Conspiracy Theories Unpacked

Conspiracy Theories Unpacked

Fareed Zakaria, one of the more intelligent representatives of the politically- correct, Ivy League Universities of America, dealt with conspiracy theories on todays GPS show on CNN. So it’s time to comment lol.

He talks about “Pizzagate” and Qanon  and the “birther” conspiracies but the one conspiracy that he never addresses is the conspiracy of political-correctness and social, scientific consensus. Of course, he cannot address that as he is completely immersed in it! That is the one that tells us that we live in a truly democratic society, that “Due process of the Law” gives us justice and that man can figure out everything he needs to know through Science and Reason. Ever run into that one lol?! Ever notice how much falseness lies therein.

Well, if you don’t or won’t see that, many other people do. They see the lies, the half-truths, the deceptions and they then try to figure out what is going on. Many diverge into the realm of imagination, fantasy an d sometimes pure projection known affectionately as “paranoia”. But you can’t totally blame them as the mainstream media do.They are being lied to, they know it and so they invent their own lies to compensate. Stated simply, the most important cause of conspiracy theories is the lying and deception promulgated by official sources! All part of a very sick and troubled society!

Now, there is another social myth contributing to this problem. That myth is that our educational system teaches us to think! Wrong! Our educational system teaches us to think in a very outward, Empirical, supposedly logical, way that more often than not leads us away from the Truth rather than closer to it. Our educational system does NOT teach us discernment. It does not teach us basirat (insight, inner vision). It does not teach us true listening and hearing. It does not teach us intuition and insight. So, in effect, our educational system is actually a sophisticated form of brainwashing that few, even those who have designed it, are aware of.

Let me give you a couple of concrete examples to hang your pegs of understanding on. In the late 1970’s Raymond Moody came out with his book: ”Life after Life” analyzing his collection of what became the near-death experience “.Since then I have had an avid interest in these accounts to the point where I wrote a book about them called “The Big Questions-Evidence Based Faith” in 2007. (The second Edition is now available on Amazon.)Almost universally, when you present this evidence of the After-Life to “well-educated” people, they respond the same way: ”But isn’t that just because there are biochemical changes in the brain at the time of death?” For someone slightly more aware than that  you could be thinking “Wha-a-at?!”.Here are people telling you they left their bodies, they met angels and deceased relatives and even God, confirming ALL the teachings of the great religions of the World, and all you can think of is “Are these biochemical changes in the brain?!” This is Empiricism at its most perverse and pernicious level. In my understanding, this reflex is entirely generated by our educational system.

A second example: When I was working as a psychiatrist, at one point I had a number of patients suffering from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. In many cases, it became obvious that the source of the problem was environmental issues like mould or chemicals or insecticides at the workplace or in the home. I would often have to work as well with the partners of these patients as the consequences of these problems affected them as well. After awhile I noticed a pattern. The partners who understood best (some of them had understood even before the patients came to consult!) were almost invariably workmen in the trades! The professionals (doctors and lawyers and even engineers)and other random intellectuals and administrators rarely got it. They were too stuck in their concepts. Many of them had concluded it was all “psychosomatic”-another of the abused terms of the politically correct class. (To be addressed in a future article).

At this point, my well-educated readers lol are going to reflexly ask the same question! “So what is the solution?!” This too is part of the socially-conditionned thought processes. As if the solution does not emerge spontaneously from a correct understanding of the problem. Which it usually does!

Nevertheless, since peoples’ thinking processes do not change easily or quickly, I will address this issue as well. The answer is that people need to be educated in discernment and all of its doors(what I call Epistemology for lack of a better term).That should be one of the principal goals of education. And I do not know of a single educational institution ,outside of some advanced Sufi circles, that is teaching this very thing that we need so much in the modern world.

This is a very long and complex discussion-full of all kinds of confusions, ambiguities and misunderstandings. So, to avoid the risk of remaining in the abstract and nebulous let me go back to one of the main problems at hand- the Covid epidemic. The conspiracy theories are all over the place on this one. ”This is a “plandemic”-orgainized by some cabal of business and political leaders to control the world”. ”The Covid pandemic is not real. Only 6% of the deaths are really Covid deaths. The epidemic is no worse than the annual flu”.( Ask the doctors on the ground if you need to dispell that one!)”This was a bioweapon developed either by the U.S. military or the Chinese to be used for warfare”. The list goes on and on.I am still waiting for the theory that this is a plot from extra-terrestials lol.Soon to come on your favourite conspiracy web-site.

Then we have the lies of the official classes-somewhat more subtle but toxic nevertheless. Let’s start with the original lie:”This is a naturally occurring virus that transferred from an animal to a human at the Wuhan market”. Almost every serious viral geneticist like Dr.Luc Montaigne French Nobel prize-winner in looking at the genetic sequence can tell that there is human intervention. For those who love the science of it the insertion is called a “polybasic furan cleavage site”. It was produced by “gain of function” research in America which became a hot potato in the U.S. where it was banned and  transferred to Wuhan China in 2014. America knew of the danger after a report to the State Department in 2018 but did nothing about it. When it finally emerged in 2020, the Chinese covered it up at first but shut down the whole area around Wuhan. This is not the place to go into the entire history of this virus but suffice it to say for our purposes here that much of the Truth is not being told to the public. Likewise for the efficacy of Hydroxychloriqine and /or Ivermectin used properly.(Both are being used effectively in Third World Countries!)Both denied by official, social consensus science. Then there is the whole question of the safety of massive vaccine programs. Again either the proper research is NOT being done or it is not being used properly. So people have reason to be suspicious! Not to be paranoid but to be skeptical.

For those who are still determined to find solutions, another element would be true transparency by government officials. That, however, is,despite the rhetoric, highly unlikely given the adversarial nature of current democratic politics and the strategic manipulation of information by one interest group or another.

So, we are by no means out of the woods! Of course, the best weapon against conspiracy theories is Truth! But that Truth can only be discovered through discernment and dispassion. And our current leadership, both in politics AND in science and the professions, has neither of those. They are blind, deaf, insensitive, greedy and ideological-a toxic brew like no other we have seen in history!

2 thoughts on “Conspiracy Theories Unpacked”

    In Jordan they used the epidemic. To to imply the Marshal low… keep us safe,,, But the hiddin thing is disaster to the people and the country.
    Life after life, NDE and out of body experience,,, her people do not understand it, even they dont now what we are talking about???? Even Phsycologist.
    I wish you all the best.
    Dr haya

  2. Makes sense of the crazy information out there which in itself is polarizing. Either / or…right or wrong etc. And we swallow it whole depending on the ends of the pole we are on. There is no middle ground of understanding. There is no integration.
    Truth is dead..drowned in relativism and fanaticism.

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