Agitation- The Epidemic of Modern Times

Sheikh Hamza Yusuf states” If there is one characacteristic of modern times that stands out ,it is “ajal”(speediness, restlessness, agitation” ) The Prophet saws said “agitation is from the devil” . And Marie-Louise von Franz author of “The Way of the Dream” and leading exponent of Jungian analysis says in her book:”The most general neurotic symptom today is restlessness. That isn’t yet looked at as a neurosis because everybody is so restless.” I call it the Manhattan Syndrome lol but it is much more widespread than NYC . So what to do about it. Here are s few suggestions:

1) Be fully ware of your agitation in all its manifestations: cognitive, emotional, and physical

2) Use CBT self-talk stratégies to tell yourself things like:”It’s not really that urgent” or “ It can be done later” or “I’m exaggerating the harm of not doing this.” Remember the Caribbean slogan”Don’t worry , be happy”. They have a point! And of course, every situation is unique so you need to be practical and reasonable here. Except what you usually call “ practical and reasonable” is usually obsessional and overambitious in terms of productivity and efficiency.

3) Reorganize your life and your time. Don’t try to do more than is reasonable to do in a given period of time. Look at your to do list . Postpone one- half to one- third of what you have written/ day. This is going to take a lot of self-observation . The models for proper time management are few and far between.

4) Change your life circumstances if need be. Most people need to do this as they are in situations that regularly generates stress!You may have to change jobs or move to another place where people are calmer or move to the countryside. As opposed to what your mind is telling you, you actually have lots of options!

5) If none of this works, you may have to take up meditation lol. But don’t do that as a substitute for the other necessary changes. The society would like you to be stressed out most of the time and take breaks meditating or alternatively watching spectator sports and then back to the stress.The méditative effect , which is real, usually wears off quickly as soon as you are back to your stressful life, na matter what the teachers, who usually wisely avoid those situations , tell you about “generalization” .

Anything else you have discovered , please share with the readers of this blog. Salaams, Ibrahim


5 thoughts on “Agitation- The Epidemic of Modern Times”

  1. As you have said…’one good decision is worth a 100 hours of therapy or meditation…’

    The other point I would add is you define your own achievement. Beware of the social model or consensus of the Good Life!

    1. (Méditation ) la liberté de l’âme .
      (Le stress ) obstacles a la liberté et aussi névralgie de l’âme
      Les structures sociales sont des règles terrestres sans luminosité
      Le cœur d’Allah est une notion de parcelles d’amour a perpétuité
      la sagesse divine nous parlent de ( généralisation )
      Au dessus de moi ; l’univers du grand maître
      J’opte pour l’option de sagesse en remerciant Dieu
      Le stress , évasion étouffante créé par la société humaine .
      L’éternité béatitude a l’infini .
      Salams ,

  2. Foi lumière protectrice au dessus de cette vie terrestre
    chimères dimensionnels robotises par une société ou des hommes sans foi et sans scrupules nous manipulent
    chasser les démons des peines des angoisses et des maladies

    Toujours plus haut , amène moi Hallah dans votre univers éthérique de joies , de soleil et d’amour
    Al hamdoulillah
    a lui j’appartient , a lui je retournerai sur le chemin du paradis .

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