Epistemology and Decision-making

Here we go again!-those big philosophical words.Epistemology is the philosophy of knowledge.It asks the question of where real knowledge comes from.

In this case it comes up after reading a detailed explanation of the State Departments decision under Hilary Clinton to intervene in Libya- in the NYTimes.Unlike the paranoid theories about America that always speculate that it is about oil or supporting Israel all the time,you can sense the Truth and balance in this report.

So what do we find.We discover not a search for more wealth or for domination politically but rather a very conscientious,studious and thougtful politician caught in the most common modern methodological error-over thinking and over-analyzing.She should have watched “The Fog of War” with Robert McNamara more carefully.She would have them understood the limitations of the human capacity to analyze.

That is why I regularly try to promote the Istighara practice-consulting with the Divine.Our Prophet,Mohammed saws,was an amazing decision-maker regularly right and timely.He did that by constantly consulting with thé Divine and surrendering to its

  1. dictates.His success was literally miraculous if you consider all the forces mounted against him.He could never have done that by just using his own mind.Salaams,Ibrahim

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