Psychologists and “The Pattern”

Psychologists have it wrong-once again lol.The problem is not the famous”pattern”. The problem is that the pattern is not carried out to its logical conclusion which is a learning process.Each of these patterns have a hidden purpose.They are not just sinister reproductions of past relationships as the psychologists believe.(“According to psychology, everything happens for a negative reason.According to the spiritual perspective,everything that occurs has a positive intent- “Snakes and Ladders”)So dropping the pattern will not work.Believe me,it doesn’t happen.But realizing the purpose of the pattern can be truly uplifting.

For example,if you have a person who is inclined to follow(horror of horrors) they will be quickly diagnosed as Dependent Personality and urged to drop that behaviour.Instead ,they are encouraged to become more autonomous .Ironically all of these autonomy -seekers are followers! They are following the modernist obsession with autonomy and independence despite all the misery we can see around us caused by this way of thinking! Look around,really.

Perhaps ,what the person needs is to find a better person or group to follow-one that is less exploitative,kinder, more understanding,more with the Truth..Or perhaps they have to negotiate their needs more skilfully within the context of”following”.Yes,it can be done.I have been doing it for decades and I am sure there are others out there doing likewise.

However,eliminating following is like not having a steering wheel on your cart or a rudder on your ship.You just end up following the contour of the road or the current of the water.Nothing good can come from that.You’re either in the ditch or broken up on the rocks.

So I urge all ‘autonomists’ to wake up.They are followers too even though they are unaware of it..But they are following a sure-fire road to misery, even though that road is very highly populated lol Salaams,Ibrahim

2 thoughts on “Psychologists and “The Pattern””

  1. The pattern is a response to a need …and the need will continue until it is released or fulfilled. We are all followers in one way or another it is not part of a choice. We can be good followers or bad followers that is the only part we decide.

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