Bureaucracy,Empiricism and the American Election

Republican Convention: Some mediocre speeches,some reality.As opposed to the Democratic Convention.Better,more intelligent speeches.Less reality! Fascinating this play between theory and reality.Most people believe in theory! Yes,theory.Because that’s what we’re taught to believe in at our schools.You know- like double-blind ,randomized placebo-controlled studies.That is bureaucratic theory and it has cost thousands of lives! One thing I must say in Trump’s defense.He is THE ONLY politician who sees through bureaucracy-sporadically for sure,but nevertheless from time to time.Everyone else just accepts it.I consider bureaucracy and its natural allies-Empiricism and so-called Rationality THE biggest problem of our times-far beyond even corruption because bureaucracy and Empiricism corrupt our vision and make it impossible to see Reality and act accordingly.This phenomenon is in full view in the current Covid-19 crisis! God help us!

One thought on “Bureaucracy,Empiricism and the American Election”

  1. Joel Ibrahim Kreps
    And btw,Trump is right about vaccines! They could be done much,more quickly but for the bureaucracy! Most of the vaccine problems are due to the long-term effects on the immune system and they refuse to study those anyway.The short-term effects can be seen quickly with much smaller numbers than the 30,000 required.More bureaucracy from the FDA! For once,I hope Russia wins this argument lol

    PPSS Btw,this,the Covid Epidemic, may be a good reason to develop a vaccine and use it! But they have turned people off vaccines by trying to coerce them into accepting unnecessary vaccines in unnecessary numbers so they have generated a strong opposition that no longer makes distinctions.What else is new?!

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