and everyone is excited. But they fail to realize that the vast majority of cancers are caused by science itself! -pesticides, heavy metals, VOCs in construction materials, additives in food, EMFs everywhere. Cost vs. benefit? In this case, highly negative. But most people’s “mind-productions” don’t go there! They think instead “science-wonderful”! Which brings us to the next form of “mind-productions”-the collective ones!

I have been talking about The Cult of The Intellect for at least seven years (see the article on my blog about it in Nov.2016!). But this year ,I have come to realize that it is not purely a matter of individual minds! In fact there are numerous “collective mind-productions”! This phenomenon goes by various names. My favourite for now is “echo-chambers”. And we have loads of them now! We have  ”the man-made climate change” echo-chamber. The “vaccines are safe and effective” echo-chamber now generally known as the “medical-scientific echo-chamber” and most recently with the Gaza-Israel war I have come across the “Muslim echo-chamber”. You know the one that says “free Palestine” ( we could discuss at length what they need to be free of?!) Or “From the River to the Sea”-a clearly genocidal echo-chamber!

One of the problems that comes up here is that people honestly believe their thoughts are their own. And generally that is NOT the case. Most of their individual thoughts are imprinted on their minds from the ethnic or national or professional communities of which they are a part. There are only a very few people who are actually doing the research and thinking for themselves! So that is a whole other dimension of the problem. One that makes it that much more difficult to solve!

And why are these mind-productions-individual and collective- so important!? Because they are almost always abstract, theoretical and biased. So they don’t correspond to Reality and lead in fact to false solutions. Take “climate change” theories for example. Clear-thinking or should I say clear-perceiving people can see that this is purely theoretical. At first, I too worried about the impending disaster. Then I started looking into it. One of the first things I discovered is that the climate has been changing all throughout Earth’s history! And even in the last two millenia there were two periods-The Medieval Warming Period and The Roman Warming period- where the climate was several degrees warmer than it is now. No catastrophe, no massive death tolls. In fact, it appears obvious to some scientists (the minority unfortunately for now!) that cooling is a much more dangerous process than warming!

Then I read some of the work of Henrik Svensmark and most recently watched a talk by the nobel Laureate in physics John Clauser. Svensmark thinks the problem comes from an increase in cosmic rays related to the strength of the energy of the sun (which always made sense to me as the most important factor!) How could it be otherwise?! And Clauser says it’s the clouds which are much more important for climate than the carbon layer. That too is most likely related to the sun. Why is this so important?! Because the governments are using this issue to scare all of us into submission and to spend trillions of dollars on “mitigation attempts” that are not working and never will. Why?! Because they have the diagnosis wrong! Who wants those electric cars anyway lol?! They are, in all likelihood more dangerous to our health than a well-maintained petroleum -based car. But that is a subject for another day!

The Three most Important Derivative Problems

  • The dysfunctionality of the American Political System:

At this point in time, what happens in America affects the whole world. Americans may be proud of that fact but for the rest of us it is frightening! The American system is also based on a number of theoretical premises. Theories like “Due Process of the Law”, ”The Adversarial Process” and “Checks and balances”.And let us not forget Lincoln’s Gettysburg address where he talked of “ Government of the people for the people by the people”. That one is particularly rich- as we watch the wealth gap increase, the machinations of monied lobbyists and Superpacs on elections and the increasing cost of living. Perhaps it should be called “government for the wealthy by the wealthy”! That would be more accurate for now!!  These ideas are built into the system as much as the American constitution is. And they are simply not working! Why should this concern us, anyway.


Let’s look at some recent problems.:

1-The Covid pandemic was generated by American “gain of function” research, financed by America and transferred to China after it was banned in the US.A. Then the entire pandemic was mismanaged because of Health Institutions like FDA and CDC that were basically   sold-out to the Pharmaceutical companies and their vaccine production business. Anyone experience a disruption in their lives because of the pandemic lol?! Of course you did! Effective early interventions like with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were then blocked so that vaccine manufacturers were free to profit from their vaccines. That alone probably cost millions of lives! And no-one has been held accountable. So much for “Due Process of the Law” and government for the people.?!

2-Then we have theanthropogenic climate change” dubious theory- trying to push all of us into alternative energies and electric cars-items for which we have no evidence of their harm or harmlessness. And  they refuse to seriously study it .Climate catastrophe or not, what about those electric cars?! Are they safe (EMFs everywhere) and are they really helping the environment?!

3-Then we have world-wide inflation as America rolls out the money distributing system via the Central Reserve. As well, we have two costly and devastating wars-in Ukraine and Gaza-both of which could have been prevented by a functional America-yes even with Trump as president?! And of course, the lurking danger of Iran and its weapons systems which the U.S. has refused to confront! So….all in all, we (the entire world ) is subject to American management or mismanagement-at least for now!

And what do they offer us as reassurance? “Due Process of the Law’! Really?! Have you noticed how the Justice system is being manipulated- left, right and center? Republican committees in the House of Representatives showing how Biden and his son Hunter plus other members of the family benefitted from quid pro quo deals with foreign adversaries. And what do the Democrats say?!”There is no evidence”! Whether you are Republican, Democrat or Independent-THAT IS PURE MENDACITY. They accuse Trump of complicity with the Russians(called Russiagate).The case is more or less dismissed .It was based on a fraudulent study (the Steele dossier) to begin with! No one apologizes . No one is held accountable. Is that what they call “Due Process of the Law’?!

Then 4- there is the famous ”adversarial approach”-in Law and government. (All of these are “mind-productions” btw) Have you watched that in progress?!  The Democrats and Republicans argue for hours! No one’s opinion changes. The vote is almost tied. Even if they pass something in the House the Senate vetoes it. The adversarial process has become the “paralysis process”.If you want to watch that play out in a legal context,go back and watch the O.J. case.The defense lawyers were so clever they had the jury completely confused- a standard consequence of adversarial processes.

And 5-“ the Checks and balances in the constitution” that Americans are so proud of. Or is it cheques and bank balances lol? Recent example-President Biden wants to relieve young people of student debt. The conservatives disagree. They go to the Supreme Court which finds in their favour! So now the Biden Administration is looking for legal ways around the prohibition. And so it goes. “Analysis is paralysis”. And the entire world pays the price! God help us!

Then there is 5-Loss of Traditional Values with America leading the way forward. Or is that backward lol? Highest Divorce rate in History. LGBTQ-2S chaos and hysteria, pornography passing as sex education in primary schools, unwed people hooking-up”.Promiiscuity, S.T.D’s galore and now the autism, Cancer, autoimmune disorders and Alzheimerès disease.And America continues  leading the way!


The “Woke” Establishment

And what IS this “Woke”. Woke is the liberal, free-thinking progressive movement becoming more and more unhinged and autocratic. The liberals have become totalitarian. You can no longer question the mainstream narrative like the benign nature of vaccines or climate change or Transgender rights without being labeled ultra-right or MAGA, or conspiracy theorist. The world has gone mad-or so it seems. Dr. Mattias Desmet calls it “Mass Formation Psychosis” .In previous times it may have been labelled simply “Mass Hysteria” .And few people have acknowledged that this is what is going on!

Just as the Dysfunctional American Health Institutions can be broken down into “Three-Letter Monsters”-FDA, CDC, NIH,  HHS  so too when it comes to Woke, we find a whole other series of Three-Letter Monsters (FLCCC likes to call them “The Alphabet Soup” agencies lol) .In the case of Woke, we find CRT(critical race theory”-which means it’s all about racism ultimately!); LGBTQ( everyone knows that one!) And because of it’s importance it has at least 5 letters in the shortest version. I can’t keep up with all the new letters being added lol: WEF(World Economic Forum, the Davos group) and the ultimate bureaucrat Klaus Schwab- talking about “The Great Reset” where we will all be happy and own nothing?! Our beloved Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, is one of his students, I believe, as is the French President Macron); ESG(Environmental and Social Governance)-or how to make companies and the entire economy conform to Woke ideas and the Green Agenda; DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) especially in the universities. We see where that led in the recent University debacles concerning the governance of Harvard, University of Pennsylvania and MIT;WHO ( trying to gain control over all pandemic responses in the future to guarantee us that the response in the future will be as mis-managed as the Covid crisis-or worse since some of the countries that did best avoided most of the WHO protocols).And many others .Don’t let me forget the Four-Letter Word (no, it’s not what you think lol).Its the IPCC(The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) -that is working on a false theory that has been exposed clearly in the last few years ,has been wrong on nearly every prediction it has made about future changes and continues to mobilize all of the Great Powers around it’s false theories!

As you can see, we are up against a huge, well-organized enemy.! A recent book authored by Seamus Bruner published by Sentinel Press is called “Controligarchs”.On the cover, you have Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, George Soros, Klaus Schwab and Mark Zuckerberg. H-m-m. Btw when I got to to order it, there seems to be only one copy left! I had the same experience with RFKs book on Fauci which was a best seller at the time. Couldn’t get a copy at the largest bookseller in Canada! It took over a month. Suspicious,eh?! The signs are everywhere. There IS a conspiracy going on but the Conspiracy Theorists ,the same ones who said Covid was a lab leak and the vaccines are dangerous are being denied their moment of Truth! That may be changing.

So how did all of this happen? How did the American and European liberals become Controligarchs- Authoritarian autocrats. Most people didn’t see this happening!

Well, there are a few elements at play here. One, of course, is hubris. Bill Gates was convinced he could solve the Health issues in Africa by vaccines Seems like that is not working out too well. It seems that is oral polio vaccines were causing more cases of polio than the actual disease itself! George Soros with all his investments in left-wing causes led to the election of Trump and the rise of right-wing movements denying his vision all over America. Mark Zuckerberg, Aspergers flashing all over his face , true to his disposition, out of touch with everything around him, wittingly or unwittingly, probably the latter, actually colluded with the government to get “disinformation” about Covid, most of which was real information, censored from Facebook. Jeff Bezos has left the CEO position at Amazon to transfer his energy to Blue Origin and space exploration. Any thinking person knows how useful that is for humanity lol And Klaus Schnab,with his dehaumanized, top-down  Prussian approach to leadership  may soon be voted “Most Disliked Man on the Planet”! Yes, even more so than Biden and Trump lol.

So what do all these men have in common? They are paternalistic. They think they know better than us what is good for us. They are in the common language “control freaks”. And they, like Bill Gates, are full of huibris! So when the pandemic started and you heard about Hydroxychloroquine and then Ivermectin, you couldn’t get it! Why? Because these people and their henchmen in the pharma industry and the Medical Institutions knew better than you. But they really didn’t! And isn’t that what democracy is all about – “Free Choice”?! Sorry, we have to rely on the experts . After all Bill Gates made billions with Microsoft! Shouldn’t he know better than you? Jeff Bezos also made billions with a way of delivering products on-line. Doesn’t that make him an expert in how you should live?! And then there is the ultimate Controligarch- not present in those pictures-Antony Fauci-responsible on several levels for the deaths of millions! But he gets to decide, not you!

And let’s not forget those hallowed halls of higher education-Harvard and Oxford and M.I.T.! Fees that can break the bank of any Middle-Class family! Indoctrinating the youth of America into “Wokeness” on a daily basis. So effective that our children will not listen to their  parents’) wisdom because they have been indoctrinated by the high priests of “Woke”. Harvard recently was rated at the bottom of all Universities in Free Speech! Rating-0!  Weren’t Universities set up to be hives of intellectual debate, new ideas and initiatives. No longer! Now they are training our youth into believing that they are either oppressors or oppressed. That is going to be a great help! And we see where that is going with the recent on-campus demonstrations.  ”The Times They are a Changing” no doubt Mr. Dylan, but not in the way you or us would have liked!

  1. C)    Islamism

Most people, especially Muslims, don’t understand what a serious problem this is. Outside of the spectacular actions of al-Qaida and Isis this movement rarely comes up on people’s radar! But, in reality, it is much vaster and more dangerous than those aforementioned marginal terrorist groups. We are beginning to hear about it more with the recent events in the Middle East. Hezbollah(a Shiite Islamist group ) and Hamas (a Sunni one) are in the news every day now. But the Western press calls them ”terrorists” and thus dismisses them as marginal. But they are not! Hamas is theologically connected with the Ikhwan Muslimeen which btw is also connected to Erdogan in Turkey who is an adherent and Qatar, which was hosting one of the leading Ikhwani scholars- Yusuf al Qardawi- and still has a strong affinity with that ideology. Then there are the Saudis with the Wahhabbi clergy in the background controlling much of the laws in the country. They too are, in another way, Islamists who have broken off  from the traditional Islamic scholars who always recommended following one the four Classical schools of jurisprudence(called Madhhabs).Iran ,the sponsor of both Hamas and Hizbollah  is also under an Islamist rulership with the  reform doctrine of Vilayat e Fiqh(The guardianship of the Scholars-may God protect us all!) Pakistan and Afghanistan have been strongly influenced by the Taliban and before that by the Jamat al Islamiya of Maududdi.(Please refer to the article on our blog entitled” Islamism-The Scourge of the Modern Muslim Community” for more explanation).Not too long ago there were two other catastrophes-one in Algeria(200,000people killed) and Egypt where the duly elected Ikhwani party was running the country into the ground(as ideologically-driven parties always do! ) under the leadership of Mohammed Morsi- so much so that the army had to take over!

So people-Muslims and non-Muslims_-need to be acutely aware of this problem-or it will destroy us all. It is now an “ideological pandemic” in the Muslim world.

Now I want to make an important point of clarification here! I am not talking about Islamic scholarship. Nor am I talking about anything in traditional Islam outside of the heresies of the Mutazilis(the Rationnalists ) or the Khwarij( the hard-core extremists).Scholarship has had its important role throughout Islamic history and through the history of all religions. The scholars study the original texts-the Quran and hadith in our case. They attempt to understand them properly, systematize them and then come out with rulings that are both prescriptive AND attitudinally consistent with the original spirit of the religion and its fundamental sources.

Islamism, on the other hand, is something very different. I have to give Joshua Phillips , a young journalist at Epoch Times, credit for making this issue crystal-clear. Ever since Sheikh Nazim taught us that Islamism was not Islam, I had always been wary. But the final nail in the coffin was understanding what it fundamentally and philosophically was. Amazing, really, that some-one like Joshua, with  a very meager knowledge of Islam and not very steeped in leftist ideology either, was able to come up with this insight! So much for “experts”?! Lol,. He realized that Syed Qutb, probably the most influential of all the Islamist thinkers, had actually studied Socialism and Communism while at University in the West. So Joshua’s contention is that Islamism is actually Marxist doctrine piggy-backed (pun intended lol) onto Islamic beliefs. When I first heard that, I got the usual shiver up my spine when I hear a Truth being enunciated! “Spot-on” I thought.

The similarity between the two (Islamism and Marxism) is actually striking on a deeper philosophical level if not so much on an outward one. They are both “materialist philosophies”. Now again most people have the wrong idea about materialism. They think it has everything to do with commercialism and making money and buying things. That is its surface level. On a deeper level, it means giving precedence to the outward! Chogyam Trungpa, the brilliant but corrupt Buddhist, wrote about this in the heydays of the New Age movement. His book ,one of the classics of New Age literature was called “Cutting through Spiritual Materialism”.

In Marxism we have the doctrine of “dialectical materialism”. In Islamism we have the doctrine of “spiritual materialism”. So, for Marx ,  the solution is to establish a Communist state called “the Dictatorship of the Proletariat.” We know where that has brought us to! For Islamists, the state they are adcocatng for is called “The Islamic Caliphate”. We have seen a few examples of that in recent history -all tragic.Note that this is not the same as the previous Caliphates in the Islamic world like the Ottoman Empire-all of which arose organically from the circumstances of the time. That Caliphate ended with the Ottoman Empire after WW1! Now what is being proposed is an ideologically-driven process. And we know well where ideology leads to! Islam is NOT an ideology.It is a religious practice, a way of Life inspired by a Revelation.Very different from human-generated agendas!

Both doctrines(Marxism and Islamism) believe that by changing the outer structure and having an authoritarian state, you can make people behave better. The true Islamic philosophy is the opposite! As Sheikh Nazim taught us, the people get the state they deserve. In the Quran it tells the Muslims that you shouldn’t impose the religion on others.. Also in our Holy Book Allah tells his Prophet saws to deliver the message-not to be a ruler or an enforcer. But who follows the holy texts when you can follow your own ideas or a collective illusion.

Said succinctly, Islamism is the opposite of Islam . Islam says: Be pious and good to others and self-controlled and Allah will reward you in this world and the next. Islamism says: “Let us rule you as we see fit and then you will be happy and virtuous” The evidence, for those who believe in evidence lol, goes totally contrary to that premise. Our choice of good or evil is between us and our Lord. Any intervenor trying to change that is more likely to do more harm than good. And that is exactly what has been happening!



Secondary Problems:


  1. D) Nationalism: Now, previously I would have put Nationalism at the top of the list. After all, it is so obvious! Israeli nationalism vs, Palestinian Nationalism; Russian Nationalism vs. Ukrainian Nationalism. The consequences are so obvious and in our face. And the Virgin Mary in her apparitions warned us of the danger of nationalism. Which gives it even more spiritual credence! But Remember: We are NOT Empiricists! We don’t believe that what is on the surface is the whole story. Muslims, in particular, need to be aware of this! Remember surat Al Baqara. Allah tells us the believers are those who believe in the invisible. The problem is not simply Zionism. That is a Thahiri(outward) position. The problem is much deeper than that! The only scholar I know of who suggested this recently  was Sheikh Omar Ibn Hafidh who said “If the Muslims hadn’t fallen in love with dunniya (the world) Allah never would have taken any land from them” Kudos Sheikh Ibn Hafidh. I assuime Hamza Yusuf was saying something similar when he was denounced at RIS! The crowd was hoping he would recite the group mantras and he refused. Because he, too, looks beneath the surface.

So, although nationalism remains a problem across the world, Internationalism has become a bigger problem! The pandemic was caused and spread by internationalism. Our medical freedoms are being eroded by internationalism. The surge in cases of Cancer and Alzheimers and Autoimmune disorders is being produced by local “scientific” research and spread by international cooperation.

A simple example: The management of the Covid pandemic-through lockdowns and vaccines was a disaster. Thought out by American and European Health Agencies and spread throughout the world. This, despite the fact that it should be clear that physicians and in the case of Uttar Pradesh a few, very few health authorities, had much better results by early treatment with repurposed drugs. But who needs Reality when you can rely on International Consensus?! Answer: We all do!

At this point the International authorities are more involved in covering up the Truth than in using it for our betterment!! A sad state of affairs indeed.

  1. E) The Triad of Evil

America has done many things wrong! And so have the Europeans! But let it be clear. They may have problems with Truth and corruption of Truth but they are in no ways as evil as the Triad -Russia, China and Iran Anyone who says otherwise, like our dear Sheikh Imran Hussein who ,in his Eschatology, proposes Russia as our saviour or our Sunni Muslim leaders chumming up with Iran are leading us astray.. All of these duplicitous calculations can only serve the cause of evil in the long run. This is true as well, maybe even more so, with our Western Powers cozying up to China to make more money or to Iran hoping to prevent them from getting nuclear weapons. All of this will end up backfiring just like Chamberlain’s cozying up to Hitler before WW2! Befriending evil is in the long run a very bad strategy. But politicians of all stripes think they can outwit the spiritual laws of nature. They have never been so wrong!

Btw I hope it is clear by now what one of the central attitudinal problems in the modern world is “Clever Calculation and Manipulation”. You can’t game the system that God has put in place! We need leaders of sincerity and goodwill and vision-not leaders of self-interest, ideological stubbornness and statistical manipulation. Those leaders  are the very ones that have brought us to the state we are in now. If you need more evidence for this hypothesis watch American politics for a day or two and try to see what I am saying. It should be obvious!


Positive Signs:

At this point you should probably be asking: ”Is there any hope” ?! And the answer is: “not a lot, but there are some hopeful signs”:

1-The insanity at the most “esteemed” Institutions of Higher Learning”!  They are being outed! I have been decrying those institutions for a long time, ever since hearing Steven Gaskin describing the bad influence of higher education .But nevertheless these “Temples of the Cult of the Intellect” as I call them, have been riding high for a long time! Employers were rushing to hire their graduates, parents were willing to mortgage their homes to finance their childrens’ education, and the fees just seemed to be going up and up! But with the recent campus demonstrations in support of Hamas and genocidal wishes towards Jews, they are finally seeing their credibility challenged! It’s about time. Personally, I think they should be transformed into trade schools! -in Medicine, Law and Dentistry for example. As to the softer sciences like Social Sciences, Political Science and Literature ,a better venue for this kind of education should be explored .Because, for now, the Universities have become hotbeds of propaganda and brain-washing as opposed to bastions of free thought and creativity

2-Due to the excesses and mismanagement of the Covid epidemic, many groups have developed to promote Freedom in Medicine and objective scientific enquiry (if that is at all possible!) I myself follow CHD (Childrens Health Defense) under the leadership of RFKjr., Epoch Times which called the lab leak while it was still being referred to as a “conspiracy theory” and FLCCC under the capable leadership of Pierre Kory and Paul Marik. But each of these organizations has been denounced and cancelled by the mainstream media.Many have been deplatformed from various social media sites. All the main health organizations like CDC and FDA and NIH (remember the three-letter monsters!) denounce them! And yet, they are the ones speaking the most Truth! What a state!

When I hear Republican representative4s saying RFKjr., who they should be siding with, is a conspiracy theorist, I know we are in deep s—t! Everything he says is backed up by references and documents and studies! What are they talking about?! They, too, with a few exceptions like Senator Ron Johnson and Senator Rand Paul, are still living in their  biased, ideological bubbles. Pierre Kory and Paul Marik are clearly amongst the most competent ,brilliant and open-minded physicians . Both lost their jobs as intensivists in their hospitals for speaking about their clinical experiences.

And then to clinch it all, I went to Wikipedia to look into other Health Freedom organizations and this is what I came up with!

The health freedom movement is a libertarian coalition that opposes regulation of health practices[1] and advocates for increased access to “non-traditional” health care.[2]

The right-wing John Birch Society( often seen as the intellectual equivalent of the KKK!) has been a prominent advocate for health freedom since at least the 1970s, and the specific term “health freedom movement” has been used in the United States since the 1990s.

Wow! Are you kidding?! What a cover-up?! What mischief?! This is what we are up against if we begin to fight for Truth! We have a long way to go.


3-The Middle East: As to the Middle East I am hopeful that “we have touched bottom” as they like to call it. In A.A. The Abrahamic accords were a good start. Removing Netanyahu’s right-wing government, which appears inevitable, will also be helpful. But we still have the evil Axis partner Iran to deal with. And only their own people can solve that. The Western powers should do everything they can to promote the uprising of the people but do it in an honest, not a CIA covert way We shall see!           In the years to come if God so wills, we will update these issues and try to see if we are making progress or regress. Happy New Year! Sufi Ibrahim






Islamism-The Scourge of the modern Islamic community

Islamism-The Scourge of the Modern Muslim Community!

This entire article can be summarized by an interaction between my Sufi Sheikh of the time, -Sheikh Nazim Haqqani, and a small group of Ikhwanis (Muslim Brotherhood people) who were heckling  him at a public event. He looked them in the eyes and said the following:” You don’t understand our religion. We are not agreeing to any ‘ism’’ -neither Socialism, nor Communism ,nor Feminism .Especially we are not agreeing to ‘Islamism’. People get the governments they deserve (i.e. you will not be able to improve their lot by establishing an Islamic state which is one of the core belie4fs of the Islamists).

Now if you truly understand these words, you can stop here! But I doubt that to be the case. It took me about 30 years to do so and the recent tragedy in the Middle East only served to underline how important  his words are ! What the sheikh is saying in essence is that the entire Islamist narrative is flawed from the start. And it is flawed for several fundamental reasons. Firstly, it is a man-made solution-a product of human hubris  (“mind-productions”).Unfortunately a typical human mistake.. We start with a problem- in this instance let’s say the corruption of the modern world, in values and behaviour-which has spilt out into the Muslim world .Both Syed Qutb and Abul A’la Maududdi ,the two principal thinkers of the Islamist movement, are quite clear that this is their starting point. Then you develop a theory to solve the problem. In both cases, the answer is the same. We need to recreate a Muslim Caliphate. And then you figure out how to implement your theory.

Notice already the difference from the origins of our Islamic Faith! Our Prophet saws was neither a theoretician (thank God) nor a politician. He received a Revelation and then communicated that to the people around him. He did not start with an idea!  He then promulgated the Revelation  with wisdom and discernment-not with Aristotelian logic. Thank God the Greek philosophers had not yet made their way  into the Arab world. That was only to happen much later starting with the Abbasids and reaching its culmination in the Andalusian period.

Now if you think about this process, not about the contents of the Islamist discourse, but about the philosophical underpinnings, you will see an ironic and significant parallel. The Marxist movement! Marx, too, identified a problem-the exploitation of the working class- a real problem which he described very well. Btw Marx was mostly right in his critique  of Capitalism. Where he went wrong was the solution. He, too, wanted a state to solve the problem. His state was called “the Dictatorship of the Proletariat”. The Islamic State and The Dictatorship of the Proletariat . Six of one, half a dozen of the other lol.. Have you noticed the catastrophe of Marxism and the massive loss of lives involved-40 million at least under Mao and another 30 million under Stalin. Not to mention Pol Pot in Cambodia and the North Korean regime. They outdid all others- including Christians and Islamists- in their murderous ways .Is that who we want to emulate?!

Then think of the abysmal failures of the so-called Islamic states-Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Egypt under Al Morsi, And now, Turkey under the latest Ikhwani -Erdogan-all going in the wrong direction! There is no coincidence here. As long as man thinks he has a better plan than God, we are headed for disaster.

And how odd?1 This movement, that is so critical of Western society and so anti-Semitic at its core, is using the template of a European Jew(Karl Marx) to try to solve its problems. And btw there is evidence that Syed Qutb studied both Socialism and Communism in developing his ideas! How ironic?!
The secular Muslim journalist Tarek Fatah poses the dilemma this way in his book : ”Chasing a Mirage: The Tragic Illusion of an Islamic state”. “One could say there are two Islams that Muslims have introduced to the world. One peaceful, spiritual and deeply respectful of the ‘other’ an Islam that relied on the Quranic expression ‘To you your religion, to me mine” …However parallel to the spiritual Islam ,an equally militant stream of puritanism (read Wahhabbism) and supremacist philosophy(read Islamism)was evolving. It sought statehood, political power, and mastery not just over the conquered , but over competing Muslim interests as well(read the “takfiri” movement of which Algeria was the clearest example!).

Btw I used to think that the principal problem in the Islamic ummat was the Wahhabis. But they are a simple-minded, Bedouin people at heart ”Shirk”, “kufr” and “bida” Skeikh Nazim used to say.  ”Those are the only terms in their lexicon” lol.They did do the disservice of spreading a dry, lifeless, unspiritual version of Islam across the world with their petrodollars. But they are nowhere near as sophisticated and sinister in their influence as the Ikhwanis and the Jamat al Islamiya people- who claim to be reasonable and well-thought out . The latter represent  a significantly greater danger.

This article is not intended to be a comprehensive study of the recent history of Islamism. I will leave that to the academics lol. They love that kind of stuff. I am, at heart, an Essentialist-trying to get to the heart of the matter! But before getting to my “Charge Sheet” (a term I borrow from the great Quran scholar Israr Ahmad May Allah have mercy on his soul) let me say a few words about the major personalities involved. We could date the beginning of Islamism back to the 1920’s in Egypt with Hassan Banna who founded the Ikhwan Muslimun (Muslim Brotherhood). Others may predate it to Rashid Rida, the Muslim reformer, who predated Al Banna but these historical details are not really relevant to the discussion at hand. Of the 4 principal characters involved , the other three being Syed Qutb, Abul Ala Mauddudi and Ayotollah Khomeini, representing the Shia wing of the movement, he(Al Banna)  was the most moderate and probably the most likeable .He advocated a gradual, peaceful Islamization .By contrast, his successor in Egypt, Syed Qutb, was more militant ,more aggressive and later became one of the major inspirations for the Salafi Jihadists- including Ben Laden and Ayman Al Zawahiri. Both Ben Laden and Zawahiri studied with his brother,  Muhammad Qutb, at his classes in Saudi Arabia1 Anwar  Al Awlaki, ,the head of al Qaeda in Yemen, was also an avid reader and follower of Syed Qutb. So the links between the terrorists and the Ikhwanis are very clear. But  take note: All Islamists are not terrorists but all terrorists are Islamists.

The personality most linked to Islamism in the subcontinent but who had influence all over the Muslim world was Maududdi.  Like Qutb, he wrote a long tafseer of the Quran justifying his point of view and like Qutb he had a refined intellect and considerable knowledge. However, even at their time, the traditional scholars of Islam did not accept their point of view! Qutb was declared a heretic by Al Azhar University (I would totally agree with that assessment even if it is shown that Al Azhar was under political pressure to do so). The Deobandi scholars were somewhat divided about Maududdi but below you can find a typical assessment by a South African Deobandi. N.B. It takes Muslims a long time to find out the reality of a person if they speak the familiar Muslimese lol. I think the Turks will have a rude awakening with Erdogan just as the Egyptians learnt the hard way by having Mohammed Mursi (another Ikhwani) in power!

 About Maududdi:    “I admired many things about Mawdudi Saheb and detested many. For a long time I did not wish to degrade him. I felt that from his innovated style of presentation, the modern generation could benefit. Although at times such compositions appeared from his that it was not possible to endure it, but taking into consideration the Deeni well-being, I tolerated it and kept silent. I did not foresee that this Fitnah would spread worldwide and have a detrimental effect on the Arab world; that every day from his master pen new buds would keep on blossoming and indecent words would be used regarding the Sahaaba Kiraam (Radhiallaahu Anhum) and the Anbiyaa (Alayhimus salaam). Later on, such things appeared daily in the “Tafhimul Qur’aan”.(Maududdi’s Tafseer)


Now it has become known without doubt that his writings and publications are the greatest Fitnah of the present time, notwithstanding a few beneficial treatises that have appeared, it is the case that the sin of them is greater than their usefulness.? (Surah Baqarah 219). Now that stage has been reached where to keep silent seems to be a great crime. It is regretted that for forty years an offensive silence was kept. Now the time has dawned, where without fear of rebuttal and censure all his writings from A to Z should be thoroughly studied with a view to fulfil the demands for the preservation of the Deen with Haqq and justice.

Wallaahu Waliyyut Tawfeeq

Moulana Muhammad Yusuf Binnori


(under the supervision of Mufti Ebrahim Desai from South Africa).


Last, but not least, is the Shia version of Islamism under Ayatollah Khomeini. I had just become Muslim-in Jerusalem- in 1978 and shortly afterwards  we were all excited to see Khomeini return from France to Iran. ”Finally, a real Islamic country” we thought. It reminds me in retrospect about our enthusiasm when Mugabe came to power in Rhodesia! “Finally, an African leader with a pure left-wing agenada” Paradise was at hand lol. Well we know where that led ! And Iran is more or less on the same track! More people have left Islam in Iran because of the Mullahs than at any previous period I am aware of! That is the effect of Islamism in action! The Quran teaches: ”There is no compul.sion in Religion”.But the Islamists turn this teaching on its head! ” Compulsion leads to virtue. We need to force it upon people”. How much more un-Islamic could they be?!


The ”Charge Sheet” against the Islamists


Let me put the following figures in perspective since this article is being written during the Israel-Hamas war. The best figure I could find put Palestinian deaths between 1948 and 2020 at 31,000! With the current conflict that could easily rise to 45,000. Now 45,000 deaths is a very significant number, no doubt. And it doesn’t count the injured , the displacements and the general misery and economic consequences of war. But let us consider the following numbers-much of which is directly or indirectly caused by Islamism. And btw the excessive deaths in Gaza can also be traced to Islamism as well. That is not to negate the Israeli responsibility But think about it! 31,000 deaths in 70 years mostly under P.L.O. and Palestinian authorities and now  let’s say 15,000 deaths in six weeks with Hamas. Draw your own conclusions.

  • Iran/Iraq war: 1980-1988 One to two million killed. Islamist contribution; Saddam Hussein was no angel but he was legitimately concerned that Iran would try to infiltrate and even take over Iraq where there was a Shiite majority So, Islamism certainly played a role.
  • The Afghan Civ!il War:

Before Ben Laden and al-Qaeda.1978-1992

1.5 million  deaths

Afghanistan since 2001– 243,000 deaths !

Islamist contribution: The Taliban and other Islamic parties like Hizb Islam Gulbuddin and Hizb al Wahdat certainly played the major role let alone al Qaida and Isis in Khorasan- two Salafi Jihadist groups directly derived from Islamist ideas

  • Syrian Civil War: 500,000-600,000 deaths. Islamist contribution :No doubt the Assad family is the principal culprit but the threat of an Ikhwani uprising was always in the background-especially after their attempt to assassinate the elder Assad in Homs failed!
  • Algeria I.S. (Front Islamique de Salut1 What a strange name?! “salut” means salvation in French. Should rather be called Front Islamique de L’enfer.The Road to Hell.- 200,000 deaths!
  • India/Pakistan separation.2-3 million lives lost  Islamist contribution Muhammad Jinnah, the founder of Pakistan, was not an Islamist but rather a secular Indian. However, the project of having a Muslim state can be considered  a consequence of of Political Islam even if it is not properly Islamist. Btw the traditional Deobandi Islamic scholars were not in agreement with this project The debacle of separation was followed by an unnecessary war between Pakistan and Bagladesh which claimed another million lives(estimates range from 300,000-3 million!)

This is admittedly a cherry-picked list- cherry-picked for the numbers of deaths involved. Not included are the deaths in Pakistan caused by the Pakistani Taliban, the Lebanese Civil War ,  the people murdered by the Mullah’s regime in Iran, the deaths of Iraqis due to sectarian violence after the Americans pulled out. the deaths in north Africa with the Arab uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt , the deaths from Al Qaida and Isis(the latter 33,000 -outdoing the Israelis in a few short years!), Boko Haram in Nigeria, The Al Shabbab in Somalia etc ,etc.. Many if not most of these deaths  can be traced back to Islamism.


At this point, the conclusion should be clear. As the formerly cited South African scholar said about Maududdi, this political current is the greatest “fitna” (civil disturbance ) that Islam has know-possibly since the Mongol Invasions in Iraq and the Crusades in the Middle Ages .It far outstrips the problem of Israel that Muslims seem to be obsessed with-as it goes to the very heart of out tradition. In reality, it should be considered a “heresy” in the same class as the Khawarij and the Mutazili heresies before it. More than destroying lives, it ends up destroying Islamic consciousness which is about being humble and peaceful and surrendering to the Divine will-NOT about showing how clever and willful and strategic we can be. Not about self-assertion , but about  self-discipline and self-control(the jihad-a -nafs thats our Prophet  saws  taught us was much greater than the jihad of War) .As Muslims we are surrendered and obedient to Allah-not to any theoretical doctrine that sounds Islamic. That is a subtle but fundamental understanding that the ummat needs to appreciate if it is to survive and thrive, May Allah protect us all.

Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim




Fascinating Womanhood by Helen Andelin-The Antidote to “Toxic Feminism”

“Fascinating Womanhood” by Helen Andelin:

The Antidote to “Toxic Feminism”

In the 1980’s, I would go to Peckham, London every year during Ramadan to be with my Sufi Sheikh -Sheikh Nazim Naqshbandi. One of the things he would do later in the day was to go touring around London to rest from his grueling schedule. I accompanied him on several occasions on his “rounding” trips and I noticed something peculiar during those times. Generally Sheikh Nazim was a good-mannered, jovial person. Everyone loved him for his good character and good humour. But I noticed that there were two things that would get him upset. Let’s remember that these were the days before the internet so London was plastered with billboards of all types. Two of those types would bother him. So what were they? Billboards praising Communism and billboards praising Feminism.

It must be remembered that this was the sheikh’s first incursions into the Western world. Previously his life had been confined to Turkish Cyprus, Turkey, Damascus and regular visits to the holy sites of Mecca and Madina-that is until the Wahhabbi Saudis blocked him lol(or he blocked himself-not sure which lol).But this was his first real contact with the West.

Now there was something very special about Sheikh Nazim’s relationship with the West. Unlike almost every other Eastern spiritual teacher I have met, he seemed to immediately understand what was going on- better than most Western people in fact! He appreciated Western peoples’ open-mindedness, their capacity to invent new technologies and their desire to do things well. And occasionally he would joke about it saying if we had left technology to the Easterners we never would have had cars or airplanes.

He also understood racism and nationalism and would bring up hadith like “Love of the homeland is from Faith” And the Quranic ayats about Allah having created tribes and nations to indicate that it was all fine. Except he had none of the liberal delusions about us all being the same. He could address the strengths and weaknesses of all peoples without disparaging any of them. ”Germans they are walking like this” he would say in his inimical TurkEnglish. And he would imitate a militaristic walk. ”But the English ones, they are lazy ones” and he would imitate their slow walking into the zawiya-as if they were resisting all the way. He would even take to task his own people saying: “Turks, they are foolish ones, like sheep. But they are very strong militarily. And he would bring up the fact, hitherto unknown to me, that during the Korean War the first ones to break the Northern Korean lines were the Turks. No wonder they ruled the Islamic world during the Ottoman Empire for 500 years! Everyone seemed to take his comments in stride as they were all said in good humour. But there was an important point being made at the same time! We are all different-different strengths and different weaknesses. So stop trying to homogenize humanity, O liberals. Just as individuals are different so are nations. Woke liberals, get used to it lol.

So with such loving acceptance of differences, why was he upset with Communism and Feminism. Over the years I have come to see the wisdom and depth of his vision. Now, remember, I was coming still at that time from a liberal, left-wing perspective. I had left Marxism 10 years earlier but I was still sympathetic to left-wing causes . And as to feminism, I was still generally sympathetic. Now most people at this point, have long since rejected Marxism. Even Jean-Paul Sartre although it took him a long time lol! The cost of being an intellectual! .After the tyrannical excesses of Stalin, Mao Tse Tung’s Great Leap Forward and  the Cultural Revolution that together probably caused over 40 million deaths! After Pol Pot in Cambodia and Kim Il Sung in North Korea not too many people give Classical Marxism any credibility nowadays. And they shouldn’t !

However Feminism still rides high in public opinion. Even the Eastern cultures are adapting it’s principles more and more-leading to the inevitable increase in family tensions, divorce rates and illicit sexual behaviour. But it has penetrated deeply into people’s unconscious-so much so that even our Western Islamic scholars(I will not name them here but you know who they are. Think of any of the high-profile scholars of Islam in the West!)) are unwilling to challenge them. When I told one of my American Sufi teachers that all his Western female disciples were still deeply feminist, he dismissed the idea completely .  He may, at this point, be reconsidering as they are the very group who brought his reputation into disrepute with a scandalous story of child abuse in his Community school. Ignoring reality is never a good option-even for Sufis!

This article is one of the most sensitive and personal and controversial I have written. And admittedly I approach it with a certain trepidation. I know that people have very strong feelings about this subject. But it’s content needs to be heard. Just like the vaccine mandates across the world( I am not talking about Covid vaccines but the child mandates required to go to school in California for example) are destroying a generation and possibly two of children, Feminism is the corresponding toxin that is destroying generations of Couples and families and the plague is by no means over.

Experts like John Gottman (“The Seven Keys to Successful Marriage”) are now finding that if we follow married couples in the U.S. for fourty years, the divorce rate is somewhere between 60-70 %.And that is for married couple?! Imagine the others. The” experts” in the field like Gottman and Terrence Real both of whom I respect -in Gottman’s case for his assiduous research and as to Terry Real for his obvious clinical acumen-don’t get it! They, too, have drunk the Koolaid of Feminist ideology. Both believe largely that the problem is individual and Tewrry Real(what a name for the irrealitry of his sociological position lol) believes the problem is “toxic masculinity”. Really?! In what world is he living in?! Toxic masculinity has been denounced for more than fifty years at least We hear terms every day like”male chauvists”,”macho” ,”misogynist”, “patriarchical” etc.,etc. Not that there aren’t toxic and sicko, paranoid males out there. But I would contend that in the grand scheme of things “Toxic Feminism ‘ is a much more corrosive force in the word than ”Toxic Masculinity”!

As I hinted at earlier in this essay, this is a very personal issue for me. Both my family of origin ( domineering mother and weak father) and my current family of an ex-wife and three daughters have been negatively affected by this toxic feminism. I cannot here go into all the details as too many people still alive would probably be offended, but let me say in all humility that since becoming Muslim in 1978,I have had four marriages including a 24 year-long marriage to the mother of my three children. And I am convinced that Feminism was a determinant factor in the ultimate termination of each of these relationships! Don’t get me wrong here lol. I am not claiming to be a perfect character or an easy one. I do get upset from time to time especially when I feel I am being unfairly challenged. But I have never hit or threatened to hit any of my marital partners. I have always assumed my responsibilities and done my best to take care of the people around me-something I still do every day. So there was no reason for these marriages to “fail”.

But I am a man lol. And I have a strong sense of mission. Unlike the Red/Green limerick: ”I’m a man, but I can change if I have to I guess’ lol You can hear the intonations of Feminism in that very limerick. The man has to change. Not the woman, right? She is “full of sugar and spice and everything nice” . Isn’t that what the poem says?

Well, I am a man and there are things I can change but one of them is not my sense of mission. And as Helen Andelin will tell us shortly, it is the job of the woman to support the man’s mission!

More than supporting her own ambition (a basic teaching of Feminism)and the ego-centric desires of the children she needs to support his mission and thereby his leadership. Anything else will lead to disharmony and conflict and misery all around-both for the man and the woman and the children. And that is precisely what we see all around us! So now let us explore the remedy-the work of Helen Andelin!

Firstly, who is Helen Andelin. Most of us including the well-read amongst us have never heard of her! Not surprising since the Feminists “love to hate her” lol and they have the same control over the main stream media that Fauci had over the vaccine question lol!

Helen Andelin ( May 22,1920-June 7 2009)was the founder of the “Fascinating Womanhood” movement and taught marriage classes in the early 1960’s.She was born into a Latter-day Saint Mormon family in Arizona. and received a Bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University-he (B.Y.) is the successor of Joseph Smith) in Home Economics! How quaint. Muslim readers should note that the Mormons are considered non-Trinitarian Christians in that they believe that God, Jesus and the Holy Ghost are separate personalities. That brings them closer to Islam in their theology.

Now, on a personal note, I have met numerous Mormons proselytizing in my childhood neigbourhood and have followed others like Mitt Romney and Orrin Hatch over the years in American Politics. My personal take is that they are very upright moral people(I can never stop being grateful to Rep.Hatch saying to Congress: ”You will never take away my vitamins and supplements” when the U.S. Congress was being lobbied by the Pharma companies to regulate natural products and thus put many of these companies out of business! Thank you Orin wherever you may be lol).

On the other hand, these same Mormons always appeared to me as overly strict and moralistic-as some “good people” tend to be. So I am wary for sure. As to how this may apply to the current discussion, I don’t think anyone -man or woman- can quite meet the standards of behaviour that Helen is advocating in her writing. That being said, I think the general thrust of the argument is correct and with some adaptive manoeuvres to prevent becoming too ideological, I think her ideas represent a potent instrument in cleansing contemporary relationship of “Toxic Feminism” something that even the conservatives and right-wing Christians AND Muslims have not been able to formulate so far.

So without further ado lol. let us present the ideas of Helen Andelin directed at women wanting to improve their relationships. Next to each of these ideas I will present the current Feminist positions that make these ideas-as practical and true as they may be-seem counter-intuitive!

A-The Two Ideal Female Types. Hele4n begins by defining two ideal types of womenthe Angelic and the Human. The Angelic woman understands men, has deep inner peace ,has a worthy character and is a “Domestic Goddess” (a bit of a hyperbole but let’s say she really enjoys her vocation as  a home-maker).

The Feminists are already up in arms lol ”Why can’t she have a career? Why does she have to understand men? Don’t they also have to understand women” We will try to answer these objections as best we can. I don’t believe Helen was against womens’  careers- she just wanted them to prioritize their family life .When the research  psychologists study happiness and success, they find that women prioritize their relationships and men prioritize their work! Vive la difference. Genetics is still a powerful force indeed.After all it represents God’s will!

The second type of ideal woman is of Human nature. She is ultimately feminine, charms, fascinates and amuses. She arouses a desire in the male to protect and shelter. She has a childlike-ness about her.

Feminist response: Why do women have to be charming to get what they want?! Why can’t they be strong and self-sufficient? Why should they be childlike? Isn’t it better to be an adult? The answer to all that is that by women trying to be more and more like men, they alienate the latter and turn them off. That creates more and more friction and ultimately relationship failure!

To illustrate her points, Helen uses the novel “David Copperfield” and talks about the latter’s two partners-Agnes who represents the angelic type and Dora the human type Here is what he says:

“The feeling David had for Agnes was one near worship(haven’t seen much of that nowadays lol).She had a sacred influence on him. She brought him peace and happiness and without her he seemed to “go wild and get into difficulty. Thinking about her ‘soothed him imto tears’. He felt like she was a part of him-as one of the elements of my natural home” The feeling he had for Dora was different. She fascinated him and amused him’ She was more than human to me. She was a fairy and a sylph…All of her delicate and bright mannerisms aroused his irresistible longing to shelter and protect her. The kind of love David felt for Dora was forceful,consuming and intense. He felt like “biting the key of his carpet bag”( we would probably say biting our lips from disbelief!).He was in “fairyland.He cwas a captive and a slave.”

This type of love was not complete however. While married to Agnes (after Dora died-this is England not Saudi Arabia lol) he experienced peace and happiness and he loved her dearly, but he still had tender recollections of Dora which sent stirring feelings through his heart.

Now this may all sound whimsical and phantasmagoric but it is not that distant from our own experience- if we look closely. In Islamic history, as we study carefully the life of our Prophet saws, we will see the two types in Khadija r.a. the first wife of the Prophet a.s was like  Agnes, the angelic type and Ayesha r.a.was the Dora type

Prophet Muhammad (saw) remembered  his beloved wife Khadijah (ra) fondly  as “she believed in me when all others disbelieved; she held me truthful when others called me a liar; she sheltered me when others abandoned me; she comforted me when others shunned me; and Allah (SWT) granted me children by her while …  Prophet Muhammad once said that the four greatest women of mankind were: Khadija bint Khuwaylid (his first wife), Fatima bint Muhammad (his youngest daughter,) Mary bint Imran (the Virgin Mary) and Asiya bint Muzahim (the wife of Pharaoh.)

So she was the Celestial wife. As to Ayesha r.a. she was young and charming and childlike. They raced with each other and played with each other and enjoyed each other’s company. She was the Prophet’s favourite wife after Khadija died. And it remained so til the end of his life.

Now for each of us, we can think back to our own relationships and find instances of these kind of feelings. Unfortunately, in the modern world, they usually do not last very long. The received wisdom” in the world of psychology is that the honeymoon feeling is over by three-six months. Often shorter than that! But perhaps it doesn’t have to be so. So let us continue with the ideas of Helen Andelin

B-Accept the Man at Face Value:

And what does that mean? Helen explains: ”It means that we recognize him as a human being who, like ourselves and all  other humans, is part virtue and part fault. It is a very honest approach. We realize that the faults are there, but we are not concerned about them. for we accept the total man. If he wants to change on his own, that is his business. We are satisfied with him as he is.

N.B. We are NOT talking about abuse here! Neither physical nor emotional abuse. Neither Ms. Andelin nor the author here can accept that .I will mention a little later Helen’s ’approach to that problem.

She goes on to mention how and what women try to change in their partners.

a-Personal Habits: poor eating habits, poor table manners, neglect of appearance, poor grammar, bad temper, depressed mood, careless driving, being untidy (leaving things lying around the house). etc.etc.

On this note, I remember a female client complaining about her partners leaving his dirty socks lying around. When I questioned her further, I found out that at the same time, he had spent 35 hours building a deck outside this house. When I questioned wasn’t it worth it to her to spend a few moments picking up some dirty clothes for the services she was receiving, she responded that it was not a matter of time, but a matter of principle! Not the first person I have met who made themselves miserable through questions of principle l,ol!

b- How he spends His time: Complaining that he spends too much time with the boys, watching sporting events (I’m with you on that one ladies lol) or simply napping on the couch.

c-Duties: neglect of home repairs, yard work, painting, taking out the garbage(that’s a popular one lol)

d-Social Behaviour-talks too much, brags too much, talks too little (guess you can’t win!), says the wrong things. doesn’t treat people properly (I personally witnessed a seventy-year old couple in a restaurant where the wife was chewing out her husband for not being nice enough to the waitress.I wonder how long that had been going on for?!)

e-Dreams and desires: Husbands don’t have enough ambition, shift their goals too often, have too wild dreams (seen lots of that lol)

f-Manly Accomplishments: want the husband to be more successful, to make more money, to be more decisive.

f-Money: Manages money poorly, spends too much-especially without consulting, or are too stingy-can’t win, again, eh?

g-Neglect of Children: doesn’t take enough responsibility with respect to the children.

h- not religious enough. Doesn’t pray regularly, doesn’t go to Church


Then Helen goes on to say why the women should not complain

  • It causes marriage problems
  • It destroys love
  • it doesn’t work
  • It causes the man to become resentful

Instead she recommends the following:

  • Get rid of your self-righteous attitude ( the worst cases of this I have seen in women who have alcoholic husbands .It is then always the husband who is wrong! And the woman can be addicted to being right! Oddly enough when the husband cures his addiction (and yes, the gender roles can be reversed here!) the relationship often disintegrates. Intriguing?!)
  • Look to his better side!
  • Do not compare him to other men (for reasons that will soon be explained-male pride!)
  • Express your acceptance

The Feminist reply: How can I accept the unacceptable? Why should I keep quiet? Should I let him walk all over me and still keep silent?” The answer: “Only if you want to maintain a harmonious marriage .If you want to keep quarreling, that’s fine. You will certainly be consistent with social norms lol


C-Express Admiration ( The feminists are already saying: “Now you are going too far. Why should I do that?! Am I not as good as him?!The answer to that question is: ‘it will improve and save your marriage’! A word of wisdom from Helen on gender differences here; ”The center of woman’s happiness in marriage is to be loved by her mate-but the center of man’s is to be admired” Beautiful insight! Yes, we are different. Vive la différence!

She goes on to explain that deep in the heart of every man he longs for admiration-of his abilities, his ideas and his dreams.

: his physical strength

: his manly courage

: his sense of duty and honour

: his leadership ability

: his sexual skills;

:his determination and power;

:his devotion to a cause;

:his intellectual capacities;

:his achievement or success;

:his judgment and discernment:

:his noble ideals and aspirations

Of course no man will have all of these, so women need to know what their priorities are in selecting a mate .Once selected, however, they need to affirm him rather than constantly challenge him as contemporary females are wont to do.

I can hear the Feminist chatter already lol.” Are you kidding me. Do you want me to be a lapdog , a brown-noser, a wimp?”  Only if you want to be happy in your relationship. If you instead choose to prove that you are his equal and constantly confronting him with his limitations, you are sure to fail! One of the factors that is sure to lead to failure comes from envy. Freud called it “penis envy” but it is far more than that. It is envy for the male position as opposed to the female one. The roles  are complementary, of course, but if the female challenges for the leadership which is not the “firah”( the natural way),the result is going to be misery-without a doubt!

A spiritual anecdote here. In 1975 I attended my first spiritual event -an EST seminar in a hotel room in San Francisco. In front of an audience of 25 people the” trainer” ( that’s what they called the teacher at the time) looked directly at the audience and said the following. I will never forget it as the phrase resonated throughout my spiritul journey!  “You say that what you want is to be happy, but if you look carefully at your thoughts and behaviour, you will see that what you really want is to be right”. Deep! Ajib! True!


D-Male Pride:

Quoting Helen Andelin again “he is proud of his manly qualities…he likes to show them off, to call your attention to them in both conversation and actions.

But it is here that man is most vulnerable, for his pride is extremely sensitive. He cannot bear to have his masculinity belittled, ridiculed or treated with indifference.

When a man is belittled frequently he tends to build a tight wall of reserve around himself-an impenetrable barrier against those who have offended him” i.e .he closes down and becomes non-communicative. John Gottman calls this “stonewalling” It is one of the four horseman of the apocalypse of the marriage.

Feminist response: Who does he think he is?! Does he think the whole world revolves around him?! And the answer: ”In the family ,he is central. He has been given authority by his Creator. As it says in the Quran: 4:34 (Yusuf  Ali tr.): “Men are the protectors and maintainers of women, because Allah has given the one more (strength) than the other, and because they support them from their means. Therefore the righteous women are devoutly obedient, and guard in (the husband’s) absence what Allah would have them guard.”

And Quran 2:228

“And women shall have rights similar to the rights against them, according to what is equitable; but men have a degree (of advantage) over them. And Allah is Exalted in Power and Wise”

Interestingly enough you can see that Feminism has penetrated even into even the translations of the Quran by pious Muslims! How so? Well, the word that is translated as rights is . معرف which means benefits not rights( Ah the twists of modernism!That is a significant change of meanings-from rights to benefits!) and the word in Arabic درجت which refers not to a degree of advantage(Yusuf Ali translation) but rather to a rank. ( another significant change of meaning).So in brief, at least for those who believe in the Holy Books, man has a rank above women i.e. he has the authority in the family as a God-given right.

That by no means suggests that he is free to be abusive or demeaning! He has to responsibly and compassionately exercise his leadership. As they say in American politics: ” The buck stops here!”


E- Sympathetic Understanding


H.A. “The majority of men, when they come of age and marry, take on an enormous burden, which they may not lay down with any conscience this side of the grave. They put aside, in the name of love, most of their vaunted freedom and contract to take upon their shoulders full social and economic responsibility for their wives and children”

“But few women know how to give true sympathy. It isn’t that they don’t try but that they don’t know how(especially nowadays!).He comes to have his soul restored, his self-esteem re- established and his self-doubt removed” And ,in fact how can the wife show sympathy and understanding if she is competing with him?!


F-Man’s Role: Guide, Protector and Provider

We have referred to this important function in our Quranic references. Again this underlines the leadership role of men in families.

H.A. ”We have often heard the statement ‘marriage is a partnership’ But what kind of partnership? It is not an equal partnership(as democratic ’modernist’ thinking would like us to believe!) “for man’s role is to be guide, protector, and provider ,whereas woman’s is loving wife, mother and homemaker.

This is one of the key issues in the entire discussion! We have two options-the ideological, egalitarian option which btw is failing miserably something we can see all around us or the “fitrah” option. ”Fitrah” refers to the underlying nature of things-as God designed it- as opposed to man’s idea which he, in his infinite hubris, thinks is better than God’s idea. Religious positions aside, if we adopt the true “scientific” position- of observation, hypothesis and conclusions we have 200 years, at least, of experimentation to tell us that man’s ideas have failed! How much more evidence do we need?!


G-Make Him Number 1

A heinous idea to the Feminists! “Why shouldn’t the woman be number one?” they would argue. My answer is; ”Because that’s not the way God set it up. Sorry ladies! It is not what you want, but you don’t get to decide.”As say the Americans in business-”That’s not your pay level” lol Or to refer back to the EST seminars, they compared these realities to the laws of gravity! “You don’t get to decide whether the ball falls to the ground when you let it go.The laws of nature are what they are. Outside of your control!” “

So he is number one-even before children (yes, a common option amongst women and part of their genetic programming) before homemaking (yes, housekeeping is important but heart-keeping is more so. I have heard this one from many of my patients-that their mother was more concerned with the state of the house then the state of their hearts); money and security(many women oppose their husbands business initiatives and personal projects-even spiritual ones-on the argument that it would threaten their economic security).

I, personally, suffered from this as my Mom vetoed my father’s desire to open his own technology repair business, which he loved doing and brow-beat him into staying at a job in a factory that he hated-all for fear for our financial well-being.

Another wrong priority-her parents. Gottman makes it clear in his chapter on in-laws that both partners need to prioritize their current families. However, I have seen this particularly amongst Muslims who use religious phrases like “bir walidayn” (filial piety) to deprive their current partners of their rights. I have several clinical vignettes about this but will leave them for a later time as this article has already gone beyond the intended length.

Careers: This is a “biggie” for feminists. “Why shouldn’t we have a right to careers just like men?” they will assert .The answer to this can be quite complicated but essentially it comes down to biology or should I say neuroscience” as this is a modern catch-phrase. The psychology researchers find, for example, when women come to evaluate the success of their lives, they look to their relationships whereas men turn to their professional success. This is changing somewhat as men become more feminized and less aware of their masculine nature! But the basic premise remains true. This is the way we are hard-wired!


H- The Domestic Goddess

The domestic Goddess is a woman who really enjoys being a housemaker. She is proud of her house, proud of her children and yes, horror of horrors to Feminists, proud of her husband! She puts a “light warmth and spirit into the home”, and sees homemaking as a celestial activity-attempting to generate an earthly form of the garden (as fragile as that may be in this life of suffering).She does not fall for the argument that her duties are drudgery and monotonous- as contemporary social conditioning would have her believe!. A brief aside here. As these career women, often totally stressed out, go running to mindfulness workshops to unstress. What could possibly be more boring than sitting on your tush for hours on end?! Lol. Cooking and cleaning are in comparison a veritable delight-especially if you see it as an act of worship and service. The Hindus rightfully consider that “karma yoga’. But these same New-Age women who take a delight in washing dishes at the Ashram find it beneath their dignity to wash dishes for their family?!


I-Femininity-The The gentle, tender quality

Obvious, no? H.A. “No heavy, physical work, no slapping men on the back, no whistling loudly, no drinking by throwing your head back, no walking heavily, no looking fierce or hard, no speaking harshly(swearing),no tailored clothes(the male suits of Feminists )” these are some of Helen’s suggestion!

“Femininity is acquired by accentuating the differences between yourself and men, not the similarities. You apply this principle in your appearance, your manner, your actions and even your attitude. The more different you appear than men the more feminine you become.”

“What is feminine manner? It is the motions of a woman’s body, the way she uses her hands, her walk and her talk, the sound of her voice, her facial expressions and her laugh” And all this without excessive affectation or seductiveness I would add.



J- Feminine Dependency

Whoa! Now we are hitting a core sensitivity nerve amongst the Feminists! “What?! Why should I depend on a man? What if he leaves me in the lurch? What will I do then?!  I don’t trust men enough to rely on them. I want to be “autonomous”(the core tenet of Feminism).”

There are many answers to this position. Let’s first listen to Helen:” The role of man …is to lead, protect, and provide for women. Her need for his manly care is called “feminine dependency”. Rob him of this sensation of superior strength and ability and you rob him of his manliness. You must dispense with any air of masculine strength and ability, of competence  and fearlessnes and acquire an air of feminine dependency upon man to take care of you.The air of being able to “kill your own snakes” is just what destroys the charm of so many women(Think Hilary Clinton lol)

And in any case, have women become more secure with this autonomy?! They put their relationships in jeopardy, they are still subject to the vagaries of the job market, their husbands have become reliant on their income which just puts them under more pressure and their health is never certain especially with the double role of worker and housewife. Ultimately despite what the psychologists teach us lol, we cannot rely on ourselves-whether man or woman.The only entity we can rely on is God-(tawakuul’ it is called in Islam)but  it  takes a lot of work to develop that spiritual virtue.!



K- Childlikeness

Another one that upsets the Feminist clan! “Why should we be like children?! Can’t we be adult, mature a d responsible/!” they will say

Let’s see what Helen has to say on this one:  ”Childlikeness is one of the most charming qualities in the entire philosophy of Fascinating Womanhood. Dora (one of her female role mode4ls) was ‘captivating, girlish and bright-eyed. Amelia (from Vanity Fair)had the tender emotions of a little child, for her eyes would fill up with tears. Déruchette ( Victor Hugo) had the giddiness, vivacity and teasing playfulness of a little girl”

Are you getting the picture by now ?!  If not, think of the opposites-Hilary Clinton(mentioned above), Angela Merkel, Margaret Thatcher., Indira Ghandhi. These are all women who, for better or for worse, identified with the masculine gender in order to fulfill their leadership roles.They are not good models for women.

And in case people are thinking that Helen is condoning abuse by encouraging dependency and child-likeness. here are a couple of other quotes: ” Must you accept a man at face value when he mistreats you and just overlook it? I am referring to times when he may be thoughtless, unfair ,impose on you, neglect you too fasr ,or is extremely harsh or critical. Man is entitled to many freedoms but he does not have the right to mistreat you…In fact it is difficult for a man to feel romantic towards a woman he can mistreat! It is likewise difficult for her to feel romantic towards the man who mistreats her”! ”When men’s mistreatments  are severe, childlike behaviour is not the answer. The entire philosophy of Fascinating Womanhood must be applied to melt a normally tender heart.There is no excuse for brutish behaviour in men(i.e. if they refuse to change, get rid of them!) In the Islamic tradition, this is confirmed by several hadith of the Prophet saws like this one “Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The most complete of believers in faith are those with the best character, and the best of you are the best in behavior to their women.”


Conclusion: People who know my thinking are aware that I do not like ideologies! So I am not trying to start another ‘ism’-by going from Feminism to “Femininity-ism” lol I am not suggesting that we should consider Helen’s writings here as cathecism. I am however suggesting that she is indicating a radical shift in attitude(yes, a 180 degree shift) from asserting one’s rights to asserting God’s rights-i.e. playing our different gender roles as they are designed to be by our Creator- as opposed to how our minds would like them to be. That could be a solution in many other areas of life as well!

There is much more in Ms. Andelin’s book for those who seek to research the subject further. In Helen Andelin’s writings we have a recipe for success! It flies in the face of a large-scale consensus around feminist ideals and targeting of the evil patriarchy (which is God’s way btw0.Some will find it over-simplistic and unrealistic. Others will find it outrageous and extremist-pandering to the enemy if you wish. Although I too believe that it can be too idealistic as a format and does need to be adapted to specific circumstances-financial and characterological-, it must be said that is largely consistent with traditional values throughout history and with the vast majority of the scriptural texts-at least in the Western religious traditions.

Personally I believe there is a strong core of Truth in these ideas. And it gave me hope that mutually satisfying couple relationships are, in fact, possible-something I had begun to doubt after looking at the relationships in my own life and those around me. I would counsel you,if you are at all open-minded, to have a look and see if there is not something here that you could apply in your own life. It could be a game-changer! Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim


Addendum: Instructions for men

One of the possible criticisms of Helen Andelin’s work was that she only addressed proper behaviour for women. Interestingly, I don’t see that criticism coming from the Feminist reviews opposing her work! Another proof of the Narcissism of Feminists lol. Only their gender counts!

But from my point of view, that aspect is necessary as well-if only to create balance and complementarity. Take note that men are simpler creatures, so the instructions do not need to be so elaborate lol So here are my complementary recommendations for men :

1-Assume your leadership role with vigour and firmness -but not with aggression and stubbornness

2_ Be generous and gentle and kind

3_ Work strenuously on yourself-what we Sufis call “jihad-a nafs:-the struggle with the ego(see my Youtube videos on the “klesas” for instruction on this subject)

4_ Be aware of the gender differences (no, we are not the same!) and adapt and adjust accordingly

“And he just said-Good Luck” lol (Bob Dylan)







Another Socially-Conditioned Myth.

There are so many of them, it is frightening and dangerous to behold! The socially-conditioned myths like: “You can’t love anyone else if you don’t love yourself” Ever heard that one lol? It’s totally false.

Just came across a new one.” You never know what is going on in a relationship behind closed doors” .Again totally false! It is screaming out at you from every corner. The behaviour in public,, the body language, the attitude of the people involved towards each other, the rumours, their past history-personally and as a couple. It is all there.! “Hiding in plain site” as say the American journalists lol

It is true that we don’t know the details, the specific words said to each other. But the big picture-which is what is important after all?!?! C’mon.

Now how or whether  to intervene? That is another matter! Requires wisdom and discernment and sometimes simple acceptance when there is nothing to be done. But the reality of it is hidden only to the most obtuse of observers. God help us!

Science, Scientism and Study-ism

Science, “Scientism” and “Study-ism”

Ideology and why “Our side” got it wrong on masks!


“Many scientific-minded persons have even sacrificed their religious and philosophical leanings for fear of uncontrolled subjectivism. By way of compensation for the loss of a world that pulsed with our blood and breathed with our breath, we have developed an enthusiasm for facts-mountains of facts far beyond any single individual’s (or group for that matter lol) power to survey. We have the pious hope that this incidental accumulation of facts will form a meaningful whole C.G. Jung

What a prescient and eloquent statement! Clearly modern scientists have a lot to learn from some of their intellectual predecessors. Not to mention Herr Sigmund who told them, even before Jung, that man was not essentially a rational being and never would be so. Any surprise there?!

But the scientists push blindly on-as if more data, more statistical analysis, more Cochrane database studies will eventually lead them to the truth. This article is about why that will never happen! Amongst other reasons, there is “The Law of Diminishing Returns” in data just as there is in economic investment. At some point, an excess of data leads to confusion rather than clarity! Ever noticed?!

I am reminded of a clinical case in which a young man was obsessed with where in Montreal he was going to live. He began studying the demographics of each neighbourhood in the Municipal library (this was before Google!) He visited each area and talked to the people. His investigation went on and on. In the end he was totally paralyzed and just decided to stay put. Probably the best decision anyways.

Another example. Imagine yourself trying to figure out where to go on vacation. Most people rely on a friend’s suggestion or their travel agent or an ad on T.V.  Imagine if everyone, before going on vacation, decided to do data analysis on each site that was possible-and there are many of them! They would end up befuddled. And the travel industry would grind to a halt!If we liked ,we could call those people politicians lol.

Some of the decisions regarding major public health issues and economic issues suffer from this same impediment. An excess of data!  Bet you never heard that one?! We are addicted and our leaders are even more addicted to data. And that has led them to many wrong decisions and at other times seriously delayed ones. Vice-president Cheney called out Obama on that one early on. He called him a “ditherer” in terms of Foreign Affairs and I am convinced there was a strong degree of Truth to that statement. We weren’t allowed to say it, however, or we would be called “racist”- but that is another matter.

Let us start with a definition of terms. ”Science” of course needs no such introduction- certainly not the definition from its founding father Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626).Bacon was thinking of a simple process-Observation, Hypothesis, Experiment, Conclusion. He must be turning over in his grave to see what his methodology has become! Contemporary science has become, with respect to the original ideas of Bacon, what the Democratic party has become to the original Jeffersonian idea of Democracy!. A huge swamp of complexity, manipulation and corruption-people pursuing their personal academic ambitions, control-mad bureaucrats like Fauci and felonious pharma companies keeping a watchful eye on profit -making and a blind eye to public health. What a mess?!

Once again, modern “science” needs no definition. It is better known than Barrabas in the Passion. It has more name-recognition than Trump or Madonna lol. It is a veritable  God! Not to be challenged, not to be questioned. Certainly not to be criticized. Its scripture, at least in the medical field, is Pub Med-the listing of all officially published articles from the National Library of Medicine. And it’s Pope, the supreme authority on the interpretation of its scripture, is the Cochrane Data Base-the meta-analysis of as many scientific papers as possible- arranged according to the “quality of the study” whatever that may mean. One thing for sure is doesn’t mean is insight, accuracy and usefulness lol. But the dubiousness of this problematic Cochrane approach to truth is a subject for another time.

Then there is “scientism”. Webster’s defines it as “the principle that scientific methods can and should be applied in all fields of investigation”. H-m-m- “In all fields”? -like religion and love and spirituality? I don’t think so. I remember a discussion with a good friend of mine who later became a high-ranking academic Epidemiologist-head of a University department none the less!. Ugh! Aren’t they the ones who messed up the entire Covid intervention?! To be fair, there were a lot of other accomplices- like ambitious civil servant types like Fauci and pharma company representatives and dubious “gain-of function” researchers like Ralph Barik of North Carolina. But the Epidemiologists have given them all “scientific credibility”. After all, they trade in the holy grail of modernism-facts and statistics. What could possibly be more pure and righteous lol?

And what is Epidemiology? Webster’s says: “the branch of medicine that investigates all the elements that contribute to the occurrence or non-occurrence of a disease in a population”. Can you read the subtext?! It’s all about numbers and data and statistical correlations!

So my friend, so enamored with his new-found passion, said to me:” Can you tell me anything we cannot investigate with this approach?” Another inspiration from the heavens came! ”How about whether the music of Mozart is beautiful or not” That was a very short discussion, indeed, lol.

One of my first real encounters with “scientism” and its inevitable catechisms, occurred during the preparation of my first book: ”Snakes and Ladders: Aphorisms for Modern Living”. One of the more provocative Aphorisms in the book stated:”There is no Evidence for Evidence-Based Medicine”. I had researched this hypothesis in the medical scriptures of Pub Med(Remember that holy site lol?).And I could find no studies that tested out this theory. Surprising given how predominant the theory was in the medical world that loves studies so much. But since this was to be a published book, I wanted to be sure I hadn’t missed something. So I called around to people I knew in the academic world and was told I was in luck. McGill had a visiting professor who was a world-renowned expert in the field! So I called him up. No reply. Then I found his email. After the second request I finally got a reply (busy man I guess !) It sounded something like this: ”How could you possibly question “evidence-based medicine”?! That is outrageous (he actually meant heretical but that word was not in his  lexicon lol).This is the basis of our entire medical practice. It is inexcusable to challenge it”. I had obviously touched a sensitive chord. It was like telling a devout Catholic that Jesus was not crucified really-as most Muslims believe btw. I had challenged his theological orthodoxy. How foolish of me to think I would get a “scientific” objective response.

He then went on and asked: “In any case, how could we possibly research this?” I responded: ”Well, I am not a researcher by trade but it seems like a relatively simple procedure-certainly compared to many of the complex research paradigms I have seen. In my field, psychiatry, for example, you take a group of patients diagnosed by DSM-4 criteria with Major Depression Divide the group in two and give one group of psychiatrists the directive to reference each of their decisions from the medical literature. And tell the control group to proceed as normal, use their knowledge and their experience and their clinical judgment to make decisions. Then compare the outcomes.” Easy-peasy. But they will never do that!! It challenges their theology. On top of that, there is a fair possibility that the control group would actually do better! What would that do to their theoretical edifice?! It would collapse-just like the Marxists I knew after they heard about the horrors of Stalinism. So they will take no chances. Beliefs are too important to be challenged by Reality!

In this article, we introduce, as well, a new term-“studyism’ .Since you will not find this  anywhere  else, despite its deep metaphysical significance, I will define it for you. It is: “the belief that in order to get to the root, the Reality of anything serious, you need a study.” You will hear that not only from medical researchers but also from politicians and economists and businessmen and even social scientists. Perhaps only mystics and true artists are exempt. And of course lovers lol. They need no study to tell them they are on the right track-even if they aren’t!

So we have Commissions of Inquiry, Royal Commissions, feasibility studies , climate change studies, etc. etc. Whenever a politician doesn’t know what to do he orders a study. For example, right now in the U.S.A. the head Republican in the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy, has ordered an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden. The evidence of Biden’s corruption is long-standing and overwhelming but first a study is needed. Of course.

Another episode from my relatively brief career in Academic psychiatry. I was heading a Community Clinic in a suburb of Montreal, attached to the Douglas Hospital-one of the teaching hospitals in the McGill University network. A new hot-shot, ambitious psychiatry researcher was being interviewed for a high position in the hospital executive. He spent a day and a half talking to various hospital personnel. On the second day, he made a report to the doctors. I saw that in that short period of time he had been able to identify most of the major problems in our institution and the outlines for future possible action.

But the hospital executive was not satisfied. They needed to have a more empirical, ”robust” ,M.B.A. style report .So they hired a consulting firm at considerable expense (? Approx. $100,000-maybe more). When the final report came out, I read it carefully. It was full of statistics and maps and figures. But I could not recognize my institution in the report ! Dr. Leichner’s brief report seemed to me much more relevant. But, in the end, both reports were tabled and the hospital went on-business as usual. I believe that is the most common outcome of studies. Funding for a large industry of consultation and generally ignoring the findings in the interests of the Realpolitik of the institution. Any wonder that we are in such a state lol?!

In Canada I entered the medical field just as National Health Care (we called it Medicare at the time) was being instituted. Each year our system has gotten worse-at least in terms of accessibility. When I entered the field you could be seen in the E.R. most often within the hour. Now you can easily wait 18 hours before you see a doctor. The last time I went to an E.R. (the place where I had studied!) I stayed 2 hours and had not even been screened let alone seen a doctor. I simply left and took an appointment with a cardiologist- an old friend- the next day. All was well fortunately. If it had been a heart attack (as it could have been by the symptoms) I may well have died in the waiting room!

As our system was deteriorating, there were more and more studies- Commissions of Inquiry- provincial and federal. There was even a Royal Commission (la crème de la crème). None of these studies changed anything significant. And now, unsurprisingly, we are having a revolt of the nursing staff- who find their working conditions untenable.

So bottom line, Studies don’t work! They are often, in fact, just designed to give politicians a clear conscience or worse still to cover up their incompetence. We don’t need more studies! We need leaders of vision and sincerity and courage. But they are hard to find. And even if we find them I believe our ‘democratic” system filters them out- in favour of people-pleasers and fast-talking salesman types.

Now, we can ask the question as to why studies don’t work. Here are a few explanations. I am referring mostly to medical studies but this schema can easily be applied to other areas like politics and the Economy.

1)The initial bias of the authors-whether ideological or financial. When I was teaching at McGill in the Faculty of Medicine, they asked me to do a course on Research in Psychiatry-which I gladly agreed to. As I was looking into the material (this was in the 1980’s) I came across a very interesting article (sorry I have not been able to relocate this article so you’ll have to trust me on this one. Not very scientific, I know lol).This brilliant author went over the most influential articles published in the preceding 10 years. But before reading any of the conclusions he back-checked the leading author’s previous publications and their academic trajectories to see what might be their biases. He came to an astounding conclusion (astounding only if you are naïve in this area of activity).Not one ,that’s right not one, of the studies came to a conclusion that was opposite to the lead authors antecedent bias! So much for objectivity in science!

2) The hidden and less than hidden agendas of the institutions financing these studies including the Public Health Institutions and the Universities that are all “captured” by their monetary dependence on government and pharmaceutical industry sponsorship.

3)The constant bugaboos in Statistical Analysis-Selection Bias and Confounding Variables-things that every student of science learns about in their Statistics 101 class. These items are still distorting factors in the most advanced statistical analysis published in the most prestigious medical journals.. The examples are legion. In my clinical experience it was most obvious in the campaign against benzodiazepines and the lack of serious equivalent studies of the alternatives-most often SSRI anti-depressants. So benzodiazepines always came out looking bad-even if in medical practice they were often enough a good alternative. If you read the literature they cause all kinds of horrible things like Alzheimer’s and terrible withdrawal .Except every study I could find contains a selection bias where the benzo group already had more serious illness to start with and some of the illness may actually have been the beginning of Dementia itself! The research did not fit my clinical experience either. That is always a tell-tale sign! But most of the profession goes along with the propaganda. After all, it’s “science” lol

4) The Law of Diminshing Returns on Data Collection(previously mentioned).More is not necessarily better!

5) The ”study” groups do not correspond well to the clinical application groups. We had this problem in psychiatry where some of the larger institutions had their set groups of Schizophrenics or Bipolar patients on which they tried every new medication. These were professional research patients! Plus, each study has exclusionary criteria-like you can’t have a co-morbidity or a substance problem. Except the Clinical Population we are treating has all of that. So the knowledge gained in one group is not necessarily applicable to the other.,

Most recently we saw this with the Covid vaccines. People with comorbidities were excluded as were pregnant women. But then the vaccine was rolled out and often mandated for those very groups that were excluded. How could the studies inform us of the risks in that context. They couldn’t and didn’t.

6) Sophisticated randomized , double-blind studies are very expensive to do. So are Commissions of Inquiry and Royal Commissions btw. There will never be enough resources in the entire universe to allow us to study all of the possible medical interventions in a normal doctor’s  (is “normal doctor”  an oxymoron lol?) daily practice.

7) The studies we are talking about are inevitably statistical . They generate probabilities rather than certainties . But clinical reality is about specific people at a specific time. The statistics may or may not apply! For example, if SSRIs are effective in 70% of cases of Major Depression (some would dispute that finding but that is not germane to our present discussion) then how do I know that my patient will be in that 70%. And what if his timeline of response is different from the others ?What if he chooses to stop the meds because of its side effects? What if he has ideological biases against taking meds, something we see more and more these days. None of the research will help us with these clinical realities!

Addendum to Studies

8) And perhaps most troubling of all, facts are not facts and data is not data. As Kellyanne Conway famously stated, there are alternative facts, for which she was loudly denounced. But actually she had a point!

“Facts” have to be understood in context. In order to fully assimilate their significance ,we have to understand who stated them, in what context, for what reason. We also have to understand what facts were not being stated, which facts were exaggereated and which were minimized. So data is not data! When politicians and jusrists say they are only “following the facts” they are most often lying. So data is not simply data. And that poses a deep metaphysical problem for the Empiricists!

Let me give you three examples to clarify what I mean:

2-During the Covid pandemic(and yes, O conspiracy theorists lol ,there was a pandemic! That was not a lie!) they began to report on “Covid Deaths”. We later learnt that this meant deaths with Covid, not necessarily deaths from Covid. We can add into the mix here that the PCR tests being used to confirm Covid were not particularly reliable and tended to highly exaggerate the Covid component. Now deaths themselves should be more or less reliable and undeniable but even those figures could be altered by people who had an axe to grind in scaring people into taking the vaccines. So the entire data point “Covid deaths” falls apart on closer inspection

2- The Republican investigation of the Bidens finds bank records of shell companies and Biden family members receiving money from corrupt foreign governments. There are videos of Joe (the big guy) being in on conversations about Hunter’s foreign business dealings and pictures of Joe meeting some of these partners in person. There are also business partners and foreign agents testifying about these “Pay for Play” (i.e. bribery schemes. So what do the Democrats say?! “There is no evidence!’; What?! So if the data doesn’t suit your purposes you deny it’s existence. Once again facts are not facts.

3-This one is more uncomfortable for me to report but if we are going to be people of Truth rather than people of echo chambers, it needs to be said. I have the deepest respect and admiration for Dr. James Thorp the OBGYN who began speaking out against the vaccine use in pregnancy. I agree with almost everything he says and believe he is sending a very important message about the dangers of the vaccine in pregnancy. However, there was something that didn’t sit well with me about his discourse. I believe part of the problem is that he too has drunk the Empiricist kool-aid. Let me explain.

Dr. Thorp has many statistics which indicate that the rate of damage to the fetus ,miscarriages and stillbirths are much higher in vaccinated pregnant women. The figures he usually sites are around 50 times higher! But if we look closer at his published article (I am referring here to the pre-print) we get another message! Now I understand that he was working with Vaers data which is hugely under-reported and problematic so he can be excused for his lack of accuracy. Trying to rely on Vaers data for a solid conclusion is like RFKjr. relying on the Democratic Party to be elected president lol.

Now the Vaers register was set up to pick up
“signals” as they call it in the trade. And signals there are! But hard data?!Let us examine the figures Dr. Thorp reports in his article:”Covid-19 vaccines: The impact on Pregnancy Outcomes and Menstrual Function.”

There are many variables to choose from but they all point to the same conclusion. Let us choose “fetal malformations” as we recently had an unfortunate case of this pathology in our Sufi family. Now if we compare the Covid vaccine to the flu vaccine, it causes 11 times the amount of fetal malformations. But the denominator is extremely low! The covid vaccine caused 3.3 cases from a billion shots?! That is one case in 300 million doses?! When you put into the mix the W.H.O. statistic that 3% of children (other palaces say 6%!) are born with fetal malformations, the clinical relevance4 of these Vaers facts simply unravels. So it is not surprising that the clinicians on the ground are not seeing this! It is too rare! Once again, the good guys have it wrong!

What does all of this mean? It means that the Empiricists are often misleading us! In fact, the subjective trumps the objective in reliability! Put that in your pipe and smoke it (don’t mix in too much pot with it lol) O people of the outer. What we really need are people on the front lines (doctors and nurses) who are keen observers. And we need professionals who are able to hear the patients (Seeing and hearing once again) Unfortunately even if these professionals began with these capacities their “intellectual” objective training has probably beat it out of them The fact that almost no pediatrician,s beside Dr. Paul Thomas, were seeing the link between vaccines and autism- over decades of use! is just more proof of the dulling of their senses! So we are in a serious conundrum at this point in medicine.

Bottom Line: Studies are only modestly useful- at best. They need to be complemented by front-line clinical experience , by anecdotes(yes, anecdotes-my favourite source of Reality! Much to be learnt there),by common sense, reflection and even inspiration.( See  “Epistemology” in other articles on my blogsite(

I’m sure by now you are all wondering: ”So who is’our side’? Who are the good guys? And why did they get it wrong on the masking issue?!” So here goes.

The good guys are docs like Peter McCullough, Paul Marik, Pierre Kory, Meryl Nass, Robert Malone and lawyers like RFKjr. And Mary Holland and many others. They are people of integrity  ,insight and creativity. I respect and love them all! They have put everything on the line to denounce the corruption around us and to affirm the “scientific” Truth. But, they too, have “drunk the koolaid” lol Their koolaid is made of organic ingredients-no pesticides, no artificial flavours or colourings lol. Only natural sugar like honey. But it is koolaid nevertheless.

So what do I mean by kool-aid? It is the belief that science is the best and often the only way to truth. That we need these large-scale studies ultimately to discover the truth. That the current so-called “scientific method” is like motherhood and apple pie. No-one can be against it! They believe that the only problem here is that there are corrupting influences that are contaminating and capturing the pure and holy science. If we could only go back to  objective science we would be back in the garden of Eden before the fall .Bottom Line: They have bought the Epistemology of Empiricism! Everything can be known from data-from the measurable, outer realities. And that is a serious metaphysical error.

Let me elaborate further on the Epistemology question. It first came up in the courts where I was representing people claiming their salary insurance from their employers and insurance companies.. Most of them were suffering either from C.F.S. ( Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) or Depression of various sorts. I noticed, after a few times, a curious phenomenon. The judges had understood better than the doctors what was really going on. How could that be? ! It was counter-intuitive.

And then it came to me. The judges were more open-minded. They considered various forms of input-from patients witnessing, from their relatives, from anecdotes (love those anecdotes lol). They also used their common sense. The doctors were operating from their medical science conditioning. And they weren’t getting it.

As I began to reflect more and more, I realized that there were many avenues to the truth-even the truth of medicine. ”More than one way to skin a cat” no? But the three principal inputs that can solve most problems or, at least see them for what they are, are “seeing” (with the inner eye) hearing” (with the Ear of Truth ) and feeling(intuition).That at least partly explained why the judges were more lucid. They were really listening. The docs were having their hearing occluded by their conceptual training. Seeing in docs? We won’t even go there for now lol! None of these modalities of perception are popular with the Empiricists! In fact, it is anathema to them.

Ok. Let’s go back to the mask issue as promised in the title. So the “good guys-our side “ scour Pub Med (remember-the holy  scripture lol) and find no evidence that masks work in any credible scientific studies. So masks don’t work. Oops! Wrong! Aristotle has creeped in once again with his syllogistic logic. Good olde Aristotle. Can’t escape him anywhere-including in religion! Now if we step out of the idolatry of scientific studies for a moment, we will find a whole nother world And as Jessy Waters likes to say on Fox “And this is my world”! The world of subtlety and inwardness and mystery and contradictions. So much more free and user-friendly!
In that light, here is my evidence for masks In all fairness, I got a head start-well before Covid! Here it is!

1-I was on an airplane probably going to some medical conference in Boston. Yes, I too was a believer! Next to me was a businessman -perhaps an MBA-type (subject of another article at some point lol). He was wearing a mask .I asked him why and he said that everytime he got on  an airplane( and he was travelling all around the country regularly), he was sick for a few days with some viral illness. Since he started wearing a mask on the suggestion of a fellow businessman , he had never been sick. A story to make Sir Francis Bacon proud for once! Observation-Hypothesis-Experiment-Conclusion. Beautiful in its simplicity! But no self-respecting modern scientist would accept such evidence. They would denounce it as anecdotal, a random occurrence, good luck or the best of all explanations “psychosomatic”-all in his head! Placebo effect, no doubt.

2- I got the Covid infection four times in each of its variants! Each time I got it I had forgotten or decided not to use the mask. Three of these times were from talking at close range with “asymptomatic carriers” another entity that the “good guys” would like to deny. The fourth time I got it from my grandchildren. The “good guys” don’t like the idea of spread from children either. I guess it is too close to lockdowns and child masking for them to swallow . But indeed there IS spread from children even if they, themselves don’t get very sick!That’s why the teachers wanted lockdowns. Saying that was simply from laziness is not fair akin to defamation.

3- Asians in Japan and China have been wearing masks for decades.. Have their nations simply gone mad-like we did during the pandemic!?

4-Alan Dershowitz is being interviewed on Fox three years into the pandemic. He shows his simple but tightly fitting mask and says. ”I have several medical co-morbities but I never got sick once from Covid.

5) During the heyday of the Delta variant almost all the Democrat politicians were wearing masks and distancing but the Republicans were cavorting around the front lawn of the White House. Very few Democrats seemed to be falling sick. But the Republicans including Trump, his assistants and his wife were falling like flies.

6- During the flu seasons of 2020/2021 and 2021/2022 there were almost no flu cases! People were masking and distancing. Now the scientific types will say either that the flu was diagnosed as Covid (I had no trouble seeing the difference) or that somehow the Covid virus dominated the flu one. That is possible. But I believe the masking and distancing were protective against the flu .In 2022/2023 we had an almost normal flu season. And yet ,the Covid virus was still very much present. So it wasn’t the competing virus that eliminated the flu. I believe it was the masking.

7- The doctors in the hospitals seemed to believe in the usefulness of their protective masks. They were clamoring for their N95 masks! Then again doctors are a gullible lot by definition- so perhaps their testimony should not be considered.


All of this evidence would be called “anecdotal” by the” pur et dur” scientists. And yet, just as the evidence of Biden-family corruption coming out in drips and drabs and now spurts is getting more and more credible, perhaps the positive effect of masking should be reconsidered.

So much more to say! A la prochaine, Sufi Ibrahim

P.S. The good guys are still good lol. They are just not complete!






Nationalism Re-Examined

Nationalism Re-Examined

Nationalism is a very sensitive subject. As soon as you start generalizing about national traits you are accused of “racial profiling” and racism. -especially if you talk about negative traits. Yet nations are really quite distinct- just as genders are quite distinct- despite current narratives.

People generally have a lot of emotional investment in their nation. Some are unduly proud like the Americans who keep repeating in their discourse on public media that they are “the greatest nation ever on Earth”. There are a few discounting facts to that narrative- like the fact that they rank the lowest on almost every social variable amongst the developed nations. But who cares about facts when you have pride lol.

There is also an even more sensitive area which has to do with shame about our national characteristics. So, for example, Jews will regularly give their children gentile -sounding names like Tiffany and Elizabeth for example lol. Some will shorten their last name so it sounds less Jewish. So Bergman becomes Berry and Glouberman becomes Glidden. Muslims, as well, will shorten their name from Mohammed (a truly honorable name) to Moe so they sound like the owner of a delicatessen. Black people, most obviously athletes, will shave their heads as if there is something wrong with God-given curly hair. I don’t get it! Two of my childhood heroes were Angela Davis and Jimmy Hendriks. I really admired their natural Afro hairdos!

Then there was one of my clients-an indigenous man from the north of Quebec- who pretended to be a Québecois pure laine and hid his identity for years in therapy. It ended up catching up with him in his relationships- because his Québecois partners didn’t appreciate his taciturnness-an indigenous characterstic (OOPs! Is that “racial profiling?) It might have been easier for him if he had stated in advance that he doesn’t talk too much lol

In my first book: “Snakes and Ladders:Aphorisms for Modern Living” I make the following statement:” We are each caricatures of our national origins” ! That may sound extreme especially for those with a serious dose of Western education lol. We were taught over and over again the nature/nurture hypothesis. And even there the emphasis was on the individual and the family genetics as opposed to the collective national ones. Yet, over and over again, travelling all around the world and interacting with many different societies, I could see the national characteristics so clearly!

I remember my first trip to Europe with a fellow medical student named Alan. We first came to London. It was cold and rainy. Everything was really expensive. We could not find a hotel within our budget and we ended up sleeping on the floor of a YMCA with a large group of German tourists. It was less than twenty years from WWII and the idea of sleeping in a room of Germans was still an intimidating prospect-especially being raised in a secular Jewish family.

So we decided to move to France. There was an immediate change in the environment. The hotels were a lot cheaper (this was before the European Common Market!) It was sunny and the charcuteries allowed us to eat easily within our budget . We sat out in the beautiful groomed parks and felt like we were almost in paradise ( France has since gone downhill considerably and when I visit it now it feels more like pre-Civil War Syria -but that is a whole other subject! )

When we got tired of the hedonism of Paris, we moved on to Germany. As we got to the border, I immediately noticed the militaristic aspect of the Germans ( btw we had a great time as well in that country).But that militarism of the customs agents triggered something in me. I then looked at my friend Alan and said: ’You know Alan we have been sold a crock. A bunch of B.S. Our educational system, liberal as it was at the time, taught us that all peoples are essentially alike. Only individuals are different.That is clearly not what we are seeing”  And on top of that, these were three ”advanced” Western peoples. Imagine the differences if we compare them to Asian and African nations?!That may have been one of my earliest Aha experiences. The liberal viewpoint was misleading at best-at worst more ideological denial from the bleeding-heart liberals lol

On a personal note, I have always been adamantly opposed to nationalism-seeing it simply as a collective form of egotism and selfishness. Which it is! But there is another side to all of this. Just as we must come to terms with our individual ego (nafs in Arabic) we need to come to terms with our national origins-in all its dimensions. Each nation has its strengths and its weaknesses. Yet most people can only see the good qualities of their national origins and have difficulty imagining its shadowy aspects.

A case in point. In the early 2000’s I was studying Arabic in Amman and living with a few other students in a shared apartment. One of the students I got close to was of Palestinian descent-with all of the baggage that entails! One day I was discoursing  on religion and made the statement that each religion had its particular strengths and weakness. Now, just from a theological point of view, this is difficult for any religious nationalist (and yes, there is nationalism based on religious practice as well!) to hear. The vast majority of people are convinced that their religion is best and there is a large percentage of those who believe that their religion is the only means of salvation-even if their scriptures, properly interpreted, say the opposite!

So when I got to the issue of the good qualities of each religion, I was somewhat surprised , which I shouldn’t have been because actually it was quite predictable, to hear my Palestian friend ask: ”So where does Judaism excel, in that vein”. His bias was clearly obvious. But after getting over the initial shock, I responded from an inspiration that I get from time to me in these situation. ” In its humanism”

Now, I can see that if you identify Judaism with how the Israeli government behaves, you could hardly be blamed for concluding otherwise. But if you look at Jewish history, if you study the Arts and Sciences and philosophy produced by Jewish people, you can see what I was getting at. I have a particular fondness these days for remembering vocabulary in the Yiddish language from my youth-vocabulary that highlights the inevitable foibles of humanity both on an individual and collective level. Actually identifying these foibles helps us accept them! Much more so than those coming from a mindset of nobility and dignity! (I’ll let you guess who those may be lol)

So when I see what is going on in American politics,”kurveshe”(whoorishness) is the most precise term I can find to describe it. When I listen to overly abstract woke intellectuals I think: ”mishegene”(literally crazy) and when I hear my clients stories of intrusive mother-in-laws the word “schvigger” comes to mind – a word that literally means mother-in-law but in Yiddish becomes almost a swear word! Much more on this at a later time. But for now, I feel proud to dredge out some of this ancient vocabulary from my past that helps me identify and deal with what is going on nowadays.

The troubling aspects of nationalism and racism goes back a long way. I still remember an episode where I was asked to give the sermon at the youth sabbath at our local synagogue. I don’t even think I was 13 at the time. Being my usual controversial self, I took on the subject of Jews’ bias towards others. There were two dépanneurs(  handy stores) near us. One was Jewish owned. The other was owned by a Greek man. But all the Jews bought from the Jewish store. So I brought this out and told them” You complain about antisemitism but you are acting in the same manner towards this Greek shopkeeper”. Somehow the message got through. The next time I met the Greek man, he thanked me profusely. His business picked up in the weeks following my talk! Sometimes, people DO listen lol!

Ok So let’s get back to the central point here. How do we deal properly with nationalism. There are many improper ways, as we have seen throughout history but managing this domain ethically and responsibly is a whole other matter! In one of the visitations of the Virgin Mary (I believe it may be the one at Medugorge) she said to the young girls who saw her: “Mankind is on the wrong track. If they don’t change their ways of materialism and nationalism, there will be more and more natural disasters”. So when I see the floods and fires and heatwaves of climate change I don’t think “carbon imprint”. Rather I think “man’s misbehaviour around deeper issues than carbon use”!

The initial trigger for writing this article was an interview on Epoch TVof an author named Rick Richman (forgot to change his last name to Rich lol). He wrote a recent book called: ”And None Should Make Them Afraid” about eight people who contributed to the Zionist project, Clearly not a popular topic in my current Muslim community lol And the first person he talked about was Theodore Herzl. Not usually my cup of tea! If I wanted to talk about great Jewish personalities I would start with the Ball Shem Tov, Reb Nahman of Bratislava and Maimonides. Perhaps Martin Buber. But this was about a person I really didn’t have much sympathy for. And I am sure there are people around, especially in the Arab world, who dislike him much more than I do,

Nevertheless, Richman painted a relatively positive picture of a man committed to an ideal that he spent his life on. But most interesting, only towards the end of his life, did he reveal that at 12 years old, he had a dream/vision of Moses bringing him up into the presence of God! Now in the Islamic tradition, we are taught that if a Prophet appears in a dream it is really him. The devil cannot take the form of a Prophet. So…the founder of Zionism was Divinely instructed to work towards a state of Israel.Ajib!

Now for many pious Christians, this a a no-brainer. They believe that the Jews had to return to the Holy Land in order to set the stage for the return of Jesus! And after all Jesus and all of his Apostles were all Jews, something it has taken Christians a long time to swallow! But for Muslims this is anathema.

And yet, the deeper thinkers amongst Muslims, realize that nothing happens in this world without Divine permission. I have even heard Jordanians thinking that Israel was a punishment for Muslims not holding tightly enough to their own religion. However, this story line is more positive I would say. The Jews returning to Israel is part of the unfoldment of Divine destiny. As said the great Sheikh Hashimi of Damascus “fi kooli shay khayran”(in everything is goodness).Even in Zionism lol!

As to Muslims- concerning the question of nationalism- Allah has told us in the Quran 49;13 “O mankind. We created you from a male and a female. and made you into peoples (shououb) and tribes so that you may get to know each other. “There are a lot of meanings in this short ayat but for our current purposes, it is enough to point out that nations are not an invention of man as some sociologists and anthropologists might like to postulate. They are natural creations of our Lord. Besides this Quranic quote, we have the well-known hadith of our Prophet saws which says” The love of the homeland comes from Faith” Another support for the positive aspects of nationalism. So it is incumbent upon us to accept that reality.

Thus we realize that we have to come to terms with our own nationhood and that of others-no mean feat actually. Because this is deep in our coding, yes even in our genetic coding. And much of it is unconscious.

I will proceed to highlight one case where these differences have created an enormous amount of conflict. Then we will go on to some final general conclusions.

Let’s start with the Middle East- a problem that has defeated many politicians and diplomats. I have no pretensions about solving this problem! But I, may be able to shed some light on the psychological aspects involved. Jews and Arabs. Why are they unable to come to terms and make a peace treaty. This is a very difficult and complex problem. But let us start at the base-their different psychological makeups. The defining fault of the Jewish nation is “doubt”. Some of the rabbis I met in Jerusalem were well aware of this! One of them said to me;” If you are committed to doubt, and most doubters are lol, Ashem (God) will supply you with all the data you need to keep doubting. So the Jews who doubted Moses in the dessert, the Apostles who doubted Jesus, the Jews in the Quran who couldn’t decide what kind of cow to sacrifice, were all true to form-they were Jewish doubters. When the Muslims run into these stories they react saying: ”You see. They are really unbelievers”. They don’t factor in the Jewish mind-set.

The Arabs, on the other hand, have no such problem. They are sure they are right-always lol. The equivalent to Jewish doubt is Arab pride! And both are problematic.  ”My way or the highway” think the Arabs. .There is no room for second opinions. They are invalid by definition. So how do people with such different approaches get together to negotiate. They have clearly not been able to do so, so far!

Early on, during my stay in Jerusalem, and just before accepting Islam, I was introduced to the holy book of Islam-the Quran. I immediately recognized its authenticity! And yes, in English translation lol I then looked around me at the behaviour of the people in East Jerusalem and the West Bank and thought: “Why would God send this authentic Revelation to these people?! “My Sufi teacher-who was a highly knowledgeable Hafiz Quran and Qadi (judge in the Islamic court) at the time had warned me about this. He told us not to go to the famous al Aqsa mosque for 6 months after conversion. He was afraid we would lose our faith!

So, sitting on the side of the road going up to the Mount of Olives, I asked Allah again why these people (the Arabs) had received this book. And the answer came back loud and clear: ”They are the ones who will hold it most tightly”! And so it has been throughout history! So Allah himself is NOT a black and white thinker!  He could and can see that these people, as faulty as was and is their behaviour, also had a particular quality of perseverance and tenacity ( the deniers would say “stubbornness” lol) that was uniquely suited to this purpose!

On the other hand the Jews who had been the previous recipient were not as perseverant in holding to their way. But their doubt and reflection has led them to be great scientists, musicians and artists.” To each his own” as they say. And ALL of it is from our Lord!

So what do we do with this conundrum? The answer is the same as in many other situations- “Develop Awareness”. We, all, need to be aware of how much we conform to our national characteristics. Then we have to learn to affirm and express our strengths and fight against our weaknesses-on an individual and a collective level. This is the jihad-a-nafs of Sufism (the struggle with the ego) but, in this case, we are struggling with the collective ego. No mean feat given that all the like-minded people around us (our nation) are telling us we are fine just the way we are. But we aren’t!

Once we accept our tribal limitations and work against the weaknesses, it is then incumbent upon us to accept these limitations and strengths of other nations and treat them with dignity and respect- rather than “othering them” to use a current Americanism.

May God help us in this sacred enterprise because it is a holy work! Salaams, Sufi Ibrahim