Climate Change-Points of Interest

N.B. Because people have become more and more ideological,it has become increasingly difficult to know what is going on in any area of investigation.This includes,amongst others,what is happening with the Covid crisis ,what is the best form of energy (solar,wind,natural gas,nuclear or geothermic) to be investing in,are vaccines really safe and useful and, of course, climate change.As far as I can see,there are NO systematically reliable sources of information out there.So,we need to develop more subtle skills like seeing,hearing,intuition and feeling to separate the chaff from the wheat.What I am sharing here is the fruits of just such an effort on my part-with reference to the Climate Change issue.The trigger for this article was the posting on of the annual Year in Review by David Collum- specifically the 2019 edition.Although I do not agree with everything written by Collum,I do believe he is unusally smart and despite his cynicism,his desire for Truth is sincere(i.e. he is not just another ideologue)-just like  Chris Martenson,the host of the website that published this Review..So here are my conclusions at this point.These conclusions are subject to change with further evidence,as all science should be btw.I totally agree with Collum on that point.There is no such thing as settled science.The latter is theology rather than science.And as any student of religion well knows, even theology is debatable lol. 

  1. The certitude around the concept of Anthropogenic Global Warming (AWG) is misplaced.There are many scientists of considerable training and experience who do not agree.The deniers are increasing while the changers,as they call them,are beginning to question themselves.The infamous and oft-repeated statement that “97% of climate scientists agree about this” is total BS.It is based on what is called in statistical science “selection bias”.It is based on choosing 79 papers amongst over 11,000 possible options in order to confirm their hypothesis.This is also known as “confirmation bias” in the trade!As Collum rightfully said the only thing true in this statement is that 77/79 = 97% But what about the other 10,920 articles?!
  2. The climate is constantly changing,in any case.There was  the Medieval Warming period(950-1250 A.D.)in which the world was considerably hotter than now.They were growing barley in Greenland during that period.And Mediterranean grapes were growing all over Great Britain.Civilization was also resurging (including Islamic Civilization) so people were doing well!
  3. Remember the old caveat in science that correlation is not necessarily causation.Well it is quite possible, and there is some evidence for this,that the temperature increasing is causing the increase in CO2 rather than the contrary! And it appears that plants and trees like the CO2 and grow better with it lol
  4. Collum’s mother calls the famous Michael Mann,the architect of the famous “hockey stick”of global temperature rise made famous by Al Gore,”a piece of work” lol.When journalist Mark Steyn and climate scientist Tim Ball criticized the model Mann had proposed,he decided to sue them for libel! After eight years in the courts,the judge declared that Mann failed to present evidence of his model’s validity .Mann declared that he did not need to produce evidence(similar to Trumps attempt to reverse the election results lol).The judge declared him in contempt of court and ordered him to pay all of Tim Ball’s legal expenses! Is that the kind of authority you would like to be betting on in this debate ?!
  5. (Comical but intriguing tidbit.)Nobel prize-winning physicist Ivar Giaver states that the CO2 spewed into the the global atmosphere  by all the cars in the world is equivalent to sitting in a 20 by 20 by 8 room lighting one match every three years lol
  6. There are many alternative theories of global warming.When I brought this up to two old friends-one a long-time Buddhist practitioner who now joined the Extinction Revolution Movement- and the other a well-read progressive writer,they literally lost it in me! The latter one blurted out in anger”We can’t let the petroleum companies be right.”The first one,the Buddhist,looked like he was ready to slug me if I said one word more.So much for’ ahimsa'(non-violence) lol
  7. As far as I am concerned,the most likely explanation for the modest warming effect we are witnessing is Solar Activity.This is consistent with the Heinrich Svensmark theory of cosmic rays where the sun displaces the cosmic rays so there are less dense clouds and increased temperaure.Physicist Nir Shaviv of the University of Jerusalem,puts it this way.”CO2 emissions don’t play the major role in climate change…the bulk of the climate change is caused by sun via its impact on atmospheric charge which means that most of the climate change comes from nature.A freshman physics student can see this”
  8. “Neither the rate nor the magnitude of the reported late twentieth century surface warming(1979-2000) lay outside of the normal natural variablity”. i.e. even if and I believe it to be so,the climate is warming somewhat,it is not such a big deal,it has happened before and it could reverse at any time-without intervention!
  9. “Melting glaciers are doom porn”(David Collum).While the ice is receding in the Arctic,it is growing in Antartica(Bet you haven’t heard that one!).So the total mass of ice appears to be holding constant!
  10. Global warming,in any case,is NOT the most important issue facing us.A largely separate issue,that of toxins in our air, food, water and construction materials as well as electropollution is a much more immediate threat! That is what is driving the cancer,autism and Alzheimer’s epidemic all around us! And we don’t need any fancy scientific models and instruments to see that.It is all around us!!
  11. Bottom Line :Don’t believe everything you are told! Much of it is “bubbameises” (Yiddish for tales of the grandmothers lol). Do your own research.Think for yourselves! Salaams,Ibrahim

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